So, you don't think people should think for themselves and follow the teachings of the Bible their own way? There are a million ways to accept the lessons in it, what man dictates HOW one should follow it?
Of course I think everyone should think for themselves and follow the teachings of Jesus as best they can individually.
Christianity is all about the individual's relationship with God and the only way is through Jesus.
I am also a big fan of the teachings of the Tao. Both the writings of and the oral traditions, (which have recently been interpreted and put in written form.)
An Eastern Orthodox priest has written a book titled; "Christ the eternal Tao."
Tao means 'the way', when Jesus said; 'I am the way...", this book maintains Jesus meant he was the physical embodiment of the Tao, or the way.
Nah, I think it's just folks like you. Spreading the sentiment that the world's largest religion needs to be utterly destroyed IS hate, regardless of why you do it.
You're just a nutcase with an agenda.
I don't remember to whom you adressed that post but I don't recall anyone posting of the world's largest religion (I assume you refer to islam) being destroyed.
However islam does teach that all other religions than islam must be overcome and destroyed in the end.
A basic tenent of islam (the very meaning of the word, islam = submission)) is that everyone on Earth must submit to the will of allah. (and islam provides various designees to interpret just exactly what the will of allah is.)
Another aspect of islam is that if your Earthly father is a muslim then you are also, at birth, and if you ever renounce islam then the penalty is death.
Likewise where islamic sharia law is foremost then you must become a muslim, pay an exobitant tax or be put to death.
Therefore fear of consequences contributes heavily to the numbers of people who claim to be muslim.
Likewise you are a nutcase, without even an agenda.
Ball in your court.
I was part of multiple churches when I was younger... and I can tell you it's all a load of organized crap.
Is that so?? What part did you play in that load of organized crap?? If you were much younger then you were still in diapers.