Hats Off To The Ducks

Congratulations on the win and good luck the rest of the season. No excuses for our loss, we were schooled and spanked by a MUCH better team. Question for everyone though, was it just me or was there as many uncalled blocks in the back as thought I saw. Nearly every play or at least every other play and pretty dang obvious in my opinion. Is it just a non call out west?
I'm not upset about the loss, Oregon is at a better place and they have some outstanding playmakers. They also waited a long time to be this good so for the old school Oregon fans I'm happy for.

That being said, they weren't 59-14 better than us. I feel like with a better game plan and some smarter plays we could have kept it within 14-21 points. Some of those throws Worley HAS to make. Several times our receivers were wide open. I'm done griping now, good luck the rest of the season Ducks I would love to see your offense vs Bamas D. Would be a hell of a game and thanks for the majority of you keeping it classy.
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Congratulations on the win and good luck the rest of the season. No excuses for our loss, we were schooled and spanked by a MUCH better team. Question for everyone though, was it just me or was there as many uncalled blocks in the back as thought I saw. Nearly every play or at least every other play and pretty dang obvious in my opinion. Is it just a non call out west?

One block in the back call. One blocking out of bounds call. One chop block call. Lots and lots of no calls and a bunch of trash talking. The ducks are fun to watch but dirty. I reckon they are coached that way.
Our fans want to play against better competition. And you ARE better competition. The SEC chant wasn't mocking you, it was PROPPING you. Your one of the better teams in the country although you don't feel that way today. You guys have a good team and a good coach. I bet money you beat Florida. We won today, and maybe Alabama beats us. Who knows. But don't take our chants the wrong way.

Haha. You seem like a good guy and thanks for not rubbing salt into the wound but we all know they were taunting us by doing that. Not that I blame your fans, after all the SEC this SEC that and the fact you made us look like a pee wee team id say it was warranted. But it wasn't paying us a compliment.
Haha. You seem like a good guy and thanks for not rubbing salt into the wound but we all know they were taunting us by doing that. Not that I blame your fans, after all the SEC this SEC that and the fact you made us look like a pee wee team id say it was warranted. But it wasn't paying us a compliment.

You may be right, I wasn't at the game(I live in Alabama actually). But Duck fans rarely act like jackasses unless your Washington or Oregon State, so that would surprise me.
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You may be right, I wasn't at the game(I live in Alabama actually). But Duck fans rarely act like jackasses unless your Washington or Oregon State, so that would surprise me.

Either way it's been fun and I hope some of you guys stick around on the board for the remainder of the season. I said if UT didn't keep it competitive id be here to eat my crow, i just request a little sriracha on top of it for taste.
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Either way it's been fun and I hope some of you guys stick around on the board for the remainder of the season. I said if UT didn't keep it competitive id be here to eat my crow, i just request a little sriracha on top of it for taste.

I'll be sticking around. I can't stand half the SEC. Florida is always overrated, Alabama always gets the benefit of the doubt and Saban is a jackass, Auburn bought themselves a National Championship, and LSU is one of the worst coached teams in the nation, but they are so talented, it never gets called out. I like S. Car and Tenn. Hell I even like Georgia.
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Our fans want to play against better competition. And you ARE better competition. The SEC chant wasn't mocking you, it was PROPPING you. Your one of the better teams in the country although you don't feel that way today. You guys have a good team and a good coach. I bet money you beat Florida. We won today, and maybe Alabama beats us. Who knows. But don't take our chants the wrong way.

It's hard to see that but I can see your point of view.
Most of the Volnation may not see it but we scored more on the Ducks than the first two teams that they played.

Clearly, there is a reason that O is #2 in the country right now. Your speed is the wow factor for your team and honestly, there is not many teams that can keep up.

We have a very young team and their inexperience showed today. But we will shake this loss of and move on.

My hat is off to you and your team for playing one hell of a game.

A lot of people look at the SEC Chant as your fan taunting us. The SEC does have the reputation of being the best conference in the nation, however, we did not show that today.

