Heather Harrington on the Sports Animal makes my...



Doctor of Orange
Sep 8, 2009
head want to explode. Am I just having a bad day or is she really that lost when it comes to UT football? :banghead2:
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She is one of the worst people on sports radio in the country, it's just awful.

Then again, I'm not quite sure why anyone would have a woman for sports talk to begin with....
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Great, she played volleyball...who gives a damn. That's like me listening to football talk from a guy who played soccer....I don't care, your opinion means jack to me or any other man for that matter.
She's vacuous to the extreme. That entire show should be tested for brain function. One can only assume that the station gets gets a significant tax break for hiring the mentally handicapped.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
She is one of the worst people on sports radio in the country, it's just awful.

Then again, I'm not quite sure why anyone would have a woman for sports talk to begin with....

I don't mind that she's a woman, but I'm not sure I need a former volleyball player who fell into a radio position trying to tell me about my Vols that I've been following since before she was born.....especially when she's wrong about 70% of the time. I must be having a bad day.

Here she goes again......predicting we will have 70,000 people in the stands unless we're winning 9-10 games per year. Shoot me in the right eye! Muurrr!
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Think she boned her way onto the show?

Doubtful. The ESPN affiliate station in Atlanta all-the-sudden has a chick on the morning show, and they spend a bunch of time talking about stuff like American Idol. I assume sports talk morning shows nationwide are making moves to pick up a female audience demographic in order to boost ad revenue. If there are no serious sports talk alternatives, the male listeners will be a captive audience and will have a hard time abandoning the show. It's a win/win for the station... except the show starts to stink. But that's only a secondary consideration. It's a business after all.
head want to explode. Am I just having a bad day or is she really that lost when it comes to UT football? :banghead2:
I'll give Heather a pass because she is a female.

What is Dearstone's excuse? I'm sorry, but Dearstone has said more dumb stuff than anything you could even lie about on Heather. And I'm not sure if Jeff is still on that show or not, but you need to ask why a Tenn Tech football player doesn't know as much as Heather Harrington? He got corrected on several occasions by her on the show. So again, what is his excuse?

I'm not gonna pile on and drag her down if those 2 men (that played sports) actually are dumber than she is.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
head want to explode. Am I just having a bad day or is she really that lost when it comes to UT football? :banghead2:

I think she fits right in with the rest of the crew. None seems to be the brightest crayon in the box..just saying...:)
She is one of the worst people on sports radio in the country, it's just awful.

Then again, I'm not quite sure why anyone would have a woman for sports talk to begin with....

I'd talk sports with Erin Andrews or Jenn Brown any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Yep, it is hard to view her as being credible with pictures like this.
Although, I do like the picture. :)
She's a heckuva a lot smarter than that moron Dearstone. He should stick to Lady Vols play by play, where he does a fair job. His fake argumentative crap got old a couple of years ago but he continues with that incessant inane drivel. If they would get rid of Dearstone, Ms Harrington would be more than tolerable.
Last week she asked Dooley a question that wasn't even factual and Dooley's expression was classic. Not sure if it's on youtube, but it was awesome.

It was so bad that other reporters were correcting her and she was like "oh was it, ok, sorry about that".
She's a heckuva a lot smarter than that moron Dearstone. He should stick to Lady Vols play by play, where he does a fair job. His fake argumentative crap got old a couple of years ago but he continues with that incessant inane drivel. If they would get rid of Dearstone, Ms Harrington would be more than tolerable.

Totally agree
Dearstone is the reason I rarely listen.
Don't have a problem with Heather
Last week she asked Dooley a question that wasn't even factual and Dooley's expression was classic. Not sure if it's on youtube, but it was awesome.

It was so bad that other reporters were correcting her and she was like "oh was it, ok, sorry about that".

I heard about that. Something about her asking Dooley if they've worked on getting better at holding strong on the line for kicks. Heard he was like, "uh, we didn't struggle with that", and someone reminded her that she was thinking of two years ago.
She's dreadfully bad, but Dearstone is the one who should truly be embarrassed. I can't get Mike and Mike until about 15 minutes into my 30 minute commute to work. So glad Free Beer and Hot Wings are back on in Knoxville. Now I won't have to settle for the nonsense on WNML.
Heather is at least working at getting better, unlike her co-hosts. She was insanely bad 2 years ago, now she's sub-par, but it's still a step up. She really seems to be working on things, and for someone that probably didn't know anything about football until recently she's not doing that bad. If she continues to work hard she might end up being ok. Those other 2 jokers have no excuse for being on the radio.
Last week she asked Dooley a question that wasn't even factual and Dooley's expression was classic. Not sure if it's on youtube, but it was awesome.

It was so bad that other reporters were correcting her and she was like "oh was it, ok, sorry about that".

I saw that. Cracked me up.

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