Guys - Oregon is a GREAT team - up there with Bama

ucla can beat them imo hundley is a really good qb

id say washington possibly too but idk

but 2 losses def isnt out of the question i mean they did just lose chip kelly

LOL, I mean, I understand if you totally ignore the fact Stanford has lost to Oregon 9 of the last 11 times and state that they will beat Oregon based on last year, but................Washington? Washington is the powerhouse that can beat Oregon? Whatever your smoking, puff puff give man. Puff Puff give.
Here's the real issue. Tennessee, by default, has a crapload of fans that crawl out of their trailer park on Saturdays, throw on some orange and watch football. They've never set foot in a UT classroom, and their mentality show are the fans that are currently saying we're done and that Oregon can't hang with anyone else in the SEC. I wouldn't be shocked it Oregon wins the NC this year. And yes, I said win, not just go.

You don't have to have steped foot in a UT classroom to be a fan and some that have are just as dumb as the ones your talking about.

Also before everybody crowns the Ducks and claim they are the fastest in history, They have played who yet to get an idea of how good they are?

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