Healthcare Worker vaccine was terrible decision

Ok, so you have zero compassion for underprivileged. What about millions on Medicare? They worked and funded the system thru their entire working career? Do you shove them in a few hospitals? Do you have parents or grandparents you want treated like that?
That’s not going to happen….. most hospitals were already mandating vaccination with the federal guidelines.
I can assure you guys that whoever came up with a ridiculous number like "1%" is either intentionally fabricating data, didn't conduct an actual study, or has already included all the filed exemptions. I'm not going to debate it, but trust me. Our local hospitals alone stand to lose a number of the best specialist physicians, nurses, and ancillary staff that we have.
I can assure you guys that whoever came up with a ridiculous number like "1%" is either intentionally fabricating data, didn't conduct an actual study, or has already included all the filed exemptions. I'm not going to debate it, but trust me. Our local hospitals alone stand to lose a number of the best specialist physicians, nurses, and ancillary staff that we have.
I'm not saying in any way that Corona is fake, or the vaccine doesn't help anyone. That said, I've been skeptical about numbers during all of this. Watch the news right now, and they swear only the unvaccinated are getting sick, dying, etc. Meanwhile, literally the only people I know sick, and running to get tested because they're worried, are vaccinated. Our safety guy at work had a meeting, bragged about having the shot and the boosters, and tried telling us the only people missing work were unvaccinated. We argued him, because the only few people out are all vaccinated, then he turned around and missed two weeks because, yep, he's positive. Throw in the dr on CNN trying to say it was coincidence that all the young vaccinated adults were having strokes and heart attacks, and it was caused by climate change 🤣. Idk, I know people are sick, I know unvaccinated are sick, I do believe the news is full of crap though.
Young healthy people are crazy taking the vaccine & even those who developed the vaxxed admit long term effects are unknown.
That’s not going to happen….. most hospitals were already mandating vaccination with the federal guidelines.

Of course it’s not going to happen. The court upheld the mandate. No government payment system, CMS contract or Presidential mandate should ever supersede the rights bestowed on every American by the Constitution.
Young healthy people are crazy taking the vaccine & even those who developed the vaxxed admit long term effects are unknown.
Just a few months ago they were calling people conspiracy theorists for talking about it changing women's menstrual cycles, now it's all over the news that it's true. "They didn't know" the effects it would have on their menstrual cycle. Just like the boosters, "they didn't know ", the shot wouldn't last, and they'd need boosters. Yet, we're supposed to believe "they know " there's no long term effects from the vaccine? That's like people talking about long term effects of covid, it's only existed barely two years, but the same ones say there's no long term effects of the vaccine. It's nothing political for many of us, it's the hypocrisy and stuff that doesn't even make common sense.
Just a few months ago they were calling people conspiracy theorists for talking about it changing women's menstrual cycles, now it's all over the news that it's true. "They didn't know" the effects it would have on their menstrual cycle. Just like the boosters, "they didn't know ", the shot wouldn't last, and they'd need boosters. Yet, we're supposed to believe "they know " there's no long term effects from the vaccine? That's like people talking about long term effects of covid, it's only existed barely two years, but the same ones say there's no long term effects of the vaccine. It's nothing political for many of us, it's the hypocrisy and stuff that doesn't even make common sense.
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Just a few months ago they were calling people conspiracy theorists for talking about it changing women's menstrual cycles, now it's all over the news that it's true. "They didn't know" the effects it would have on their menstrual cycle. Just like the boosters, "they didn't know ", the shot wouldn't last, and they'd need boosters. Yet, we're supposed to believe "they know " there's no long term effects from the vaccine? That's like people talking about long term effects of covid, it's only existed barely two years, but the same ones say there's no long term effects of the vaccine. It's nothing political for many of us, it's the hypocrisy and stuff that doesn't even make common sense.

BUT, don't you worry, someone will be along shortly to tell those of us who care for patients with CV19 on a daily basis what is actually true. It's so infuriating -- insulting, honestly -- and I have to take a break from the forum periodically in order to deal with it.
The unvaccinated numbers of healthcare workers are minimal. This is an extensive list. Most of the hospitals it’s less than 1/2 a percent unvaccinated.

