I'd love to see you post some facts.
When are you going to start?
Fact 1: Yates was urging the administration to get rid of Flynn because he was compromised by the Russians.
Fact 2: Trump fired her three weeks before he fired Flynn, and that was only because Pence made him.
Fact 3: Trump fired Comey.
Fact 4: Trump administration said he fired him based on the recommendation in the memo from Rotstein.
Fact 5: Trump administration said reason for firing Comey was that agency had lost confidence in him.
Fact 6: Facts 4 and 5 were complete lies. Trump decided to fire Comey BEFORE he had Roistein write the backing memo. And, testimony is universal that vast majority of agents had faith in and like Comey.
Fact 7: Trump said the reason he got rid of Comey was because Comey was investigating the Russian scandal.
Fact 8: Trump told Russian agents, in the Oval Office no less, that he fired Comey to take the pressure off of Trump on Russia.
Fact 9: Nunes went up to the WH to view documents as part of an orchestrated (and lamely so) platform whereby the next day he went back and held a press conference announcing that he was telling the WH what it had just told him, as though it was "news."
Fact 10: Trump repeatedly called on wikileaks, which was getting its info from Russian intelligence, to publish more bad things on Clinton.
Fact 11: Trump will not disclose financial details of his life or career, and in fact guards them as secret.
Fact 12: Trump has secured hundreds of millions of loans in the past from Deutschbank, and that bank routinely refinances such loans through Russian bankers and oligarchs that are part of the Russian intelligence apparatus.
Fact 13: Russian agents were noted in 2016 to have discussed using Manafort and Flynn to manipulate Trump.
Fact 14: The Obama administration, and Obama himself, told Trump not to use Flynn as he was compromised by the Russians. Trump did it anyway.
Fact 15: Trump had Kushner meet with Russian agents. No one will disclose what was discussed.
Fact 16: Trump has repeatedly expressed a desire to relax concerns about Russia, including sanctions and military resolve.
Fact 17: Despite all this going on, Trump two days ago would not reaffirm Article 5. But he did make wise about the new NATO hq cost.
That's a start. I think there is enough there to make reasonable people start to wonder about this fellow currently occupying the WH.