Ground zero mosque.

How can you not agree with that? It's arguing without a leg to stand on. It's loaded with condescension because I hate it when people argue against things they know NOTHING about.
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You have a point... but again, I never said anyone had to be a moron to be religious. I suppose if people don't like what I have to say, they can extract the most d**kheaded snippets of text from my quotes and paint me with 'em.

No room to piss and moan on my end, I guess.

It goes to prove the point that has been talked about in so many threads on this forum, that while some Christians often like to beat their faith into other peoples heads, atheists or what have you, quite often do the same.

Not saying this was your intent, it's just how it came off to others and I imagine that it is much the same with Christians and their interactions with those that don't believe.
whether I agree or otherwise, you said your commentary was directed at one poster, which this clearly shows is untrue.

Well, BPV, I guess you got me. My posts were directed at 2 or 3 dumbasses instead of just 1. When will I get my lashings? Or are you just going to follow me to other threads all day?
It goes to prove the point that has been talked about in so many threads on this forum, that while some Christians often like to beat their faith into other peoples heads, atheists or what have you, quite often do the same.

Not saying this was your intent, it's just how it came off to others and I imagine that it is much the same with Christians and their interactions with those that don't believe.

No, I see what you're saying. I rarely discuss religion (the whole debate involving deities or lack thereof just gets me pissed off without me realizing it), but when the topic is thrown out there for discussion, I have a tendency to get carried away.
No, I see what you're saying. I rarely discuss religion (the whole debate involving deities or lack thereof just gets me pissed off without me realizing it), but when the topic is thrown out there for discussion, I have a tendency to get carried away.

I am a Christian and I love the debate, why get so angry, especially if you believe its bogus anyway?
"Do not take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for a just cause. If anyone is killed unjustly, We allow his heir (to seek justice) but do not allow him to exceed bounds when it comes to taking life, for he is helped (by the law)" (17:33).
[FONT=Arial, Times New Roman, Palatino, Times]
Except for a just cause...this is quite open ended. What exactly is a just cause? That can really get broad in scope.

[FONT=Arial, Times New Roman, Palatino, Times]"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits, for Allah does not love transgressors. Kill them wherever you catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there. If they fight you, kill them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression and justice and faith in Allah prevail. If they cease, engage in hostility only against those who practice oppression. There is the law of equality of for the prohibited months, and so for all things prohibited. If any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress likewise against him. But be conscious of Allah and know that He is with those who restrain themselves" (2:190-194). [/FONT]

Basically there is Allah-given permission to kill here. And this is very "eye for an eye". I compare that to the 'turn the other cheek' command by Jesus. I'm sure 'context' will be argued here.
Well, BPV, I guess you got me. My posts were directed at 2 or 3 dumbasses instead of just 1. When will I get my lashings? Or are you just going to follow me to other threads all day?

I'm done with it. Was when you stopped lording over us with the point that we don't have the mystical realm figured out while you do.
I am a Christian and I love the debate, why get so angry, especially if you believe its bogus anyway?

It's like discussing politics. These types of debates are LOADED with a lot of misinformed folks. I honestly haven't discussed religion in well over a year before today (Most of my friends hate discussing religion/politics).

The mystical concepts that come with religion are bogus to me... it's the convictions, the intolerance, and the prejudice that make me angry. Basically, anything human nature did to distort religion.
It's like discussing politics. These types of debates are LOADED with a lot of misinformed folks. I honestly haven't discussed religion in well over a year before today (Most of my friends hate discussing religion/politics).

The mystical concepts that come with religion are bogus to me... it's the convictions, the intolerance, and the prejudice that make me angry. Basically, anything human nature did to distort religion.

intolerance, prejudice and all things that distort religion distort all things equally. All those things are equally present in atheism as they are any religion known to man.

It's people, not religion that disturbs you so much. Why the contempt directed toward religion alone?
intolerance, prejudice and all things that distort religion distort all things equally. All those things are equally present in atheism as they are any religion known to man.

