Hey Guys....

Only advice I could give you is to get your sleep now while you can, because you aren't going to get much of it during boot. Keep your head down, do what you are told, and memorize your general orders. The hardest part of Navy boot is mental and able to act when your mind and body is tired. Good luck to you and if you need any help with anything or have questions, just let me know.
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Jmoore Thanks for all the great recruiting news you bring to this board when I sign on every day I would checkout every thread you post on because I know I could get good info But foremost I thank you for your service to this great nation. Like Freak said you can get letters if you leave someone your mailing address we will be sure you get your recruiting fix after NSD. Thanks again Volswitten1
Don't worry about the instructor. Just take'em a mason jar of some of that fine Cocke County liquor. Good luck.
As most of you probably already know I will be leaving for Basic Training for the Navy in 2 weeks, I have alot of things I have to get done & stuff I need to get in order before I leave. I will be posting alot less these next 2 weeks & I will disapper for probably 3 months. I wanted to thank everyone for putting up with me the last few months. It sucks I'll be gone for NSD & I wont even know who Tennessee was able to sign until Mid-April. While you guys are having fun with all the recruiting news I'll be getting up at 5:00am every morning getting yelled at & doing plenty of pushups. Have fun through the best time of the year for recruiting & I hope everyone stays safe through the Holidays.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years, Go Vols!! :hi:

Mods, Freak said I could put this thread in the recruiting forum since this is the place I stay the most. Freak will delete this thread in a few days more than likely. Thanks for the great site & for all you do to keep it that way.

Best of luck, jmoore. Thank you for your service to the country. Return safely.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Good luck and God bless! Look forward to your safe return and future posts! We truly appreciate all of VN's service men and women (actually every service man and woman in the country)!
San Diego. I was there in 84.

I hope he goes there. Great Lakes is not real fun this time of year. Shoveling snow at 2am in a blizzard sucks.

Should we tell JM about the after bootcamp party and the realisation that you are wearing thirteen button pants?
Ah crap now I have to do all my own research. Lol

Good luck man. And I respect you for what you're doing for me and this country.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Jmoore, going to miss the info you bring to this board. But a big thanks for what your doing for us and our country.
JMoore is a five star in my book and he is fast twitch as they come, thanks for what you do on this board and good luck.
Enjoy what you bring to the table. Thank you for your service and may God have His hand over you! Merry Christmas!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I forgot what its called but there was this one thing, a training we had to do that was pretty fun. Had to stay up all night, run from station to station and do diff things. Alot of fun and than they treat you to this great breakfast once you pass and they give you a NAVY ball cap!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Good luck jmo your info is one of the best on the board.you will be missed and good luck and god bless
Appreciate your service jmoore! LV, Matt Sullivan, now you?? Who's going to give us our recruiting news now??

Don't worry. I hear CodyG and his brother are still around.

Seriously tho...thanks jmoore. We look forward to you getting back and keeping my cheap @$$ up to date w/ news.
Jmoore stay safe my friend. It is not all that bad if you go in with the right attitude. Don't stand out and do what your told. Do not volunteer for anything. 18 year vet here so i know alittle about what i am talking about in this subject. Thanks for picking up where i am about to leave off. Can't wait til you are done and updating us all. Merry Christmas my brother in arms and GOD speed

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