Gottleib ripping Tennessee a new one

I am sorry I just dont listen to people who have Fraud on their rapsheet. I would of never hired him to begin with, and the people who did, have poor judgement. If you want to run a first class orginization, you dont hire people convicted of fraud. You go to Notre Dame and you steal from your roomate?? Classy. Obviously he shows no respect, therefore he will get no respect from me. Stealers/liers/cheaters all fit into this category. End of Story
Yep I am perfect... got a problem with that??

Now go and eat up my bandwith by replying with your stupid smiley faces only
Considering I've never used a smiley face in my time here, I have no idea what you're talking about. Then again, you don't know what you're talking about either, so we're on equal footing.
I am sorry I just dont listen to people who have Fraud on their rapsheet. I would of never hired him to begin with, and the people who did, have poor judgement. If you want to run a first class orginization, you dont hire people convicted of fraud. You go to Notre Dame and you steal from your roomate?? Classy. Obviously he shows no respect, therefore he will get no respect from me. Stealers/liers/cheaters all fit into this category. End of Story

this is a viable candidate for the moronic post Hall of Fame.
I'll consider your sage advice as to who I should or should not associate with as I'm sitting courtside tonight at the Thomas & Mack Center. Then I'll laugh heartily and go on about my business.
Only after you correctly spell "liars." If you are going to be pious, you should at least spell the classification of people you are holding yourself out to be superior to correctly.
Hey, what happened to my post? My statement was only the truth.
From the board rules:

1. Personal Attacks/Family shots will not be tolerated on this board. If you don't like what someone has to say then don't read it or post why you think they are wrong. Posts where members start calling each other names will be deleted and the members risk losing their posting privileges. This may be different from many other boards that you are used to.
I am sorry I just dont listen to people who have Fraud on their rapsheet. I would of never hired him to begin with, and the people who did, have poor judgement. If you want to run a first class orginization, you dont hire people convicted of fraud. You go to Notre Dame and you steal from your roomate?? Classy. Obviously he shows no respect, therefore he will get no respect from me. Stealers/liers/cheaters all fit into this category. End of Story

Okay Churchlady! I have done bad things in the past. I wonder who could have been responsible for that? Maybe SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It appears to me that other posters have this one well in hand. I'm going to catch my flight.
I have decided not to put to much stock in what all these so called "experts" on TV and radio have to say. Just look how many of them picked Memphis to beat us.

I have read much, much worse, but if you want to be fair & even with your delete button, I will live with it. I apologize for calling him a perfect moron even though it was indirect. What is really different between that and describing the post as moronic. Doesn't that say the poster is a moron? I'm not trying to jerk you around, I'm trying to understand. Thanks.
I have read much, much worse, but if you want to be fair & even with your delete button, I will live with it. I apologize for calling him a perfect moron even though it was indirect. What is really different between that and describing the post as moronic. Doesn't that say the poster is a moron? I'm not trying to jerk you around, I'm trying to understand. Thanks.

He is on a mission to purify the nation, rb! you just happened to run out in front of him during his pursuit and he is not wearing a seatbelt!
Go ahead and hire people who steal. Listen to liars, and we will see how far you get in life.

Im a two time convicted felon, one for forgery and one for theft over $500. I now run a ministry that houses 37 women that have been the victims of physical and sexual abuse. They also struggle with life controling problems like addiction, self-mutilation, and various eating disorders. We just paid the facility off in one year to the tune of $850,000. Now, you feel a little foolish for those statements dont you?
I have read much, much worse, but if you want to be fair & even with your delete button, I will live with it. I apologize for calling him a perfect moron even though it was indirect. What is really different between that and describing the post as moronic. Doesn't that say the poster is a moron? I'm not trying to jerk you around, I'm trying to understand. Thanks.

I understand your confusion. I realize that there is some gray area there, but I try to be as fair as I can. If you really want to put a fine point on it, there is a slight distinction between saying, "I think the point you made was stupid" and saying "You are stupid".

Like the language think I mentioned yesterday, it all comes down to having a discourse of ideas (often conflicting) without resorting to behavior found on middle school playgrounds. IE: I disagree with what you said, so you are a stupid doodiehead.

It gets really frustrating reading some of the discussions on here sometimes. I feel like my 7 year old is more mature when she disagrees.

As to you reading much worse, I refer you to another line in the rules:
And if you have a problem with content from another poster, then report it, because we don't catch everything. We believe in freedom of speech, but do it with some class.

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