It's people, not religion that disturbs you so much. Why the contempt directed toward religion alone?

Wouldn't you say those concepts are somewhat amplified when a group of like-minded people congregate in a house of their respective faith? I've stated multiple times that the human condition is the real problem. We seem to grow worse and worse when we group together.

If I held nearly as much contempt toward religion as I did for people, I would simply have dismissed those who are close to me just for being religious. I'm all about everyone doing their thing until they begin imposing their beliefs on others--regardless of their method of doing so.
Not taking personal swipes so no need to get testy. Just curious as to how you can have a relationship with someone whose views you find pretty contemptuous...
Not taking personal swipes so no need to get testy. Just curious as to how you can have a relationship with someone whose views you find pretty contemptuous...

:eek:hmy: How did I get testy? Lol. I don't find her theological view to be stupid. I actually have a ton of respect for her because she keeps her religion to herself and doesn't feel a need to impose them on me or anyone else she cares about, you know?
:eek:hmy: How did I get testy? Lol. I don't find her theological view to be stupid. I actually have a ton of respect for her because she keeps her religion to herself and doesn't feel a need to impose them on me or anyone else she cares about, you know?

Sorry...that was more a preface to the rest of my statement. The discussion was heated and I wanted you to know what I was asking was not taking a swipe at you. You just mentioned the mystical aspects of religion being bogus. Just wondering how someone who held religious views and in a relationship with you would be viewed.
Sorry...that was more a preface to the rest of my statement. The discussion was heated and I wanted you to know what I was asking was not taking a swipe at you. You just mentioned the mystical aspects of religion being bogus. Just wondering how someone who held religious views and in a relationship with you would be viewed.

Gotcha. I care about the person, not what she believes. We just respect each other enough to not make an issue out of it. If she needs to pray before we go for a walk, it's no problem. If she's fasting, I eat out. I thought it would be weird at first, but it's led to this nice medium of mutual respect.
EVERY SINGLE major religion has had a history of fanaticism and violence... it's called human nature. My girlfriend is a follower of Islam, gsvol... and she doesn't like the idea of the Mosque being built. But that's just a lie, right? She's just a sleeper cell waiting to blow something up, right?

Perhaps your girlfried would be willing then to expalin the 10 million Christians slaughtered in the 20th century in the name of islamic jihad??


Why has islam from it's beginning endeavored to destroy any sign of any other religion as if it never existed??


4th Century Assyrian Church in Saudi Arabia

Islam has been the reason for more rapes, murders, genocides and slavery than all the other 'religions' in the history of the world put together, this is indesputable FACT!

Anyone here who has thrown any form of criticism at Islam is an effin' moron if they're doing so without having first read the the Qur'an (it's obvious most of you haven't because you seem to think it's called the Kuran). I myself am not religious, but I have read both the Bible and the Qur'an multiple times in various translations and it stands: Judaism/Christianity is more bound to the deity, while Islam is more bound to the way of the religion. Violence is a heavy theme in both texts, but at the end of the day, both stress peace. Again, it's human nature that distorts these teachings. Know why? Because most people are idiots.

If there is any effin' moron in the discussion, it is YOU.

Islam stresses peace only when it has achieved complete political, religious and economic domination and even then if there remain any not under the rule of islam then they belong to the 'house of war' and muslims are commanded to make war in someway through 'jihad' against those who are considered to be infidels.

And to elaborate on LawGator's point... read Revelations, kids. It clearly states that if you don't accept Jesus as your savior, your ass is gonna burn in some smokin' hot sulfur. Let me recall a few slogans, bumper stickers, and verses I've seen over the years...

Still that judgement is left to God and not man to enact.

"Jesus is coming, and he's mad. Repent! Repent!" - I thought the sucka couldn't get mad (barring the incident inside the temple when it was being treated like a trading floor).

Bumper sticker smumker sticker.

