Highly Rated Films That You Didn't Like

+1 for Grand Budapest Hotel. Talk about a film obsessed with itself...
+1 for Grand Budapest Hotel. Talk about a film obsessed with itself...

The universal acclaim for that movie was a bit much, but I still liked it. To me, it was just a quirky, visually stylized little mystery movie centered around eccentric characters, amusing one-liners, and a unique set design.

It was an entertaining, almost cute little hour and a half film, but that's pretty much it. I appreciate the artistic aspect of it, but I didn't think there was anything earth shattering about it. Solid 7/10 but nothing more.
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to the people saying Grand Budapest Hotel...

what exactly are yalls opinions on Wes Anderson's other work?
Citizen Kane
Pulp Fiction (strangely enough, love most of the rest of Tarantino's work, just wasn't crazy about this one)
The Shining
Die Hard
Pan's Labyrinth
Gone Girl
The Grand Budapest Hotel

I love all of those except Grand Budapest and I never watched Boyhood.
to the people saying Grand Budapest Hotel...

what exactly are yalls opinions on Wes Anderson's other work?

I'm not a fan of most of his stuff, but I respect his cinematography chops; lots of Kubrick influence with the way he sets up shots.

I find the subject matter and plots of his films to be long winded and boring, however. I get the eccentric humor, I just don't find it all that amusing
I'm not a fan of most of his stuff, but I respect his cinematography chops; lots of Kubrick influence with the way he sets up shots.

I find the subject matter and plots of his films to be long winded and boring, however. I get the eccentric humor, I just don't find it all that amusing

that's what i figured. i respect that, Wes Anderson isn't for everybody. GBH is probably him at his "Wes Anderson-iest" too.

was just curious how GBH has been getting listed a whole bunch whereas his other work hasn't been listed at all. i find it kind of hard to believe someone could love the majority of WA films and absolutely hate GBH or describe it as "Talk about a film obsessed with itself."


i think you're in the wrong thread.

that should be in the extremely awesome movies thread.
2001: A Space Odyssey I know it's considered a classic, but I found it to be slow at times.The music score wasn't to my taste and the run time is so long it took me several times to complete the movie.
2001: A Space Odyssey I know it's considered a classic, but I found it to be slow at times.The music score wasn't to my taste and the run time is so long it took me several times to complete the movie.

You HAVE to read to book to appreciate that movie IMO.
It is difficult to pick one, but the Two Towers is my favorite as well (and my favorite Tolkien novel). But I love all three of the films. I'm not sure if it was critically acclaimed, but the first Hobbit movie was absolutely terrible. I didn't even bother watching the second, and this is coming from a huge Lord of the Rings fan; I read the trilogy every summer. Massive let down by Peter Jackson.

The Two Towers was epic awesome! Agree about the first Hobbit movie...put me in mental traction.
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2001: A Space Odyssey I know it's considered a classic, but I found it to be slow at times.The music score wasn't to my taste and the run time is so long it took me several times to complete the movie.

Piggybacking on that Kubrick theme, A Clockwork Orange. Some critics have pegged it as the greatest movie ever...unwatchable for me.
Indeed. There was nothing special about it. At all.

I've tried watching it on three different occasions just out of respect for the story, and each time I've simply lost interest within the first half hour. And the last two times I even kept the movie on, hoping it'd gain my attention back at some point, but it never did. I'd eventually just look up from my phone to see the credits rolling.

I say give it a few more years and it will be mentioned right up there with Shakespeare in Love as one of the worst movies to ever win Best Picture.
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