In retrospect, there's probably some truth in that. I should have considered the source of the post before adding my commentary. You seem to be a solid, reasonable person. I should have factored that into the equation. I apologize for the implication that you are in any way a racist.
No hard feelings.
I have also been doing some thinking about it and I think I know where you were coming from originally, which is that there is these days almost an expectation and unspoken nod of the head out there that college athletes, particularly black ones, are headed in one of two directions: a pro career or jail. Maybe both.
The ironic thing is that one of the main concepts supporting the current system of college athletics is that a lot of kids who would not otherwise get to go to college do go because of athletic skill, rather than academic prowess. And a lot of them are black. It is supposed to be a benefit of the system we have for college athletics, not a source of stereotyping. And yet it has undeniably become that.
I happen to be an old fashioned liberal Dixiecrat, which if you spend time in Florida you know exactly what I mean. I grew up idolizing the then-dying flames of the formal civil rights movement. I started high school in 1978 and at the time did not begin to realize how different things had been at that high school just 10 years before I got there. I did not know anything different than that, but my parents encouraged my friendships with minorities and so I did not think anything of it.
Not all parents did that. There were quite a few students that were outright racist, calling out racial epithets like it meant nothing. I am convinced that happened because they did not have parents who embraced the changes like mine did. I could not understand that and, with the benefit of 25 years behind me since then, now appreciate how much better my life has been because of my more liberal experience.
Let's face it, in 1978 the parents were definitely still adjusting and how they adjusted rubbed off on my generation, for better or for worse. I like to think better in my case, but I'd be a liar if I said I do not ever see race before I see the person standing in front of me.
Since that time, I've seen and read and heard every stereotype there is. And I struggle all the time to set them aside in my own mind, because I know better. I think the trick is to realize that there are people out there who not only do not try to see through the stereotypes as the overgeneralizations they are, but actually embrace them, and perpetuate them.
And I don't want to be one of those people. I try hard not to be. I probably do not always succeed. But I am aware of it and see it for the ignorance it is and that's probably why I kind of got on my high horse with you and I apologize for that.
So forget it and we'll just get back to normal, which is my quoting you in support of my posts and when it serves my purposes.