Honestly, she just needs to shut up now.

I don't think she had any business being the VP, but what I don't get is the irrational venom that she seems to attract. The people who aren't satisfied to merely defeat her in an election don't seem to get that they are basically legitimizing her.

It's definitely more than her qualifications - you're right the visceral reaction is odd.
There's no doubt it's an open ended question. However, someone running to be a breath from the presidency should at least be able to start a coherent answer to it. The fact that a measurable portion of the electorate is so passionately supportive of a willfully ignorant airhead like Palin goes a long way to explaining why this country is less and less competitive globally.

With that said, what do you think about the even bigger portion that actually elected BHO?
It's definitely more than her qualifications - you're right the visceral reaction is odd.
"Odd" is putting it kindly. Thinking back, I can't even remember a single VP candidate that ever mattered much nationally after being on the losing ticket: Edwards, Lieberman, Kemp, Quayle, Bentsen, Ferraro, etc. I guess the closest thing would have been Mondale getting the nomination in '84 after losing in '80, but we all know how that turned out for him.

After the 2004 election, I don't remember anybody coming out and saying "Hey, John Edwards. I got your two Americas right here!"
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you're right the visceral reaction is odd.
No, it's not. Until the intelligent and informed in this country begin to shred rubes like Palin at every turn, to the point that hayseeds like her don't even get into the process, we're going to continue our collective descent into a nation that concerns itself more with American Idol than the National Debt. I find nothing odd about thinking people finally standing up and deciding it's time to work for the total eradication of The Exaltation of Vapidity that jerkwater Flat Earthers like Palin exploit.
It's odd that she's such a major target - there are plenty to get so upset about but for some reason it's primarily directed it at a relatively meaningless politician.
"Odd" is putting it kindly. Thinking back, I can't even remember a single VP candidate that ever mattered much nationally after being on the losing ticket: Edwards, Lieberman, Kemp, Quayle, Bentsen, Ferraro, etc. I guess the closest thing would have been Mondale getting the nomination in '84 after losing in '80, but we all know how that turned out for him.

After the 2004 election, I don't remember anybody coming out and saying "Hey, John Edwards. I got your two Americas right here!"
There's a reason for that. Everyone you mentioned, with the possible exception of Quayle, at least acquitted themselves as a reasonably intelligent human being during the campaign, then realized their 15 minutes were up and left the stage to regroup. This vapid bimbo can't wait to thrust herself in front of the next camera.
No, it's not. Until the intelligent and informed in this country begin to shred rubes like Palin at every turn, to the point that hayseeds like her don't even get into the process, we're going to continue our collective descent into a nation that concerns itself more with American Idol than the National Debt. I find nothing odd about thinking people finally standing up and deciding it's time to work for the total eradication of The Exaltation of Vapidity that jerkwater Flat Earthers like Palin exploit.

But the thing is, she's yesterday's news. What's the point of keeping her relevant?
With that said, what do you think about the even bigger portion that actually elected BHO?
I don't see that they had much of a choice. They took the Mae West approach: when faced with two evils, they chose the one they hadn't tried before.
No, it's not. Until the intelligent and informed in this country begin to shred rubes like Palin at every turn, to the point that hayseeds like her don't even get into the process, we're going to continue our collective descent into a nation that concerns itself more with American Idol than the National Debt. I find nothing odd about thinking people finally standing up and deciding it's time to work for the total eradication of The Exaltation of Vapidity that jerkwater Flat Earthers like Palin exploit.

What? It is not as if this is about some awakening as you suggest. The people that are shredding her are for the most part the ones that elected Brack Obama. They are also the American Idol worshipers you speak of.
What? It is not as if this is about some awakening as you suggest. The people that are shredding her are for the most part the ones that elected Brack Obama. They are also the American Idol worshipers you speak of.

