Honestly, what did you expect?

Our fan base is more embarrassing than the loss today. Oregon is a great football team. Tennessee is an inexperienced football team. Oregon beats Tennessee and our fans are ready to jump off a cliff. You people are ridiculous. Grow up, watch football, and quit acting so stupid.
Man, what do you expect? If you have any competitive nature in you at all any loss will piss you off. Did I expect us to win? No. Did I want us to win? Hell yes! Inexperienced or not. Is that unreasonable? I don't think so.

Can you really tell us all that your perfectly ok with us getting the crap beat out of us? That it doesn't get to you in the least bit? I would expect every dedicated loyal fan to be pissed off every time we lose regardless of by how much, why or anything else. No loss should be acceptable.

This forum is here for us to talk about these things, express frustration with a loss and joy with a win.
I just logged on here and it's an absolute train wreck.

What exactly did you, as a fan, expect today?

There were threads on here talking about how Oregon wasn't that good, they were over-rated, they were smaller than UT...
We played poorly and without enough effort. They are very good and I didn't expect to win. I also didn't expect the worst defeat in 100 f..ing years. Very bad showing for Butch and the team.
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If we play like we did today, we will not win more than 1 game in the SEC this year. Sad but true.
As much as I hate to admit it.....this is pretty much what I expected. I really hated the big plays we gave up.....but there is a huge talent gap for now. I don't know what every really expected it. I just hope we grow from the experience....and think the team will. I think Oregon is alot better than any other team on the schedule. Including Alabama. Now lets wipe this loss from our memory and get ready for Florida! Go Vols!
Look, an honest assessment of this team is that we will struggle and find our way in 2013 & 2014. Then in 2015, we should be able to get an 8 win season.

This season, (1) Hard schedule (2) New coaching staff that the players are getting used to,not just the coaches but the system that is new to them. (3) New q.b. who is not very effective (4) New receivers who are growing but have no consistent q.b. to get the ball to them.

2014, (1) Hard schedule (2) The entire starting offensive line will be in the N.F.L. and will need to be replaced. (3) The majority of the starters on the defensive line will have graduated or left early for the N.F.L. and will need to be replaced.

2015, (1) The team as a whole will not have to recover from a large amount of graduates. (2) bUTch will have had 3 recruiting classes to come to U.T. (3) Older players would have grown up on his system, not Dooley's or Kiffin's. 2015 will be the season that we make huge gains. A winning season, a bowl win, a ranking in the top #25, etc. etc.

I expect very little from the team in 2013 or in 2014. So, I am not going to be disappointed.

I think your expectations are optimistic. I am 49 and been a vol fan all my life. After today's game I felt like Oregon was light years ahead of us.
I remember a time in Tennessee football when fans would seriously be pissed about this loss. It seems like the entire week, even the people making the trip out were just kinda like "ah well it's a good reason to see the Pacific Northwest" like the game was lost before we even went. It's like when a good school opens with a d2 school and the d2 schools coach says something to the effect of "people will get to see how hard our kids play".

Sorry was just reminiscing of better times......
Honestly, I hope Butch can erase this out of their memories.

UT will not face another offense like this.

The fans on here that are burning mattresses and bridges need to calm down. UT learned a lot today. Butch knows he got his ass handed to him today and will learn from it!

I honestly think UT will win against UF next week.

We would have to hold them to 10 points, floridas defense is better and more physical than Oregón... Besides we have Ron zooks never throw deep offense...
I remember a time in Tennessee football when fans would seriously be pissed about this loss. It seems like the entire week, even the people making the trip out were just kinda like "ah well it's a good reason to see the Pacific Northwest" like the game was lost before we even went. It's like when a good school opens with a d2 school and the d2 schools coach says something to the effect of "people will get to see how hard our kids play".

Sorry was just reminiscing of better times......

The sad thing is I don't know if our best team from the 90's could have won today.
Eh that 98 team was pretty stout man. Plus we had a QB on those teams.
The sad thing is I don't know if our best team from the 90's could have won today.

Oregon has only faced a few teams with true talent, and, aside from the debacle of the Kiffins at USC, is 0-3 in those games (LSU, Auburn & Ohio State). Many of our prior Tennessee teams would have beat them today.
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Our fan base is more embarrassing than the loss today. Oregon is a great football team. Tennessee is an inexperienced football team. Oregon beats Tennessee and our fans are ready to jump off a cliff. You people are ridiculous. Grow up, watch football, and quit acting so stupid.

