Greatest athlete of all time Mike Tyson

I remember when Lennox Lewis beat Tyson. That was shameful. Granted Tyson was way out of his prime, but I always thought Lennox Lewis was a joke. David Tua would have beaten Lewis if Lewis hadn't ran away and used the long jab for 12 rounds.

I still contend that Tyson was a good brawler and power hitter, but as far as boxing skill there are many that were better, even in his prime. He won on intimidation and landing one punch. JMO, but there is a difference between boxing and fighting.

I agree. He certainly wasn't a finesse boxer. However, if we apply this argument, you would have to leave "physical freakishness" out of the "athlete" or "best of a sport" conversation to only compare players on "skill". That would eliminate a lot of amazing athletes over a lot of sports.
Saul: "A man has the right to change his name to vat ever he vants to change it to. And if a man vants to be called Muhammad Ali, *^%##%^ this is a free country, you should respect his vishes, and call the man Muhammad Ali. Morris: His mamma call him Clay, imma call him Clay. Saul: Then you're a putz. All of you are putzes. They should change the sign outside from My-T-Sharp to 'ze Three Putzes".

His mama called him Clay, Imma call him Clay!! :eek:lol:
Speed/power combo unmatched imo.

I am a former boxer myself although I never went pro I have a few friends that did. That said Mike Tyson isnt close to being the best boxer ever much less athlete.

He is at least in the conversation if your just talking heavy weights but if its all of boxing I wouldn't have him in the top 50.
What boxer would have beat him? prime to prime?

He would have made Ali his bithc!

Not a huge fan of Ali but he would have destroyed Tyson. Anyone with good footwork that could survive the first minute and counter Tyson had a good chance of beating him. Anyone who just stood in front of him and tried to trade with him went to sleep.
I agree. He certainly wasn't a finesse boxer. However, if we apply this argument, you would have to leave "physical freakishness" out of the "athlete" or "best of a sport" conversation to only compare players on "skill". That would eliminate a lot of amazing athletes over a lot of sports.

Yeah, after I posted that it came to mind. CP certainly wasn't the most polished route runner we had last year, but IMO he was our best receiver due to his freakish athletic ability.
Not even close to the greatest athlete. Usain Bolt, Bo Jackson, Herschel Walker, Michael Jordan, Jesse Owens, etc. etc. etc. etc. all better. He isn't the best boxer either. Ali, Frazier with Tyson being 3rd.
Ever heard of Earnie Shavers? Ali took his shots and he was quite possibly the hardest puncher ever. Marciano, Lewis and Shavers were harder punchers than Tyson.

I totally forgot about Shavers....there is no comparison to that era of heavyweight boxing. There were a lot of good fighters then and it seemed like the talent pool really dropped off during Holmes' reign
I still contend that Tyson was a good brawler and power hitter, but as far as boxing skill there are many that were better, even in his prime. He won on intimidation and landing one punch. JMO, but there is a difference between boxing and fighting.

Early in his career when D'mato was alive he was a good fighter and used combinations....when D'msto died and Tyson dropped Rooney he definitely lost his edge and became a "one punch" artist
Early in his career when D'mato was alive he was a good fighter and used combinations....when D'msto died and Tyson dropped Rooney he definitely lost his edge and became a "one punch" artist

When Cus died it was the beginning of the end for Tyson. He's lucky Teddy Atlas didn't blow his brains out.
Looks like the lobotomy is still holding.
@MikeTyson: 16 yrs ago today I had the notorious Bite Fight with @holyfield. I'm so glad we are friends now.
Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete of all time.

or maybe Babe Zaharias

Bruce Jenner, maybe?

Mike Tyson isn't even in the top 100.
Tyson was the product of good fight management.meaning that he was kept away form boxers with good boxing skills
Heck Holyfield in is prime would have killed him. Oh wait he did and he beat the ppl that beat Tyson..
Tyson was spoon fed fighters, his best win was against Micheal Spinks fighting out of his weight class. Ali would have made Mike look almost as foolish as this thread.

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