Hey Vol Fans! Check out the new version of Rocky Top

Back to your day job, OP...

I mean, in a casual bar setting this probably wouldn't be frowned upon, but I feel like if you're going to remix a treasured anthem you really gotta bring something new to the table. Either change the chord structure, the lyrics, bring some interesting harmonies in through backing vocals, etc. It's gotta have a fresh hook. "But Voltopia, no one will like it if I mess with Rocky Top." Yeah but you're already messing with Rocky Top, and they're already going to not like it - so make something memorable out of it.

Whatever this is though, nothing will ever be as bad as that awful "touchdown! You know it, you want it!" psuedo-rap stuff they were blaring on Cumberland back in the early 2000s. Woof.
I would rather listen to this than any of those Inky Johnson wannabe Tony Robbin’s videos. At least this guy is sincere.
Y’all are brutal. I know this group of folks here are obviously gonna be particular about Rocky Top and understandably so, but I wouldn’t insult the man to his face over it. He had fun doing his own take on a song that he, himself loves. Tone down the hate!
Jeez. Tough crowd. lol

But yeah, not good. This version would be on something like a hallmark movie.

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