Yeah, I get that some people feel this way.
I don't understand it. But I get that it exists.
For me, the future is 50% of who we are. The past is the other 50%. They both exist and have roughly equal importance. Some might say the future is more important because it is open to our influence, it represents decisions not yet made, paths not yet chosen. Okay. Others will say, though, that the past is more significant because it is unchangeable, fixed, certain. What happened there, we live with for all time, while the future is yet undecided.
Me, I think of them as equally important and valuable, just in different ways. I'm proud to brag on our program when sitting around with a bunch of fans of other schools. I like being able to point out that our team is more successful than theirs, better than theirs, as proven by having won more than them. I enjoy the position of strength a notable past provides when talking about the future.
But yeah, you do you, brother. Some of us do care. Leave us to it.