Hire Holgerson....

That type of offense would not work in SEC to good of defenses and to much speed. But then again anything is better than what we got now.

The bottom line is this, if we have a coach who can recruit and get elite players, then the scheme doesn't really matter. Holgorsen's offense would work if we had a great offensive line, a smart, accurate QB, and explosive skill players. That goes for every scheme. If we can get those elite players then we can best anyone.
I think his offense could work in the SEC. But he would def have to make sure he has a better D than he does now. That would be one of the few hires I would support, but don't think he would leave.
I live in WV, and watch WVU regularly. As mentioned earlier, the defenses he faces are less than stellar. Besides that, his off field antics would never fly in Knoxville, just think kiffin with a drinking problem!!
Also, he just signed a 5 or 6 year extension.

It's ok we've had coaches with a slight drinking problem..
Meyer ran the ball and played great defense. That's what Bammer and LSU does. If we're going to win the SEC, that's what we will have to do.
Of course. Beats sitting our asses at home and not even going to a bowl game.

The problem i have is all this flavor of the week our fan base has. One week it's this guy, then we see a team put up 70 points and then it's that guy. You have to be able to take a whole body of work. Not just a few games.
If he got a good defensive coordinator, he would dominate the SEC with the offense he runs. Think Petrino without all the baggage.

Not all the baggage...but enough to rule him out. Has been known to throw a few back and get into a little trouble.
The problem i have is all this flavor of the week our fan base has. One week it's this guy, then we see a team put up 70 points and then it's that guy. You have to be able to take a whole body of work. Not just a few games.

Have you been watching WVU this year? Yes no defense but a hellova offense.. Fix one and you have a NC team
Not all the baggage...but enough to rule him out. Has been known to throw a few back and get into a little trouble.

They said the same thing about Billy Gilespie. Then he got a very high pressure job and it went downhill.

I'd be scared that would happen to Holgorsen. I think he's a fantastic coach and could win in the SEC (but far from a given) but that would seriously concern me.

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