Heather Harrington on the Sports Animal makes my...

Probably not any time soon. I'm pretty sure Dearstone owns or is at least responsible for all the hiring and firing of the radio personalities at the Sports Animal. I'd be willing to bet he isn't going to fire himself.

Didn't know that. Well, his boss sucks then.
The morning show is terrible and Heather is only a small part of that. Mickey is an idiot and just can't ever admit he's wrong. Jeff is a panzy! And the regular callers are even worse. I try to listen on the way to work and I have to turn the radio off every 2 minutes.
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When will they get rid of the guy and hire Terry Fair away from that second run radio station. He's the best guy in Knoxville, played for the Vols, and is terrific. He doesn't have natural radio voice, but he makes up for it by being well spoken, intelligent and knowing what the hell he's talking about.

I was with you until I read this part. I'm sorry but Terry Fair is not good on the radio at all. I can't stand to listen to him for more than a few minutes at a time.
Some of you guys need a punch to the face. Give the woman a break. If you don't like, don't listen.
The morning show is terrible and Heather is only a small part of that. Mickey is an idiot and just can't ever admit he's wrong. Jeff is a panzy! And the regular callers are even worse. I try to listen on the way to work and I have to turn the radio off every 2 minutes.
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I change the station as soon as Josh calls. I wait about 5 minutes and change it back. He's usually still talking so I change it again. I can't stand listening to him go on and on. He should get his own show if he likes talking on the radio that much.
Never heard of her. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.
If she's working for sports radio, then the strip club must not have been accepting résumés on that day.
Not sure if I can explain it but I feel like he stumbles with his words a lot. Plus, anytime there is a issue involving players, he always seems to side with the players. Kind of gets on my nerves.

Maybe I haven't given him a "Fair" chance. I'll try to listen to his show on the way home today.
I change the station as soon as Josh calls. I wait about 5 minutes and change it back. He's usually still talking so I change it again. I can't stand listening to him go on and on. He should get his own show if he likes talking on the radio that much.

Completely agree. If i hear him going into work i have to change it. If im goin home from work i tolerate it cause im used to the bs by then.
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Does that megadouche Chris still call moron talk in the afternoon with his "take"? I hate that idiot! He's less knowledgeable than Jimmy.
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Does that megadouche Chris still call moron talk in the afternoon with his "take"? I hate that idiot! He's less knowledgeable than Jimmy.
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Not as much as he used to.
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You keep posting pics like that, my wife will never let me come back to this site:naughty:

Not trying to get anyone in trouble! I have to watch what I rad on here all the time, in front of the wife that is.

DO NOT look at loserswithsocks.com (UT blog site)in front of her for sure!
I feel bad for him. So to make it interesting I try to figure out what he said. Pretty fun u should try it!
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I feel bad for him too but my head starts hurting if I listen very long. I have no idea how John and Jimmy know what he's saying. Kudos to them.

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