Gravedigger of American Democracy? - - Mitch McConnell.

Benny Johnson
Neurosurgeon I know just texted me in response to the McConnell video saying it’s obvious that McConnell just suffered from an acute stroke.

“You can see it in the eyes. Dead eyes. Forgets where he is and who he is. Cognitive breakdown. Common in stroke patients”
The people should be allowed to choose their representatives.

Agreed, but term limits would not deny that opportunity, it would only narrow the field to choose from. There are already certain restrictions on who can run for office, term limits would just add one more and it is desperately needed.
Mitch McConnell escorted away from press conference after falling silent

"Twelve minutes after the pause during Wednesday's press conference, McConnell returned to the podium and was asked if the incident was related to his injury earlier this year.

“I’m fine,” McConnell responded. When asked whether he was still fully able to do his job, he said, "Yeah." A McConnell aide told Yahoo News that the senator "felt light-headed" and stepped away for a moment."

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Everybody wants terms limits... but they keep voting for the same people.
Well, the people who are there never vote on it because then they would lose their gig.. not what the founders intended.. lifelong politicians lol (changed what I said.. wasn’t lady-like) 😂
Agreed, but term limits would not deny that opportunity, it would only narrow the field to choose from. There are already certain restrictions on who can run for office, term limits would just add one more and it is desperately needed.

If someone has “termed out”, they are no longer eligible to be chosen by the People. You’ve limited their choice.
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It is a concern seeing someone just go "out" like that, like him or not. However, the man is 81 years old. Why even still be in DC? That is not what I want to be doing if I'm fortunate enough to hit 81 in "decent health".
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If someone has “termed out”, they are no longer eligible to be chosen by the People. You’ve limited their choice.

I can see that sentiment, but choice is already limited. A 12 year old boy can’t be Governor, should he be allowed to be just because his ineligibility narrows the choices? Should a child rapist in prison be eligible because his exclusion limits the people’s choices? Restrictions are already there for “the people” and term limits is a worthy restriction. Just my opinion.
I can see that sentiment, but choice is already limited. A 12 year old boy can’t be Governor, should he be allowed to be just because his ineligibility narrows the choices? Should a child rapist in prison be eligible because his exclusion limits the people’s choices? Restrictions are already there for “the people” and term limits is a worthy restriction. Just my opinion.
Who would choose either. But convicted felons can run for office.
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The two-year House term is stupid--too short. It means that the members spend half their time doing reelection-type work, especially the second year. IMO House terms should be four years--and then we should have, say, a three-term limit, so 12 years in office, max. And Senators should be limited to, say, three terms--that's just over 20 years. But we'll never get Congress to vote for putting a term limit on their cushy jobs.
I don’t care so much about term limits as I do campaign finance reform. If an elected official is representing their constituents well for a couple of decades then they shouldn’t necessarily be forced to give them up. But unfortunately they learn how to serve and enrich themselves. Rules and laws could be stronger. Pay and benefits could be cut to make it not so lucrative to spend a lifetime in office.
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