Government Shutdown.

It seems to me that the unions are more afraid of the union dues payers who don't support the union more than they are of the Republicans who are trying to "bust" them. What the Republicans are doing is just giving the dues payers the choice not to pay. It's the fact that they choose not to pay when given the choice that actually busts the union. The republicans aren't trying to prevent anyone from joining a union and paying union dues.

Many of these govt union contracts disallow the state from laying-off the employees under contract no matter whether the state would have to carry a deficit or not. I understand it's this kind of thing (as well as the ancient pension programs) that is really hurting CA?

in california the problem is the guaranteed raises and guaranteed pensions. another problem is layoffs are almost soley based on seniority which of course breeds laziness and also ensures your most expensive workers keep employed. what you speak of is a problem. in los angeles some of the unions have contracts that if you lay off workers you ahve to give the rest of them a raise. kind of counterproductive obviously.
I spoke with some old timers who where here when it happened in the 90's. They told me they were sent home for about four days and came back, but got backpay for those four days missed.
I spoke with some old timers who where here when it happened in the 90's. They told me they were sent home for about four days and came back, but got backpay for those four days missed.

LOL - paying for hours never worked...and we wonder why we have such a huge national debt.
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How do you figure the Repubs would get tagged for it this time? Just curious.

Seems to me a large number of voters sent conservatives into office to stop the fiscal bleeding and are seeing every dirty tactic in the book being used to thwart their desires, all the while they are struggling to keep their homes, pay for their energy and food needs and cling to their employment. If I were a conservative in office, I'd be confident in playing the game of chicken w/ the Dems this time around.


The people who just took office when sent up there to fix this thing. They mada a line in the sand and if they even remotely cross it they will not be re-elected. If someone does not take a stand soon this country is doomed.
LOL - paying for hours never worked...and we wonder why we have such a huge national debt.

If we get snow here and they close the base, gubbment workers get a full days pay for staying at home. The contractors either have to take vacation or get paid on corporate overhead. Makes sense.
One of two things is true. Either he exaggerates things because he believes it, or he exaggerates things to take advantage of the fear he causes in doing so. Either way, he's exaggerating.

A lot.

And I just think that is irresponsible when you have that many people who listen to you for news, commentary, or even advice.

He's not. Nut he is very manipulative and convincing, which is where the real problem is, imo.

I think at times (not always, but sometimes) his exaggerations reach the point of being dangerous.

He does paint the worst case scenario, if you want to call that an exaggeration then I guess I can't really argue with that. I don't get the impression he really means this worst case scenario is actually going to happen. Him saying that the is painting worst case scenario but that he doubts it will be quite this bad just doesn't have the same impact. He paints the picture to let you know it COULD be that bad. I do not think you could make the case that what he says WILL happen but you also can't make the case that it WILL NOT happen. You can choose to believe one or the other. I choose to think we're on the road to the picture he's painting and I don't want to end up there.
in california the problem is the guaranteed raises and guaranteed pensions. another problem is layoffs are almost soley based on seniority which of course breeds laziness and also ensures your most expensive workers keep employed. what you speak of is a problem. in los angeles some of the unions have contracts that if you lay off workers you ahve to give the rest of them a raise. kind of counterproductive obviously.

Good grief. Something has to be done about that. I don't see how any person with an IQ greater than 80 can understand how that's not sustainable. The worst thing that can happen is not to lose your job but to lose your job and not be able to find another one. In addition, for every dollar they spend I bet they get 5 cents worth of productivity.
san francisco's bus drivers have a contract that guarantees them they are at least the #2 paid bus drivers in the country. most unions have guaranteed raises every year in addition to cost of living increases. 10 years ago their wages were actually resonable, but now they are much higher than private counterparts. arnold actually tried to rein some of this crap in and almost lost the election because of it.

The people who just took office when sent up there to fix this thing. They mada a line in the sand and if they even remotely cross it they will not be re-elected. If someone does not take a stand soon this country is doomed.

What's unfortunate is that this union problem is but one hurdle.
What's unfortunate is that this union problem is but one hurdle.

I personally don't think this will get fixed. The current generations that are able to vote will not make the sacrifice to make the changes needed to allow this country to survive.
san francisco's bus drivers have a contract that guarantees them they are at least the #2 paid bus drivers in the country. most unions have guaranteed raises every year in addition to cost of living increases. 10 years ago their wages were actually resonable, but now they are much higher than private counterparts. arnold actually tried to rein some of this crap in and almost lost the election because of it.

I'm starting to think only an act of God can help California. (I'm not talking about a destructive act so you liberals don't need to get all flustered).
I'm starting to think only an act of God can help California. (I'm not talking about a destructive act so you liberals don't need to get all flustered).

ha ha. i'm not a liberal, but sadly i think the only thing that will balance the budget in this state is a wage freeze and a tax increase. unions just have too much power for anything else. even a threatened bankruptcy likely will only screw the bondholders.
I assumed Droski was a liberal too because he is from Cali but he's not. Just leave him alone when he's on pain killers because he gets moooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I personally don't think this will get fixed. The current generations that are able to vote will not make the sacrifice to make the changes needed to allow this country to survive.

It would be nice to start with a clean slate. Abolish all government and start over with just the Constitution (the amended version). I'm not kidding either.
ha ha. i'm not a liberal, but sadly i think the only thing that will balance the budget in this state is a wage freeze and a tax increase. unions just have too much power for anything else. even a threatened bankruptcy likely will only screw the bondholders.

I made that assumption about you long ago and quickly regretted it. You're one of the most respectable posters on volnation (and not just because you're not a liberal).
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I made that assumption about you long ago and quickly regretted it. You're one of the most respectable posters on volnation (and not just you're not a liberal).


I had to take them for over a year and was able to safely stop them. Had other friends who are just plain addicted to them. Glad you didnt fall in that second group.

i have a family member addicted to them so i was very careful. cracked my tailbone pretty badly and i still have a lot of pain 3 months later, but am sticking to whiskey on the weekend for pain killing purposes.
It's really sad too about Cali because Cali is the prettiest state I have ever visited. I have stayed in La, San Fran, Big Sur, and Sac and all are just amazing in their own seperate way. Sac was like Columbus with Palm trees and nice weather. I can only imagine how it would feel to live in LA and have everything from the beach to Disney to sports teams to mountains to deserts to Vegas all within a days drive.
I'm starting to think only an act of God can help California.

I'm starting to think only an act of God can help the US.

Does anyone see the govt actually reducing debt? Solving our energy problems? Coming up with a solid economic policy that strengthens the US?

I have to say no to all of the above.
I'm starting to think only an act of God can help the US.

Does anyone see the govt actually reducing debt? Solving our energy problems? Coming up with a solid economic policy that strengthens the US?

I have to say no to all of the above.

You're in good company. Samuel Adams believed this. George Washington believed this. Oh, and I do too... :thumbsup:

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