Behold the irony.
But the thing is, she's yesterday's news. What's the point of keeping her relevant?
As a cautionary tale for the next imbecile. The message should be clear: Bring your provincial, blissfully and intentionally uninformed ass into national politics, get your life destroyed. That'll at least slow the influx of morons.
What? It is not as if this is about some awakening as you suggest. The people that are shredding her are for the most part the ones that elected Brack Obama. They are also the American Idol worshipers you speak of.
You have to start somewhere. As of now, it's right wing fools who are vulnerable. Destroy, discredit, and disembowel them now. Then, as the Chosen One's popularity inevitably wanes, go after the stooges on the left.
You have to start somewhere. As of now, it's right wing fools who are vulnerable. Destroy, discredit, and disembowel them now. Then, as the Chosen One's popularity inevitably wanes, go after the stooges on the left.

Yea, I don't have much faith this is the intent of the national media that is going after her. These are the same people that plague us with Global Warming horsesh*t and how great an idea the stimulus package is. I don't believe they are on some collective mission to improve America via elimination of idiots in national politics.
As a cautionary tale for the next imbecile.
I don't for one second think that is the motivation here.

...and besides, there's no such thing as a cautionary tale when it comes to dealing with the ego that it takes to run on a Presidential ticket.
A couple theories:

1. She represents Bush 2.0 - the only difference is female form and less substance.

2. If she did attain power, she shatters some of the feminist dogma about what a successful (one who attained power) woman looks like and believes.

3. Because McCain was tough to attack due to his national service, much of the focus went to her (although this doesn't account for the sustained attention).

4. A underlying level of misogyny in the public.
Yea, I don't have much faith this is the intent of the national media that is going after her. These are the same people that plague us with Global Warming horsesh*t and how great an idea the stimulus package is. I don't believe they are on some collective mission to improve America via elimination of idiots in national politics.
I'm not talking about the media attacks on her. Those don't move me at all. I'm talking about the fact that I see a general disgust among thinking people that someone so woefully uninformed about life outside the most meaningless state in the Union was ever on a national ticket. My friends run the gambit from hardcore avowed socialists to neo John Birchers. Without real exception, all any of us can say good about Palin is that we wouldn't turn down an opportunity to reenact the Mickey Rourke-Kim Basinger scene from 9 1/2 Weeks with her. The Menagere Of Stupidity in national politics must best destroyed. Sarah Palin is as good as any place to start.
It's certainly mine.

I'm certain you wouldn't lump yourself and your friends in with the average American...

I applaud your efforts to start a national trend with Palin - I just don't think that explains why it's happened so far.
I'm just not that convinced that the vast majority is all that high minded.
I think you'd be surprised how many people's animus towards Palin stems from her paucity of intellect instead of her party of involvement.
To continue to beat the dead horse - I agree with the source of the animus; it's the intensity and expression of the animus that has me a bit puzzled.

I certainly don't respect her as any sort of leader of consequence. I probably wouldn't even want her as mayor if I lived in Wasilla. Other than that she doesn't exist in my consciousness other than all these threads LG dedicates to her.
You have to start somewhere. As of now, it's right wing fools who are vulnerable. Destroy, discredit, and disembowel them now. Then, as the Chosen One's popularity inevitably wanes, go after the stooges on the left.
The Chosen One and his stooges are doing the damage now.

Why worry about the rabbit that escaped into the bushes, when the jackals are busy surrounding you?
But where do we go from here? To me both options last year were not desirable at all or all that informed. Hell, for the last decade all of D.C. has shown me they are all rubes and completely void of any semblance of intelligence or common sense... and a good chunk of them are from Harvard, Yale, et al, so I'm not sure being a "hayseed hick" would be all that much worse than what we already have.

And, I find it absolutely laughable that the person who started this thread to trash a (serious) gaff about Federal departments, defends two guys one of which believed we have 57 states and the other told a handicapped guy to stand up for an applause.
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The fact that a measurable portion of the electorate is so passionately supportive of a willfully ignorant airhead like Palin goes a long way to explaining why this country is less and less competitive globally.


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