He is a TROLL. After he was busted he edited his post to try and cover his tracks but replies to his original post gave him away. Come on out Tidal Surge. What a piece of $#*%$.
Someone needs to find out if Nathan Cole is a Bama fan. Also It is a violation if Satan said anything to the player other than hello and that There was no seniors Satan was recruiting there.....CAN You say BUSTED!!!!
You know, after reading so many posts about how innocent a fog machine and mock press conference really are (and I agree), it makes me chuckle to read so many of you in utter outrage over the "extended" bump. I'm not flaming anyone but, come on, you have to admit it is funny.
I wish everyone would stop trying to pin stuff on Satan. When you are a good recruiter people will put you under a microscope. That's why Coach Kiffin has been scrutinized. He came in with little time and did a fantastic job of recruiting. We just need to worry about what we are going to do in September and let the NCAA worry about the bammers.k:
Sorry about the Troll visit. I just thought you guys should consider that Ron Higgins' article just might be misleading. ESPN.com CFB writer Chris Low, who happens to be a graduate of your fine university, (no sacasm intended) certainly seems to think that's possible.
High school coach says Saban did nothing wrong - SEC - ESPN
Anyway, most Bama fans will view this issue through Crimson glasses and most Vol fans through Orange glasses. Feel free to ban Volsterifik if you like, because I'll not bother you guys anymore anyway. Good luck this fall. See ya'll in T-Town in October. :wavey: