Gravedigger of American Democracy? - - Mitch McConnell.

Mitch makes Biden appear coherent. Please hang it up old fuggers! Those reruns of Murder, She Wrote won't watch themselves.
They are both up there, to be honest.. there are a lot of folks on both sides of the aisle that probably need to call it a day.. their constituents are really the ones to blame, though..they keep getting them elected
Mitch makes Biden appear coherent. Please hang it up old fuggers! Those reruns of Murder, She Wrote won't watch themselves.

Lordy, I can't stand that show, but my mother in law ALWAYS has it on in their house when we go to visit. Thank goodness for smart phones and app subscriptions!
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All these dinosaurs need to be put out to pasture.
70 yo should be the cut off. If you will turn 70 within the first six months of your election / nomination you're ineligible to hold office.
I would include the supreme Court justice as well.
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For all the hate McConnell gets, he is singularly responsible for some pretty important statesmanship.

If Mitch doesn't hold up the Garland confirmation, then we have that shameless tool on the Supreme Court. But not only that, if the Supreme Court seat hadn't been in play, then Trump probably doesn't win in 2016, and Hillary gets to appoint at least two more justices. Perhaps Kennedy wouldn't have retired when he did with a Democrat in office, but maybe he would have. So were it not for McConnell, we're looking at a 6-3 liberal SCOTUS, or 5-3+Kennedy, which isn't much better.
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For all the hate McConnell gets, he is singularly responsible for some pretty important statesmanship.

If Mitch doesn't hold up the Garland confirmation, then we have that shameless tool on the Supreme Court. But not only that, if the Supreme Court seat hadn't been in play, then Trump probably doesn't win in 2016, and Hillary gets to appoint at least two more justices. Perhaps Kennedy wouldn't have retired when he did with a Democrat in office, but maybe he would have. So were it not for McConnell, we're looking at a 6-3 liberal SCOTUS, or 5-3+Kennedy, which isn't much better.

Shameless tool on SCOTUS? You must be talking about Clarence "Can You Take Me On Your Yacht and Pay for My Mom's Home" Thomas?
Time to go. Kentucky already has the best member of the House. They can find someone to replace Massie and he can move up to the big chair.
Seriously, what is the matter with the American voter? We're in love with fkn 80 year old politicians. Can't get enough of them.

In Mitch’s defense I thought he was 7-8 years younger than he is. I thought he was a crooked Coke head but I didn’t expect him to go full Fetterman. I didn’t remember him doing this in previous years.
In Mitch’s defense I thought he was 7-8 years younger than he is. I thought he was a crooked Coke head but I didn’t expect him to go full Fetterman. I didn’t remember him doing this in previous years.

Is that in his defense or your defense? LOL

He knows how old he is. Fkn move on with your life. America will be just as bad off without you.
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