Gravedigger of American Democracy? - - Mitch McConnell.

Her economic policy is garbage but I would pay some cheddar to see you two take an IQ test.

She was an economics major at a prestigious school. If she can’t even get it together on that issue then I’m not sure what else she’s got. Either way I’m thankful for her. Her constituents are dummies so might as well elect some eye candy.
Prime example if why I'd pay for it.

I didn't state any sort of thought or feeling (unless you disagree with my assessment on her economic policy). You just responded as though I did. Idiot.

I might not be triple 9s, but I’m not an SD or more to the left side of the BC like AOC. I’m also not 3 SDs left of center of a normal distribution. Unlike your height.
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So you think that a House Rep has an economic “policy”? Try Ctrl + Alt + Del. After you reboot maybe you’ll do us a solid and write a poem. That’s more in your wheelhouse.
I might not be triple 9s, but I’m not an SD or more to the left side of the BC like AOC. I’m also not 3 SDs left of center of a normal distribution. Unlike your height.

I have always wondered why there is a distinct correlation between the "elite" societies and willingness to eschew aesthetic web design, preferring html from the 90s - vs the "lesser lights" like mensa. Perhaps its a numbers, ergo economic issue.

I did have a pleasant time going to a few meetings when I was a member of one of these once. A good way to get exposure to others working in areas that may not be my forte or usual haunt but pique my curiosity.
Not his fault people keep voting for him. We need term limits, but since that won’t happen, people need to wake the heck up and stop voting for these fossils.
its all because people aren't principled enough to actually vote for who they want. they follow along and are good sheep and vote for who their party tells them has the best chance to win. Bandwagon fans are determining the future of this country and its disgusting.
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I feel bad for us. Worthless greedy bastard couldnt let a new Republican come up to take the seat, now he will fade and the Dem Gov will appoint.

Governor can appoint from a list provided by the Republicans. The GOP will keep the seat.
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No they aren't. It's a nice theory, but the reality is that people will vote incumbent the vast majority of the time because they are too lazy to research the opponent.
well and you bandwagon voters who only want to vote for the winner instead of voting your actual principles.
Governor can appoint from a list provided by the Republicans. The GOP will keep the seat.
The Kentucky governor believes his right to appoint a successor is improperly restricted by this requirement. He may well ignore any GOP list and appoint a Dem. Then the issue will be tied-up in court.
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well and you bandwagon voters who only want to vote for the winner instead of voting your actual principles.
Interesting take. Not really true for everyone, but you do you.

No...... really. The only one who adheres perfectly to my principles is me. And I'm not running. So I have to compromise.

"Compromise" is a word that doesn't exist in the leftist lexicon by the way.

Change my mind.
Interesting take. Not really true for everyone, but you do you.

No...... really. The only one who adheres perfectly to my principles is me. And I'm not running. So I have to compromise.

"Compromise" is a word that doesn't exist in the leftist lexicon by the way.

Change my mind.
of course no one is perfect. but people should only be voting for people they actually want to see in office.
Not voting for one guy just because you like the second guy even less.
If they aren't on your short list in the primary, why would you vote for them in the general?

Its not compromise when you blindly accept the binary options the parties give you.

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