Hochevar to start for Royals

Hoch with a perfect first inning.

He still hasn't given up a run through 2. Giving up only 1 hit.

Right now he's getting lit up in the 3rd. giving up 5 hits, 5 runs
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it's about like watching the Braves right now. It's probably better than the Braves because they have some good young players. BTW KC what the hell is wrong with Gordon?

Hey I'm a Braves fan first so I'm pretty much dead on the inside from the past few years. As for Gordon, eh idk. He's not living up to the #1 prospect status so far. There's still time. At least Billy Butler may have learned to hit finally.
Well just watched Hochevar pitch on tv against the Chisox and he looked pretty darn good. He let 4 runs score but 3 of those were in one inning where his middle infield ran around like a bunch of idiots. He did have one critical wild pitch but otherwise he had a solid outing. Also, once again, he had zero run support. He's turning into a solid player. Had a lot of guys guessing on pitches and seemed to throw hitters off balance.

I believe Mark Grudzialanekdslfjsaodfjiseaf just broke his ankle by the way...
i was stupid for not starting him tonight Hopefully Kershaw will make me think different.
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that's in the other room.
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It had its moments. I laughed a few times and groaned a few times. Pretty much skimmed it.

One of my 1st Royals game attended was a no hitter by Jim Colburn in the 70s. More of a Cardinal fan but Royals Stadium was less than an hour from my home town. The Royals always used to have great pitching.

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