Here comes the new BCS rankings....

I think they need to scan the computer for a virus.It's obviously infected with the west coast bias.:BANGHEAD2:
Bottom line: take care of business.

The one thing that really irks me is the ranking for Cal. It's just amazing that we both have one loss, and Cal's was TO US, after a (don't be fooled) DOMINATATION win by UT. Those that saw the game know that we could have probably won by 40, had we kept the steam on. I don't fault our staff, at all, as we got great early-season experience for the young guys.

End of story: tough games against LSU and Arky coming up. Take care of business, and I think that it all comes out in the wash.
Bottom line: take care of business.

The one thing that really irks me is the ranking for Cal. It's just amazing that we both have one loss, and Cal's was TO US, after a (don't be fooled) DOMINATATION win by UT. Those that saw the game know that we could have probably won by 40, had we kept the steam on. I don't fault our staff, at all, as we got great early-season experience for the young guys.

End of story: tough games against LSU and Arky coming up. Take care of business, and I think that it all comes out in the wash.

That's the thing KD, the humans have us ahead of them as they should... but the COMPUTERS have Cal with the #3 average! Our average is 10 or 11. Insane.
That's the thing KD, the humans have us ahead of them as they should... but the COMPUTERS have Cal with the #3 average! Our average is 10 or 11. Insane.

Computers will rule the world sooner or later. I saw it in Terminator 2. Pretty soon you'll have to deal with Cal being national champions every year regardless of their record.
Computers will rule the world sooner or later. I saw it in Terminator 2. Pretty soon you'll have to deal with Cal being national champions every year regardless of their record.
Coach O will save us from the computers.
First things first... SEC Championship. It would take alot of things to go our way to even conceive a hope for the National Title Game. First things first SC needs to beat Florida and we need to beat #13 LSU. That will help us immensly. Then we beat #12 Ark. Wind up the season and beat #5 Auburn in the SEC Championship. Once all this comes to pass then and only then even mention the Chmpionship Game. FIRST THINGS FIRST, ONE GAME AT A TIME!

No kidding. We BY FAR have the toughest road ahead of us of any ranked team, with perhaps the exception of USC.

Winning against LSU and Arkansas is going to require a massive effort. One I think this Tennessee team is capable of, but not one that allows much latitude in terms of sloppy play. And let's not forget that Kentucky played Florida tight for a while, and Vandy plays us well as a rule.

It feels really good to watch Ainge out there, for the most part, especially towards the fourth quarter. He's proving more and more clutch as the year progresses. We just need to make sure that we bury teams early. No more of this falling behind garbage that we've been doing.

Keep your fingers crossed, but I believe it's entirely too early to say that we're getting screwed by the computers, even if you can smell the bloated stinking fish on the west coast from here.... We've got to get out of the Tiger's din and the Hog's thicket before we can start to worry about that.
I honestly believe that our matchups with the cupcakes (Marshall, Memphis, and Air Force) are holding us back a bit. I think winning against Arkansas and LSU will get us up in the top 5 when the time comes as far as the BCS is concerned....kind of a "What have you done for me lately" thing. All of this will be a moot point unless we win out. And I myself have my doubts. LSU is plenty capable of exposing our run "D" problem, and, I dont even want to think about that. All the griping is pointless, lets see where we are at the end of the season.

If we win out and we are still 11, then I will be right here with you guys moaning about the BCS.
Can some one help me? I heard on Colin Cowherd last week that a team that does not win thier confrence championship game cannot go to the title game. I did not catch all of what he was saying so could someone explainit to me?
Well, Maybe not this season...but who knows?

I do know Oklahoma got blew out against Kansas St. in 2003 during their conference championship game, but advanced to the NC game where LSU beat them . I dont think you can rule it out, but things may not line up like that this season.
It is might be a new rule becuase Colin, Corso and someone else were talking about the new rules and how they are changing the game.
The computer polls still screwing us.

What are the computer polls looking at??? I know that a few of them look at forecasting based on history until all the teams are linked thru season play...that has now been achieved and I can't figure out why they have UT ranked so low. Our SOS isn't bad and neither is anything else...I just don't get it. The computer polls are supposed to be completely analytical.
What are the computer polls looking at??? I know that a few of them look at forecasting based on history until all the teams are linked thru season play...that has now been achieved and I can't figure out why they have UT ranked so low. Our SOS isn't bad and neither is anything else...I just don't get it. The computer polls are supposed to be completely analytical.

That's the thing, they ARE completely unbiased analytical. The computer rankings as of now, don't take into consideration head to head match-ups. The biggest difference, and I think the computer rankings get tooooo much criticism, is that people think they are the end all of being able to spot talent.

But the truth in this is that while I agree the computers have something missing and are off right now, people overestimate their own knowledge of football or overestimate their knack for picking which team has more talent.

In the end, the computer rankings ARE unbiased, but another problem is that 5-3 South Carolina is considered an easier game in the SOS than a 6-1 Tulsa. Obviously, SC is the tougher opponent.
BCS= B divided by C= BS.....Just win out guys that's all we can do, you can't separate the love affair bteween the PAC-10 and the computers....Along with Notre Dame....It's pathetic
I believe your math is way off.



Again...there are a ton of head to head matchups involving 5 of the teams ranked ahead of us!!! Why can't anyone deduce that? The BCS is not handing out Bowl Bids until after those games!!!

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