Interesting thing is...we have a harder schedule than most if not all of every team this season.
I'll be sticking around. I can't stand half the SEC. Florida is always overrated, Alabama always gets the benefit of the doubt and Saban is a jackass, Auburn bought themselves a National Championship, and LSU is one of the worst coached teams in the nation, but they are so talented, it never gets called out. I like S. Car and Tenn. Hell I even like Georgia.

Just like we can't stand UCLA and especially USC.
I'll be sticking around. I can't stand half the SEC. Florida is always overrated, Alabama always gets the benefit of the doubt and Saban is a jackass, Auburn bought themselves a National Championship, and LSU is one of the worst coached teams in the nation, but they are so talented, it never gets called out. I like S. Car and Tenn. Hell I even like Georgia.

Regarding LSUU, I think also Miles makes some dumb calls but he has a horseshoe up his ass and they work. Then everyone says he's some kind of innovative genius.
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To be fair my hatred of the ketchup n mustard has nothing to do with Kiffin. I've never liked them. Just that whole my s*** doesn't stink attitude. Kinda like Notre Dame.
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Regarding LSUU, I think also Miles makes some dumb calls but he has a horseshoe up his ass and they work. Then everyone says he's some kind of innovative genius.

You aint lying. The ball always seems to bounce his way doesn't it?

Saban is so overrated. You wanna know his secret? And I'm 42 and have been watching college football since 83'. Saban wins so many games because 1. He has 5 stars. He has 5 stars starting, he has 5 stars on the bench. Hell, he has 5 star athletes as waterboys just in case the first 4 get injured. Wanna see Saban's real coaching ability? Watch him in the NFL. He can't coach. Period. He depends on those 5 stars. Take those away, he's a small, naked man with a small............Well you know.
2. The Ol school voters will ALWAYS give the SEC the benefit of the doubt, so until they die, you will never see a true picture of college football. Hell, K-State could have played Alabama harder then Notre Dame did. But again, the Ol school voters are still living in 1972 and see the Irish as the team to beat.
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I always wondered what he uses to get a 5* kid to come to Alabama. He's not exactly mr personality.
I wish you guys well the rest of the season. You've got great fans and this is an excellent board. Again, congrats to the fans for representing TN so well today at Autzen.
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First and foremost, I would like to say that Oregon’s offense is a work of art, so long as you are not on the receiving end of it. From a comparative perspective, I would also like to state that, whether the offensive scheme is power-run based, pass-happy or balanced, Oregon, right now, executes their offense as well or better than anyone I have watched since the Oklahoma wishbone teams of old. For what little it may be worth, that opinion covers 46 years of closely observing the sport.
. I like S. Car and Tenn. Hell I even like Georgia.

Whoa Whoa there Duckie, tap the brakes on that last statement. Georgia is the worst team in the east, always doing the least with the most and with the most spoiled fan base who thinks they should win the Title every year. They have a coach who can win 10 a year, every year, and yet they want 14 wins and he can't do that.

My 2 favorite teams are UT and whoever (including Al-Queida) is playing Georgia.

The greatest joy i have is listening to a Georgia Post Game call in show after their first loss of the year (every year). They are classic "Fire Richt". I told many of them i would trade coaches and take 10 wins a year, they are so foolish they say "heck yeah".

so let's back off the "Like Georgia" a bit ok?

*Previous note a personal opinion and not a reflection of VolNation or the UT fan base, just one sad man's opinion who lived in Georgia 21 years before returning home to God's Country in East Tennessee.
Our fans want to play against better competition. And you ARE better competition. The SEC chant wasn't mocking you, it was PROPPING you. Your one of the better teams in the country although you don't feel that way today. You guys have a good team and a good coach. I bet money you beat Florida. We won today, and maybe Alabama beats us. Who knows. But don't take our chants the wrong way.

Come on; it was taunting, but I have no complaints...not over the line imo. Players and fans ought to be allowed some celebration. We lost and feel bad. You won and feel good.
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