Guys - Oregon is a GREAT team - up there with Bama

I was pulling for UT, heart said we'd beat'em by 3, head we'd lose by 9/10. I thought we were better than the Dooley's 2010 team, guess not. Doesn't change things, they're soft, and a good physical team will run them off the field. We're just not there yet.
Were just not a good team. Worsley is trying he just hasn't got it. Like singers either you have it or you don't. Teams rally around their leader the Qtb. They see what we see the players.
I was pulling for UT, heart said we'd beat'em by 3, head we'd lose by 9/10. I thought we were better than the Dooley's 2010 team, guess not. Doesn't change things, they're soft, and a good physical team will run them off the field. We're just not there yet.

You have no earthly idea what you're talking about. You thought a talent depleted team coming off 3 losing seasons, playing arguably the best most explosive in the country on the road was gonna lose by 9 or 10 pts. Your head told you that? That explains your other ridiculous illogical posts. Again, you're embarrassing yourself.
I do not agree they are better than Bama. They have some VERY good talent, but they are very sloppy also. I don't see them as being very disiplined. Bama is almost robotic!
I don't know why they won't be in it. They're not even the best team in the PAC12 now, check out Stanford that they can't get by these days.

Either you are just really that irrational or you are a really sore loser. I'll guess both.
Either you are just really that irrational or you are a really sore loser. I'll guess both.

He's resorting to what Vol fans sadly have had to resort to the last 5 years, or as I call it "Going Vandy"....meaning because the Vols get housed, they resort to living through other teams or the "wahhh you aren't that good" crap.

We straight up sound like a bunch of losers.
Dude guesses are worth everything you pay for them ... guess away cupcake.

Wow cupcake that's pretty insulting. You really struck at my manhood there. Even though you think you know it all, all you've given in this thread are very uneducated guesses.
He's resorting to what Vol fans sadly have had to resort to the last 5 years, or as I call it "Going Vandy"....meaning because the Vols get housed, they resort to living through other teams or the "wahhh you aren't that good" crap.

We straight up sound like a bunch of losers.

Certainly seems that way today. But no surprise.
i hate this thread. Oregon beats Alabama by 20 points 9 times out of 10.

We will not get beat NEARLY as bad by alabama.
Thanks at least you had the capacity to understand insulting. I underestimated you, not again, you're obviously brilliant, congrats!
No friggin' way, they could not stay on the same field with BAMA, A&M, LSU, or UGA, they would or will be run out of the stadium by any really good SEC team come bowl time.

in that case you are admitting tennessee is a really bad SEC team this year?

i dont think so. i think tennessee could still have a pretty good year.
If we lose to Bama 59-14 then I will sadly already start believing in Butch. I know patience but losing like that is not acceptable. We aren't Austin P
Our next several opponents are really good teams, other than south Alabama. Should we be ok with getting blown out by all of them?

You're sadly misinformed. What team on our remaining schedule even has remotely the same offensive firepower that Oregon has? Not even Bama does. Oregon offensively is on a different level than almost any team in the country.

As good as the teams we face are, none are that explosive. There is a chance we will get blown out again this season but it will be nowhere close to the Oregon game.
Here's the real issue. Tennessee, by default, has a crapload of fans that crawl out of their trailer park on Saturdays, throw on some orange and watch football. They've never set foot in a UT classroom, and their mentality shows. Those are the fans that are currently saying we're done and that Oregon can't hang with anyone else in the SEC. I wouldn't be shocked it Oregon wins the NC this year. And yes, I said win, not just go.
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Maybe some will now take off the Orange glasses (LV). We can not beat a top 10 team. Period. I expect we will lose to Gators by double digits. Overrated OL, slow LB's , very avg. DB's. We still need 2 years of top 10 recruiting. This is a 6-6 team.
We had to have some offense to stay in the game. Just didn't show up. There will be a few Pac 12 teams that play looser than we did today and get up and down the field on UO.
Put down the bottle you have had enough. The only team in the PAC-10 that can beat them is Stanford and I am not sure they can.

ucla can beat them imo hundley is a really good qb

id say washington possibly too but idk

but 2 losses def isnt out of the question i mean they did just lose chip kelly
If Oregan and Bama played next week or week after the Ducks would litterally roll alk over the Tide!
ucla can beat them imo hundley is a really good qb

id say washington possibly too but idk

but 2 losses def isnt out of the question i mean they did just lose chip kelly

Yeah I posted that before I realized UCLA played that good in second half. I just think that to beat Oregon you have to out score them and I am not sure that is possible.

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