We hate Florida because: You owned us in football in the 90s, Spurrier, "the drop", Wuerffel, the Joey Kent hit, lame amusment parks, better selection of hatwear at local stores (this is true, always getting a hat on vacation), you have beaches and we don't, saltwater fishing, your fans are louder, Doering, you think you are really in the south, Kurt Keane, 'yall invented Gaytorade, the Gator chomp, the very hot girls in Gainesville, we cannot talk smack on your basketball tradition (unlike in football), Emmitt the dancing queen, you guys hate FSU more than your biggest conference rival, we have to play in your humid humid weather every other year in September, Dimarco w/the gator clubheads, you have too many reasonably priced courses that would rank right up there w/River Island or Fox Den here in East Tenn, and finally.....trailer parks.