IF your friend who is Slovenian fought in those wars... then odds are he fought against the Serbs, not the Muslims. Therefore the Muslims and Croats were his allies. Unless he was a traitor and fought the Muslims, Croats and his fellow countrymen which makes him a low life.
So if he hates the Muslims who had a common enemy (the Serbs) he is either :
1. A Serb and you don't know the difference
2. A traitor
3. A liar
4. He exists in your imagination
Every war has a winner and a loser. The Serbs lost everything thanks to their wonderful war criminal leaders Milosovic, Mladic and excuse my ignorance because I cant remember 3rd guys name and I don't feel like googling it...
So no. You don't know more than I do about the topic and that's saying a lot because I don't know much, only what I read from the liberal media and learned from my hippie professors.
on a serious note : Dayam Miss America is hot!
His reply was to my question; "What do you think of the Clinton policy toward Kosovo." After I saw that it pained him so much to talk about it I didn't ask him any more questions about politics.
There were some clashes between Croat and Slovenian forces in northern Bosnia and he could see the devestation found in burned out Serbian vilages that had been attacked by mujhadeen forces that came from Arabia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Chechnia, Lebanon and other places where there is a significant number of armed, trained radical militant islamists.
I'm told some of our own American troops fought alongside some islamic forces, do you call them traitors??
No the Serbs lost because of deception, Milosovic would never have been elected if not that he promised to do something about Croat and muslim atrocities.
Dr. Alex Dragnich author of 8 books on Balkan history and politics. He headed the history department at Vanderbilt University where he was the recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Award for Outstanding Scholarship. Since 1992, Dr. Dragnich has submitted 42 articles to the New York Times on Bosnia. Not a single one was published.
Yet, if truth be told, Dayton would have never been needed if certain steps had been taken earlier.
Declarations of success should not camouflage failings. Whatever the future may bring, important past historical events should not be buried. What might have been can be constructive.
The civil wars in Yugoslavia were made inevitable by the premature recognition of the secessionist republics by the Western powers. US secretary of state James Baker personally warned the Slovene and the Croat leaders that if they seceded unilaterally, there would be war, but they ignored his admonition.
The Slovenes acted first, and in the words of one-time US ambassador to Yugoslavia John Scanlan, they fired the first shots in the civil war when they shot down a Yugoslav army helicopter. Following intense German pressure, the European powers agreed to the recognition of Slovenia and Croatia, in January 1992.
Soon thereafter, the United States declared that it, too, would recognize Slovenia and Croatia, provided Bosnia-Herzegovina was also recognized.
Didn't Milosovic and Mladic both die while being held in Brussels under mysterious conditions and the outcome of their trials never decided.
Just recently muslims attacked a Serbian officer being held in a British prison, trying to decapitate him.
He was being held there after being convicted of killing 8,000 mujhadeen in Srbrenica.
Why did Serbian army forces advance on Srbrenica, because of widespread slaughter of Serbian Christians in villages and isolated farms and in Srbrenica itself. Those were unarmed Serb civilians, the mujhadeen were and armed fighting force.
Never mind that eyewitness accounts saw the 8,000 retreating from Srbrenica the night before the Serbians arrived and at least 3,000 of them have since voted in Bosnian elections or that no bodies were ever produced, he was still convicted on the testimony of the muslims.
"There is no race which has shown a more heroic desire for freedom than the Serbs or achieved it with less aid from others or at more sacrifice to itself."
British Historian William Harold Temperley
America still owes the Serbians who lost 52% of their adult male population a huge debt from WWII for selfless opposition to the nazis and islamo/fascism but then I don't live in America that cherishes the values I grew up with.
Seriously?? You are seriously sophomoric at best.