You can't quitSerious question. If you were to "quit" the Redskins, which team would you latch onto? I have no rooting interest in any other team. The closest team would be the Packers because I loved watching Favre play and they just kept rolling with Rodgers. Even with them though, I don't really care about them and I think the whole cheese head thing I'd weird. So who would you cheer for?
Serious question. If you were to "quit" the Redskins, which team would you latch onto? I have no rooting interest in any other team. The closest team would be the Packers because I loved watching Favre play and they just kept rolling with Rodgers. Even with them though, I don't really care about them and I think the whole cheese head thing I'd weird. So who would you cheer for?
You can't quit
This is true. Part of me has a fantasy that once the name finally gets changed (I still think it's inevitable although now that we suck again, the story is fading away like always) I can just start fresh with a new team. But I don't like any other teams. Not even a little.
If the A's folded or Beane and Lew pissed me off beyond consoling, I could dive head first into Cardinals fandom. I like the Bulls, Hornets and Hawks pretty much equally as well, although I don't watch much NBA. But while I love watching the NFL, the only things that matter to me are the Redskins winning and the Cowboys, Broncos and Giants losing.