You would've been the first with a confirmed black puma sighting. I don't think they have an allele that would allow them to have a solid black coat. Not saying they don't but I have read anything about it.
I totally get what your saying. You know how you see something that isn't supposed to be and then you start questioning yourself?
Well, I did the same thing here, but there were 4 of my family members with me and witnessed the same thing.
There were 2 bucks, several grown doe, and several fawns in the field. The black cat was laying at the edge of the field beside a clump of thicket stalking. The tail of the cat was as long as the body and in comparison to the deer it was as long/big in comparison.
The bucks were approaching the cat with horns down and bobbing there heads and stomping, but at a safe distance.
I had time to get my scoped gun and watch this transpire.
After really thinking about the situation I wished I had shot it, drug it to the house, and told the TWRA I shot in self defense due to it stalking my playing daughter in the yard. There is a self defense rule even though they dont exist in east Tennessee.
I also have one more panther story. When I was 6 or 7 I had a black cat named Tito (I was a Jackson family fan at that time, so whatever). The cat lived at my Grandmother's which is the same place as my prior story. My grandmother said she heard a screaming noise one night like a woman screaming. Later on she heard a noise of Tito in a fight with something. She said she opened the back door to find a huge black cat after Tito. She said the cat made one swipe of its paw catching my cat in the back quarter of its body. She screamed at the cat and it ran off. But once she got out to my cat it was damaged so badly the Vet had to remove it's back leg.
So, I had a 3 legged cat named Tito for many years as a child. I still remember the stitches on that cat's back haunch.