Ground zero mosque.

But you know what? I'm done arguing with you. This thread is just turning into a silly pissing contest between you and I. It's hijacking the original point this thread was trying to address.

(I'm sure you feel good that you got your response in before this post. I'm glad you've championed yourself as the one who stuffs the blowhards... what a joke.)

If you don't want to be in a pissing contest, don't start one. If you want to discuss the content of a particular post without getting personal, I'm sure you may get far better responses than you have so far.

Look at the amount of cash churches of any religion brings in and tell me its only about 'saving souls'.

Can't say that is completely untrue, but then what you say isn't universilly true either.
I'm an argumentative guy, but I honestly can't dignify all that propaganda/trash you just dumped on this thread with a rational response. Clearly, you're out of your gourd... I don't think I've ever met anyone who would have lacked enough sanity to even remotely agree with anything you've said.

Seriously, go see a shrink.

OK then, pick just one little item from what I've posted that you classify as 'propaganda/trash' and we'll discuss the veracity of that one little item.

My sanity or lack thereof has nothing to do with the topic.

If you can't even remotely agree with anything I have said then you must live in some sort of imaginary la la land with which I've not yet established contact.

So, you don't think people should think for themselves and follow the teachings of the Bible their own way? There are a million ways to accept the lessons in it, what man dictates HOW one should follow it?

Of course I think everyone should think for themselves and follow the teachings of Jesus as best they can individually.

Christianity is all about the individual's relationship with God and the only way is through Jesus.

I am also a big fan of the teachings of the Tao. Both the writings of and the oral traditions, (which have recently been interpreted and put in written form.)

An Eastern Orthodox priest has written a book titled; "Christ the eternal Tao."

Tao means 'the way', when Jesus said; 'I am the way...", this book maintains Jesus meant he was the physical embodiment of the Tao, or the way.

Nah, I think it's just folks like you. Spreading the sentiment that the world's largest religion needs to be utterly destroyed IS hate, regardless of why you do it.

You're just a nutcase with an agenda.

I don't remember to whom you adressed that post but I don't recall anyone posting of the world's largest religion (I assume you refer to islam) being destroyed.

However islam does teach that all other religions than islam must be overcome and destroyed in the end.

A basic tenent of islam (the very meaning of the word, islam = submission)) is that everyone on Earth must submit to the will of allah. (and islam provides various designees to interpret just exactly what the will of allah is.)

Another aspect of islam is that if your Earthly father is a muslim then you are also, at birth, and if you ever renounce islam then the penalty is death.

Likewise where islamic sharia law is foremost then you must become a muslim, pay an exobitant tax or be put to death.

Therefore fear of consequences contributes heavily to the numbers of people who claim to be muslim.

Likewise you are a nutcase, without even an agenda.
Ball in your court.

I was part of multiple churches when I was younger... and I can tell you it's all a load of organized crap.

Is that so?? What part did you play in that load of organized crap?? If you were much younger then you were still in diapers.
I thought people who wore tin foil hats avoided the internet.

I did also until you and dinkyflicky came along.

BTW, I posted a reply to your odd remark about the Crusades on page 18 of thes thread, you may have missed it.

You can read that in post # 276.

Also in post # 278 there are some statements from a muslim student at UT who was recruited into the muslim brotherhood in the campus cafeteria and then some background on on the muslim brotherhood, their philosophy, connection to the Hitler and the nazis, their aims, goals and activity in American and how the writings and teachings of their founders and early leaders gave birth to al-qaeda, hezbollah, hamas and other islamo/fascist all over the world.
And from this AM's headlines:

Taliban kill 10 on a medical mission in Afghanistan

The religion of peace extends one more olive branch. The leader of the group had been in Afghanistan for decades treating blindness. Why wouldn't the religion of peace always be welcomed in our communities? They regularly demonstrate around the world their tolerance for other faiths and cultures.
The latest:

Half-baked mosque -

The developers of the controversial mosque proposed near Ground Zero own only half the site where they want to construct the $100 million building, .........

One of the two buildings on Park Place is owned by Con Edison, even though Soho Properties told officials and the public that it owns the entire parcel. And any potential sale by Con Ed faces a review by the state Public Service Commission.