"Get right or get left."

"And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them." (2 Kings 2:23)

But if that would have been muhammed he would have cut off their heads and then curse them. (keeping the desirable young girls as concubines.)

And just for fun, we'll throw this in:

"No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 23:1)

Perhaps you problem is with Judaism rather than Christianity.

I've digressed, point is, intolerance is the major flaw of the Qur'an (even though it's projected by third parties to be way worse than it actually is) and the major flaw of the Bible is that of fear-mongering. Lesson learned? Whether or not religions are worth believing, the human interpretation of them is seriously screwed up. Gsvol's breaking a buttload of rules right now with the hate he's spreading on here... might be pissing off the wrong sector of the Trinity, lol.

Who's buttload of rules have I broken, those of the ummah??

I merely gave an accurate account of history and quoted directly from the words of islamic leaders, that isn't spreading hate, fyi.

I preach not hate but think it cowardly not to rebuke the hatred preached by muslim leaders.

So who am I pissing off???? Is this some sort of veiled threat??

You are dead wrong again when you say; " major flaw of the Bible is that of fear-mongering", because the most often two repeated words in the Bible are; "fear not."

As a matter of fact it doesn't speak well for the fearful at all.

Maybe I've diressed myself, the bottom line is that muhammed was an illiterate man who had seizures he thought were caused by the devil, his wife convinced them that it came from God and then he became a false profit who denies the divinity of Jesus Christ.

His teachings have been a scourge on mankind since day one and continue to be so right now. Islam is the number one problem confronting civilization today.
Perhaps your girlfried would be willing then to expalin the 10 million Christians slaughtered in the 20th century in the name of islamic jihad??


Why has islam from it's beginning endeavored to destroy any sign of any other religion as if it never existed??


4th Century Assyrian Church in Saudi Arabia

Islam has been the reason for more rapes, murders, genocides and slavery than all the other 'religions' in the history of the world put together, this is indesputable FACT!

If there is any effin' moron in the discussion, it is YOU.

Islam stresses peace only when it has achieved complete political, religious and economic domination and even then if there remain any not under the rule of islam then they belong to the 'house of war' and muslims are commanded to make war in someway through 'jihad' against those who are considered to be infidels.

Still that judgement is left to God and not man to enact.

Bumper sticker smumker sticker.

But if that would have been muhammed he would have cut off their heads and then curse them. (keeping the desirable young girls as concubines.)

Perhaps you problem is with Judaism rather than Christianity.

Who's buttload of rules have I broken, those of the ummah??

I merely gave an accurate account of history and quoted directly from the words of islamic leaders, that isn't spreading hate, fyi.

I preach not hate but think it cowardly not to rebuke the hatred preached by muslim leaders.

So who am I pissing off???? Is this some sort of veiled threat??

You are dead wrong again when you say; " major flaw of the Bible is that of fear-mongering", because the most often two repeated words in the Bible are; "fear not."

As a matter of fact it doesn't speak well for the fearful at all.

Maybe I've diressed myself, the bottom line is that muhammed was an illiterate man who had seizures he thought were caused by the devil, his wife convinced them that it came from God and then he became a false profit who denies the divinity of Jesus Christ.

His teachings have been a scourge on mankind since day one and continue to be so right now. Islam is the number one problem confronting civilization today.

The word that best describes you rhymes with daisy.
He had to roll over, open up the bedside table drawer and get the Gideon's Bible out first....check out time may have interrupted him as well.
I love how he calls it the "rule of Jesus Christ" like Jesus lorded over anything at all. What an ignoramous. I don't think even the staunchest of JC's critics would consider Him a ruler of anything.
I'll try to keep my posts limited to one-sentence quips that generally serve no purpose but to belittle the original post, m'kay? That'll make life fulfilling!

Be sure to sprinkle your posts liberally with words such as idiot and moron, that makes you appear to be ever so more enlightened than the rest of us.

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