Update January 4 2022

Vaccination-related employee departures at 52 hospitals, health systems

You know, maybe folks could also just get their dumbasses vaxxed and not tax the system the way we're currently doing it. But nah, let's blame Biden. We don't wanna do nutin' ourselves to curb this virus, but we do wanna beotch that Biden hasn't done anything to fix things. Like a horse demanding water when he's standing in front of a lake.
You know, maybe folks could also just get their dumbasses vaxxed and not tax the system the way we're currently doing it. But nah, let's blame Biden. We don't wanna do nutin' ourselves to curb this virus, but we do wanna beotch that Biden hasn't done anything to fix things. Like a horse demanding water when he's standing in front of a lake.
Would you mind explaining to the crowd how I and my numerous healthy colleagues/friends who have contracted CV, recovered uneventfully at home, developed antibodies (which are clearly superior to vaccination with the new variant), and continued to care for patients with CV for the past two years are "taxing the system?"
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Would you mind explaining to the crowd how I and my numerous healthy colleagues/friends who have contracted CV, recovered uneventfully at home, developed antibodies (which are clearly superior to vaccination with the new variant), and continued to care for patients with CV for the past two years are "taxing the system?"
Even with a prior covid illness, you'd be better protected with a vaccine than without. Those with higher degrees of protection--however it is obtained--are less likely to get infected in the first place, and if they do get infected, they are much more likely to have a mild case that does not require hospitalization. Seems like we would want our healthcare workers to be as protected as they can be. But nah, take your ball home and pout and show us how much you love freedumb.
I'm not saying in any way that Corona is fake, or the vaccine doesn't help anyone. That said, I've been skeptical about numbers during all of this. Watch the news right now, and they swear only the unvaccinated are getting sick, dying, etc. Meanwhile, literally the only people I know sick, and running to get tested because they're worried, are vaccinated. Our safety guy at work had a meeting, bragged about having the shot and the boosters, and tried telling us the only people missing work were unvaccinated. We argued him, because the only few people out are all vaccinated, then he turned around and missed two weeks because, yep, he's positive. Throw in the dr on CNN trying to say it was coincidence that all the young vaccinated adults were having strokes and heart attacks, and it was caused by climate change 🤣. Idk, I know people are sick, I know unvaccinated are sick, I do believe the news is full of crap though.
Yeah….. the media and our politicians have turned this issue from a logical discussion( which it should be) to an irrational discussion based on emotion.
I can assure you guys that whoever came up with a ridiculous number like "1%" is either intentionally fabricating data, didn't conduct an actual study, or has already included all the filed exemptions. I'm not going to debate it, but trust me. Our local hospitals alone stand to lose a number of the best specialist physicians, nurses, and ancillary staff that we have.
Just curious…. What are you seeing at your practice as far as side effects from the vaccine?
You know, maybe folks could also just get their dumbasses vaxxed and not tax the system the way we're currently doing it. But nah, let's blame Biden. We don't wanna do nutin' ourselves to curb this virus, but we do wanna beotch that Biden hasn't done anything to fix things. Like a horse demanding water when he's standing in front of a lake.

Remember when biden said he was gonna defeat the virus?

Even with a prior covid illness, you'd be better protected with a vaccine than without. Those with higher degrees of protection--however it is obtained--are less likely to get infected in the first place, and if they do get infected, they are much more likely to have a mild case that does not require hospitalization. Seems like we would want our healthcare workers to be as protected as they can be. But nah, take your ball home and pout and show us how much you love freedumb.

You trying to debate a physician over the merits of a fake vaccine is ****ing hilarious! Even the corrupt WHO has admitted the shots destroy your immune system and recommend to stop the booster shots.We were all lied to about the severity and Mortality rate due to a cold virus including the amount of deaths due to Multiple Comorbities.
I looked through the list I posted and here are ones that would be more middle America and the south, even Tennessee. Just posting ones where they gave the percentage.

New Orleans 1%, Shreveport 5%, North Carolina .3%
View attachment 428378

Kansas 1%
View attachment 428380

Chattanooga less than 1%
View attachment 428381

Every article that you’ve posted trying to lay the blame on unvaxxed people has quoted labor shortages and being short staffed in it . The health care system was short staffed before Covid , now subtract your 1%-5% from that total . You understand now why you can’t post articles about a taxed system without it being brought up as a serious problem ? Smh
You trying to debate a physician over the merits of a fake vaccine is ****ing hilarious! Even the corrupt WHO has admitted the shots destroy your immune system and recommend to stop the booster shots.We were all lied to about the severity and Mortality rate due to a cold virus including the amount of deaths due to Multiple Comorbities.
Let's wait for the good doctor to respond. He knows full well that those with hybrid immunity (recovered from covid and vaxxed) have greater immune protection.
Even with a prior covid illness, you'd be better protected with a vaccine than without. Those with higher degrees of protection--however it is obtained--are less likely to get infected in the first place, and if they do get infected, they are much more likely to have a mild case that does not require hospitalization. Seems like we would want our healthcare workers to be as protected as they can be. But nah, take your ball home and pout and show us how much you love freedumb.
Such an angry and clueless cat lady. Having recovered from the Rona he has a full spectrum of immune system components but according to your science(tm) it would be even better if he had a vax that only targeted a single spike protein. I mean clearly when his body fought off the Rona it said “never mind that spike protein they have a vax for that and we’re sure he will go get it now” 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡
Such an angry and clueless cat lady. Having recovered from the Rona he has a full spectrum of immune system components but according to your science(tm) it would be even better if he had a vax that only targeted a single spike protein. I mean clearly when his body fought off the Rona it said “never mind that spike protein they have a vax for that and we’re sure he will go get it now” 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡

Escape from the kiddie table again?

COVID super-immunity: one of the pandemic’s great puzzles
Even with a prior covid illness, you'd be better protected with a vaccine than without. Those with higher degrees of protection--however it is obtained--are less likely to get infected in the first place, and if they do get infected, they are much more likely to have a mild case that does not require hospitalization. Seems like we would want our healthcare workers to be as protected as they can be. But nah, take your ball home and pout and show us how much you love freedumb.
You're so clueless. If I were a liberal, I would be embarrassed that people like you actually share your thoughts publicly, because it makes you all look like a bunch of condescending trolls unable to engage in critical thinking or intelligent conversation.

I actually take my ball to the office and hospital every day and take care of COVID patients. Keep telling me that you're right, though. Maybe next time we can all avoid hospitalization, unlike the last time when we drank Powerade and played Xbox for a few days.

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