“We never heard anything about Con Ed whatsoever,” said a stunned Julie Menin, the chairwoman of Community Board 1, which passed a May resolution supporting the mosque.

SOHO is a section of London, London has been the city to headquarter the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters since they were banned from Egypt about a half century ago.

It has just been announced that 52 British public schools will tgo to all Hallal food served in their cafeterias this year, to appease muslim student's families.

The demands never end.

The sale proposal will go to the Public Service Commission, where it could possibly face a vote by a five-member board controlled by Gov. Paterson.

The Web site for the mosque and community-center project, now called Park 51, says it will be financed “with a mix of equity, financing and contributions.”




Also, 49-51 Park Place is a historical site. It was the founding location of the New York Dry Goods exchange in 1865.
Freedom of religion I'm all for it. It should be put to the test like all other religions that tried a foothold in America by testing its abilities to be integrated.

Outside the Cordoba house on all four sides I would say companies or protesting groups should put up giant billboards (since NYC loves them) of naked women drinking booze and riding on pigs. Make sure that anyone entering or leaving the "learning Center" sees the signs.
well I've missed out on alot of the exchange, DnF, BPV, and GS had a pretty good go at it, and for what it's worth...
There's no way NYC should approve a Mosque, being built around Ground Zero...
I have to say it would be a slap in the face to friends and families who lost loved ones on that horrible day. I know ppl go back to that spot to remember those lost. It is courteous and the right thing to do. I have been to NYC many times and know there are other spots readily available for this mosque if it must be. Personally it makes me sick to make conveniences for those who do not value life but we do it for pedophiles in prison so why not this violent bunch?

USA, where you can be an a$$hole as much as you want and still get cable...
Nice but naieve thought monterey, that isn't the way it works though.

There are many mosques in Manhatten already, every time a mosque is put in place they complain of alchohol served near them, the dhimmis in Albany refuse to renew the liquour license and walla, no mor bar.

There is already a nice bar near 49-51 called 'The Dakota Bar', don't expect it to remain long after 9/11/11 if these pukes are allowed to go on with this insulting project.

Trencherbone: Mosque Blight

Exactly the same thing has happened at Bodh Gaya - the most holy site of Buddhism - where the meditation of peaceful Buddhist monks is deliberately disturbed by prolonged playing of this amplified cacophony from the nearby recently built Mosque:

Just as the amplified wailing at Bodh Gaya, the historical centre of Buddhist culture, is a deliberate 'in-yer-face' insult and humiliation to Buddhists, so the wailing over Oxford, which is perceived by Muslims as a historical centre of Anglosphere culture, is a deliberate 'in-yer-face' insult and humiliation to the English.

Moreover, the caterwaul that dhimmies refer to as a 'call to prayer' is actually far more offensive than that. It is an assertion screeched over an English city in Arabic stating that Islam is the only true religion, that a psychopathic murdering pedophile is a greater spiritual leader than Jesus, and that everyone should worship the Man in the Moon - aka Allah."
I have to say it would be a slap in the face to friends and families who lost loved ones on that horrible day. I know ppl go back to that spot to remember those lost. It is courteous and the right thing to do. I have been to NYC many times and know there are other spots readily available for this mosque if it must be. Personally it makes me sick to make conveniences for those who do not value life but we do it for pedophiles in prison so why not this violent bunch?

USA, where you can be an a$$hole as much as you want and still get cable...

And don't think for one minute this isn't meant to be a slap in the face from the word go.

It is from their teachings, 'humiliate the infidel.'

BTW we pay muslim imans to minister to our prison system and they recruit rapists and pedophiles, telling them they have done nothing wrong because the best example is muhammed and he took a wife that was age six.

Trencherbone: Muslim pedophile gangs prey on British Children

Pedophilia is socially acceptable in Islam because 'the perfect man' Mohammed was a pedophile. In addition, pedophile attacks on 'kuffar' (non-Muslim) children are seen as a legitimate form of jihad, inflicting humiliation and demoralisation on the children and their parents.

