Toe to toe.LG, you should just take your defeat and leave well enough alone.I'm sure there are mulitple,fresh out of grad school attorneys, you can intimidate with your "John Wayne Bullxxxx, just not on this board.The state-of-the-Gators thread.... Its (sniffle) gone. I logged on this a.m. just to go toe-to-toe with hatvol again and you politically correct sob's took the thread down? Whaaaaaa........
Toe to toe.LG, you should just take your defeat and leave well enough alone.I'm sure there are mulitple,fresh out of grad school attorneys, you can intimidate with your "John Wayne Bullxxxx, just not on this board.Look,LG, it takes you two paragraphs to make your point, Hat responds with two/three sentences and he comes away vindicated (so to speak).
Just messing with you LG!
I'll answer that for him. YES
LOL. I realize that what you are TRYING to do is discount the strength of the teams that beat you so as not to give them their due. But I just can't get over the fact that your argument is that the way you know this is that UT sucked sooo bad it was no accomplishment to beat them.