Hire Holgerson....



No Disassemble!
Jan 13, 2005
If he got a good defensive coordinator, he would dominate the SEC with the offense he runs. Think Petrino without all the baggage.
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His offense just freaking scores!!! It doesn't hurt that he's got the Heisman for this year on his team either.

I don't doubt that we would score if he was here. But they have given up tons of points already this year, and some of those were to bad teams.
I don't doubt that we would score if he was here. But they have given up tons of points already this year, and some of those were to bad teams.

I think he would hire a good defensive staff, because he would know he has to. If he brought his staff from WVU with him, I would be disappointed. I just love the swag of WVU right now.
I think he would hire a good defensive staff, because he would know he has to. If he brought his staff from WVU with him, I would be disappointed. I just love the swag of WVU right now.

Don't get me wrong, I love a high flying offense as much as the next guy, but I don't see it working. If WVU winds up playing Bama in the NC, I would take Bama big.
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It would be intersting to see what Holgorsen would do with a great staff. He would need to hire an elite defensive coordinator and some top-notch recuiters to succeed in the SEC.
That type of offense would not work in SEC to good of defenses and to much speed. But then again anything is better than what we got now.
Everytime I see a hire this guy thread and people are wanting a Pass Happy Spread offense loving HC, I like to remind them we already have an OC like that - and he sucks in the SEC. Teams with those types of offenses tend to be very weak/soft on defense. The way you play in practice has an effect on your team's mentality. Defenses that prep all week against non-physical offense have issues on game day. Also, remember what has happened in big games with those offenses against SEC defenses (even middle tier teams)? SEC defense usually slows them down or stops them cold.
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I live in WV, and watch WVU regularly. As mentioned earlier, the defenses he faces are less than stellar. Besides that, his off field antics would never fly in Knoxville, just think kiffin with a drinking problem!!
Also, he just signed a 5 or 6 year extension.

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