Government Shutdown.

I haven't heard a thing about this happening nor have I received an email warning that it is a possibility.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I haven't heard a thing about this happening nor have I received an email warning that it is a possibility.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

This was from the Regional Manager of the SSA. Laid out the possibility of it and assured workers that they were in talks to ensure that every measure would be taken to keep offices open even in the event of a shutdown.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm a government contractor as well, but we directly support critical defense infrastructure for theater of operations. I'm assuming they won't send us home.
This could be overly interesting between now and April 18, especially with the corporate deadline on March 15.
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I don't recall this circus working out too well for the GOP in the past. Dems always seem to outflank them on argument that they are being too harsh and holding all these services hostage.
I don't recall this circus working out too well for the GOP in the past. Dems always seem to outflank them on argument that they are being too harsh and holding all these services hostage.

unfortunately that's what happens when you cut off people's flow of guvment cheese
I don't recall this circus working out too well for the GOP in the past. Dems always seem to outflank them on argument that they are being too harsh and holding all these services hostage.

times are different though. people are finally wising up that our public employees are miking the rest of us.
doing nothing is better than obama's doing something, but sooner or later the unions are goign to have to be contained. otherwise we become greece or ireland.

If you don't like Beck, I apologize for this, but what you said got me thinking about something he said months ago...

When all the protests were happening in Greece, he did warn that it could happen here and now it is (to some extent). I've watched him since he was on CCN HLN and much of what he says comes to pass. Rather than viewing him as a hate monger or conspiracy theorist, I'd rather think of him as a plan-for-the-worst-hope-for-the-best kinda guy. I think many of us have fears and theories about the world and given a pulpit like Beck's many of us would be branded the same way. What he says is on the record. What I say? Who gives a crap?

For all of the Beck hater...I get get it, you don't like him. yada yada. I don't care.
times are different though. people are finally wising up that our public employees are miking the rest of us.

I've never been in a union and didn't know a lot about them. This whole hubbub is about the employees of certain companies being forced to pay union dues to work at the company versus having the choice to pay the union dues? Also about the state collecting the union dues versus the union having to do it themselves?

Am I wrong to think it was wrong for the unions to have this kind of power in the first place? Isn't this akin to being forced to buy health insurance? My wife is in nursing school and I hate the fact she's going to be even asked to join a union. AZ is a right-to-work state so I don't think she has to join. What concerns me is what is refusing to join going to cost her? I'm not talking about benefits. Promotions? Preferred stations? etc?
my sister has to pay union dues as a california public employee and she isn't a member of the union. they deduct it directly from her paycheck. it's absurd.

my problem with the unions stems from the far about average salary and benefits.
my sister has to pay union dues as a california public employee and she isn't a member of the union. they deduct it directly from her paycheck. it's absurd.

my problem with the unions stems from the far about average salary and benefits.

What's the point in being forced to pay but not join? Other than figurative? Or political? :)
If you don't like Beck, I apologize for this, but what you said got me thinking about something he said months ago...

When all the protests were happening in Greece, he did warn that it could happen here and now it is (to some extent). I've watched him since he was on CCN HLN and much of what he says comes to pass. Rather than viewing him as a hate monger or conspiracy theorist, I'd rather think of him as a plan-for-the-worst-hope-for-the-best kinda guy. I think many of us have fears and theories about the world and given a pulpit like Beck's many of us would be branded the same way. What he says is on the record. What I say? Who gives a crap?

For all of the Beck hater...I get get it, you don't like him. yada yada. I don't care.

One of two things is true. Either he exaggerates things because he believes it, or he exaggerates things to take advantage of the fear he causes in doing so. Either way, he's exaggerating.

A lot.

And I just think that is irresponsible when you have that many people who listen to you for news, commentary, or even advice.

i'm not a huge fan, but i don't think the guy is any dummy.

He's not. Nut he is very manipulative and convincing, which is where the real problem is, imo.

I think at times (not always, but sometimes) his exaggerations reach the point of being dangerous.
he's hardly the only person to point out the similarities between the socialist euro countries spending on the unions and our govt and he's not exaggerating the risk of continuing this mode.
i've asked her that and she's never given me an answer that makes a lot of sense.

It seems to me that the unions are more afraid of the union dues payers who don't support the union more than they are of the Republicans who are trying to "bust" them. What the Republicans are doing is just giving the dues payers the choice not to pay. It's the fact that they choose not to pay when given the choice that actually busts the union. The republicans aren't trying to prevent anyone from joining a union and paying union dues.

Many of these govt union contracts disallow the state from laying-off the employees under contract no matter whether the state would have to carry a deficit or not. I understand it's this kind of thing (as well as the ancient pension programs) that is really hurting CA?
I'm a government contractor as well, but we directly support critical defense infrastructure for theater of operations. I'm assuming they won't send us home.

If you're like our company we have already billed the government for hours. I'm funded thru the next 3 months. If the government shuts down, I'll simply have to work from corporate HQ, but I'll still be doing my job and charging against the hours my company has been paid for.

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