Nobody with two-licks of sense is blaming Worley for last night.
For that matter, within the team, I'm sure he went from being "the leader" to being "The Man." It was one of the toughest performances I've seen from a UT QB since Shuler / Bama 92.
I haven't seen one post that blames Worley for the loss. This is just another thread bashing other posters for no real reason.
His brains were scrambled eggs. I was impressed he could even stand by halftime. That pass rush and Striker were making our line look like it is FBS level.
The Pick six was just terrible play calling. Going 5 wide within the 5 yard line is so easy to defend with zone coverage I wouldn't do it in a video game.
Worley showed poise amid the pressure and made good downfield reads.i'm proud of the team not looking rattled or panic.
I'd hate to be an HIV positive African dirt farmer whose entire family just got diagnosed with Ebola. Worley is on a full scholarship getting Lord knows what kind of fringe benefits and gets his name splashed all over national television weekly.
Nobody with two-licks of sense is blaming Worley for last night.
For that matter, within the team, I'm sure he went from being "the leader" to being "The Man." It was one of the toughest performances I've seen from a UT QB since Shuler / Bama 92.
I'm absolutely amazed he managed that pressure as well as he did. I mean, allowing that many sacks is unreal, but it could have seriously been a record breaking night for OU in that department if Worley wasnt getting the ball out quick and eluding rushers.
We also had 2 sacks erased by penalty
I'd hate to be an HIV positive African dirt farmer whose entire family just got diagnosed with Ebola. Worley is on a full scholarship getting Lord knows what kind of fringe benefits and gets his name splashed all over national television weekly.
I hope you never complain then. This kind of example is we aren't allowed to complain or ever feel sorry for ourselves because someone somewhere has it worse than us? The severity of the problems of others has no impact on the personal experience of lesser problems.
I'd hate to be an HIV positive African dirt farmer whose entire family just got diagnosed with Ebola. Worley is on a full scholarship getting Lord knows what kind of fringe benefits and gets his name splashed all over national television weekly.
The Pick six was just terrible play calling. Going 5 wide within the 5 yard line is so easy to defend with zone coverage I wouldn't do it in a video game.
I haven't seen one post that blames Worley for the loss. This is just another thread bashing other posters for no real reason.