Christian women face rape, forced conversion to Muslim | NowPublic News Coverage

Christian teens abducted, raped and coerced into marriage and conversion to Islam does not happen in Egyptian soil alone.[12] In fact, many of them face the same abuses by the Muslim extremist in other countries too. Take Pakistan, for example. 10 years old and 12 years old Christian girls were kidnapped by Muslims and were forced to convert to Islam. The kidnappers later filed a custody over the two pre-teenage girls arguing that they have converted to Islam and the father has no rights of custody over them. When the girls' father went to the police station to testify, the police refuse to 'file the case against the kidnappers because they are known to be members of powerful human trafficking ring.
I did not know that... really disturbing information there.

Unfortunately there seems to be some sort of head in sand approach to islam by the media in this country.


They have their head in the sand so far they may strike oil any day.

I've posted the connection before here showing how Saudi Arabian money has bought politicans on all sorts of issues, especially the banning of oil drilling here on own soil and in our own waters, thus insuring the flow of mega bucks into islamic coffers so that they can fund their anti-america agenda here on our soil, from huge donations to Ivy League and other academic institutions to the building of mosques and paying for radical wahibbi imans to preach their brand of hatred to American citizens and muslim immigrants.

Obama's ban on offshore drilling has seen oil drilling rigs being sent to the waters of Libya, one of the most staunch anti-American regimes in the world, albeit close friend of Obama, Wright and Farrrakhan.

I can see both sides on this. I saw a debate last week and they said it's not a mosque, but a museum of some sorts on islam.

It should be a museum of those that lost their lives that day.

Hey, lets set up a memorial at Pearl Harbor for those "brave" japanese pilots.

While we are at it, we can set up a hitler memorial for all he did for Germany in israel.
Church Near Ground Zero Asking For Attention

Reconstruction of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church near ground zero in Manhattan remains stalled nearly nine years after it was destroyed by the falling south towers. It was the only house of worship destroyed on 9/11/01.

so, 9 years of red tape and hand wringing by local authorities vs. a headlong rush to show the world how "tolerant and diverse" NYC is.
While we are at it, we can set up a hitler memorial for all he did for Germany in israel.

We already have a Stalin statue in a cemetary in Virginia to commemorate our fallen soldiers in WWII.

Give Obambi a little time, I'm sure he will be glad to accomodate you.




What esle can one think of a man who chose to address the German people, over the objections of the Geerman government, before the Victory Column put in place by Adolph Hitler.
What esle can one think of a man who chose to address the German people, over the objections of the Geerman government, before the Victory Column put in place by Adolph Hitler.

at least the Krauts put him in an appropriate setting and didn't want Obama to foul the memory of Reagan's speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate.
Church Near Ground Zero Asking For Attention

so, 9 years of red tape and hand wringing by local authorities vs. a headlong rush to show the world how "tolerant and diverse" NYC is.

No hypocisy among the New York City council, never was!!

If we're talking about peace and tolerance, put a 9/11 memorial in Mecca.


Instead of Pennsylvania???

9/11 Flight 93 Memorial: Tribute to Islam - Atlas Shrugs

Flight 93 memorial: 'Giant mosque'

Naive? Thats exactly how it works. He who funnels more dollars to the city council wins.

Or if Saudi Arabia buys enough dhimmi-rats for long enough time that obstruct American domestic oil drilling and recovery the muslims will have enough money to buy nearly all the American legislators and even place one of their own in the white house???

Let's see, obambi bars all new offshore drilling.

20 + countries continue to drill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Norway opens 94 new blocks of offshore areas for drilling.

Brazil announces they will spend $200 billion drilling offshore in waters up to 23,000 ft deep and the American government gurarantees the loans made my Soros oil company.

Canada continues to drill offshore, proposing to drill many new wells off Newfoundland and Labrador.

New Zealand for the first time opens up fields of the east coast of the north island.

America posposes to aid North Vietnam recover oil in nearby waters.

Out of work floating oil rigs are in route to Libyan waters to recover oil for one of our worst enemies.

Chavez of Venezuela siezes possesion of American owned floating oil rigs because they refuse to drill without being paid.

Just a few of the examples of how the American people are getting screwed.


Job well done, except that it is the american people who are getting jobbed.

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