Heather Harrington on the Sports Animal makes my...

I can't listen to it. Dearstone is terrible & never admits he is wrong. Jeff goes along with whatever Mickey says. Heather is the best thnig the show has but that does not say much. Her opinion is always waaayyyyy out there.
Heather is at least working at getting better, unlike her co-hosts. She was insanely bad 2 years ago, now she's sub-par, but it's still a step up. She really seems to be working on things, and for someone that probably didn't know anything about football until recently she's not doing that bad. If she continues to work hard she might end up being ok. Those other 2 jokers have no excuse for being on the radio.

I have similar sentiment, although I don't think Jeff is a bad radio guy. The main problem is Dearstone.

Jeff is OK, Harrington is consistently getting better - two years ago what she contributed was inane, now she has the occasional screw ups but they interspersed with some decent commentary. Which I can live with, because she'll back off a foolish statement when called on it, unlike . . . Micky Dearstone.

Dearstone is awful. Hands down the worst guy on Knoxville radio. I don't understand all the Hyams hate on the board when that guy is running amuck on the morning drive. I honestly change the channel when he starts his "No, that's not what I'm saying . . ." and then takes 2 minutes to explain what he's saying because he lead in with a non-sensical comment to start the whole debate that had nothing to do with his actual opinion.

When will they get rid of the guy and hire Terry Fair away from that second run radio station. He's the best guy in Knoxville, played for the Vols, and is terrific. He doesn't have natural radio voice, but he makes up for it by being well spoken, intelligent and knowing what the hell he's talking about.
A few weeks ago when Dearstone was out and Heather ran the show, it was the best week the morning show has had in a while. It was basically Heather running the call board, with Timmy G chiming in, and Jeff just coasting like he always does and doing on-air commercials.

Dearstone is so close-minded, and he thinks it's funny to disagree with EVERYONE. Even when he is proven wrong, he'll weasel his way out and say something like "oh, you didn't specify that, of course it's the other way if that's a stipulation."

Heather's got a good handle on recruiting, but the inflection she forces with her voice sounds like she's a car salesman trying to get my to buy something. Blech.

My biggest gripe with the morning show is their lack of formulated talking points. Every morning, every hour, every week, every show, it's the same garbage.

-Good morning for 6 minutes
-4 minute break
-Callers for 6 minutes
-4 minute break
-Callers for 6 minutes
-4 minute break
-Random argument (maybe a call)
-4 minute break
-Callers for 6 minutes
-4 minute break
-Callers for 6 minutes
-Break for the top of the hour.

Rinse. Repeat.
I have similar sentiment, although I don't think Jeff is a bad radio guy. The main problem is Dearstone.

Jeff is OK, Harrington is consistently getting better - two years ago what she contributed was inane, now she has the occasional screw ups but they interspersed with some decent commentary. Which I can live with, because she'll back off a foolish statement when called on it, unlike . . . Micky Dearstone.

Dearstone is awful. Hands down the worst guy on Knoxville radio. I don't understand all the Hyams hate on the board when that guy is running amuck on the morning drive. I honestly change the channel when he starts his "No, that's not what I'm saying . . ." and then takes 2 minutes to explain what he's saying because he lead in with a non-sensical comment to start the whole debate that had nothing to do with his actual opinion.

When will they get rid of the guy and hire Terry Fair away from that second run radio station. He's the best guy in Knoxville, played for the Vols, and is terrific. He doesn't have natural radio voice, but he makes up for it by being well spoken, intelligent and knowing what the hell he's talking about.

Probably not any time soon. I'm pretty sure Dearstone owns or is at least responsible for all the hiring and firing of the radio personalities at the Sports Animal. I'd be willing to bet he isn't going to fire himself.
So what you guys are saying is, Knoxville radio is garbage?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

judging from the posts bashing HH and then wycheck,1045 the zone.
Im guessing most VN posters want to hear John Ward to sports radio since all of the 'hate' on the vols
Last week she asked Dooley a question that wasn't even factual and Dooley's expression was classic. Not sure if it's on youtube, but it was awesome.

It was so bad that other reporters were correcting her and she was like "oh was it, ok, sorry about that".

what was the question?
what was the question?

She was asking about the "problems" they had last year with penetration on field goals (obviously referring to the Bama game 2 years ago and all of Lincoln's problems.) Dooley looked at her like she had two heads....it was pretty good.
Last week she asked Dooley a question that wasn't even factual and Dooley's expression was classic. Not sure if it's on youtube, but it was awesome.

It was so bad that other reporters were correcting her and she was like "oh was it, ok, sorry about that".

She asked Dooley the other day why the Vols were so bad last year in kick coverage. Dooley was dumbfounded about the question and reminded her that aspect of the season was very good.
Ask Kevin Simon....

Yep...she was with Simon for a while...she asked CDD about penetration at the line on special teams last year and CDD looked at her and said he doesn't remember that at all, then someone else said that was the year before and CDD just rolled his eyes at her. You would think she would at least know about penetration.
hehe i hope she comes to my party...ill show her how to split the uprights....lol
View attachment 40174

Yep, it is hard to view her as being credible with pictures like this.
Although, I do like the picture. :)

I don't give a damn if she knows anything or not this pic makes up for it!!!!

I listen to the animal on my iPhone app and I think they do a pretty good job. I'm a 104.5 zone fan the morning show and 3HL is awesome but I don't listen to plaz much anymore, super nice guy though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I bet if you took a poll, everybody on the radio would have low approval ratings. One thing you can say about Heather is she is giving her all for Tennessee. Maybe we should all listen to something else if we hate them all so much.
it's a great morning show. heather talking out of her rear, micky telling everyone that women's sports and athletic abilities are on par with men's, and jeff's quarter-hourly updates on ohio state. great stuff!

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