Amen and Amen!!!!!
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I expected a blow out with the outside hope that it'd be close: check

I expected in the event of said expected blowout, that the people who actually believed we had a shot would be here calling for Jones' head: check (sadly)

His recruiting results alone is showing he is on his way, but yes this is going to take a few years for him to build. Had more players returned on offense, I'd say we'd be in much better shape but that didn't happen. I will be genuinely shocked if Oregon does not run the table this year with Stanford being their major test along with keeping focused during PAC12 play. In fact if the NC game comes down between the ducks and Alabama, I'm picking Oregon based on yesterday's A&M game. It's apparent Saban is not good against a rushing QB lead high powered offense. And Oregon has an awesome running back to boot.

Even after yesterday's beat down I'm still optimistic about going 6 and 6 this year. We already have 2 wins and I think we can easily win 4 more: Our other non conference homecoming cupcake, and any three of Vandy, KY, Auburn, and Missouri.
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Man, what do you expect? If you have any competitive nature in you at all any loss will piss you off. Did I expect us to win? No. Did I want us to win? Hell yes! Inexperienced or not. Is that unreasonable? I don't think so.

Can you really tell us all that your perfectly ok with us getting the crap beat out of us? That it doesn't get to you in the least bit? I would expect every dedicated loyal fan to be pissed off every time we lose regardless of by how much, why or anything else. No loss should be acceptable.

This forum is here for us to talk about these things, express frustration with a loss and joy with a win.

I would like to think of myself as a mature adult who can watch a football game and react responsibly. The reactions from our fans is unbelievably embarrassing. We had no chance at beating Oregon, and if you or anyone thought we did then you're naive and oblivious to our football teams current situation. Oregon has been building that power house for over a decade. This is the first year of our building process.
I'm still amazed there were those delusional enough to think UT would win the game. I was hoping they would keep it respectable, which looked possible in the first quarter, but couldn't be maintained.
This coming weekend will be another beating. Prob not as bad as Oregon but likely be about 38-17 Florida. I know we are going to get destroyed by bama and SC and Mizz. We might have a shot against GA but who knows. Auburn could beat us and maybe even vandy again. So sadly in our current state I'm now thinking 4-5 wins unless we get a couple games we get lucky in....
This coming weekend will be another beating. Prob not as bad as Oregon but likely be about 38-17 Florida. I know we are going to get destroyed by bama and SC and Mizz. We might have a shot against GA but who knows. Auburn could beat us and maybe even vandy again. So sadly in our current state I'm now thinking 4-5 wins unless we get a couple games we get lucky in....

So UT will get destroyed by Mizzou but have a shot against UGA? Great logic there....really just great.
I would like to think of myself as a mature adult who can watch a football game and react responsibly. The reactions from our fans is unbelievably embarrassing. We had no chance at beating Oregon, and if you or anyone thought we did then you're naive and oblivious to our football teams current situation. Oregon has been building that power house for over a decade. This is the first year of our building process.
Give me a break there boss. Excuses, thats what people like you with your uber maturity make. Your so used to losing that any excuse is acceptable. We should never lose like that and it should never be acceptable or excusable. I can guarantee you that Butch Jones is not making excuses and he expects us fans to not allow him to make excuses.
Our fan base is more embarrassing than the loss today. Oregon is a great football team. Tennessee is an inexperienced football team. Oregon beats Tennessee and our fans are ready to jump off a cliff. You people are ridiculous. Grow up, watch football, and quit acting so stupid.

IF we lose to the gators it will only get worse on here. We will begin to see threads such as:

"Fire Butch and the entire staff"
"If Kiffin is fired let's bring him back"
"We should have hired so and so"
"Dooley wasn't this bad"
"We should bring Fulmer back"
"Do you think Gruden would be interested?"

Please add to the list, that way we can all save ourselves some time and not have to read all the crap that is sure to come.
or are blaming coaching in the loss? hahahahahahaha what a bunch of morons, there isn't a team in the SEC right now that can beat them
I expected a blow out with the outside hope that it'd be close: check

I expected in the event of said expected blowout, that the people who actually believed we had a shot would be here calling for Jones' head: check (sadly)

His recruiting results alone is showing he is on his way, but yes this is going to take a few years for him to build. Had more players returned on offense, I'd say we'd be in much better shape but that didn't happen. I will be genuinely shocked if Oregon does not run the table this year with Stanford being their major test along with keeping focused during PAC12 play. In fact if the NC game comes down between the ducks and Alabama, I'm picking Oregon based on yesterday's A&M game. It's apparent Saban is not good against a rushing QB lead high powered offense. And Oregon has an awesome running back to boot.

Even after yesterday's beat down I'm still optimistic about going 6 and 6 this year. We already have 2 wins and I think we can easily win 4 more: Our other non conference homecoming cupcake, and any three of Vandy, KY, Auburn, and Missouri.

Give me a break there boss. Excuses, thats what people like you with your uber maturity make. Your so used to losing that any excuse is acceptable. We should never lose like that and it should never be acceptable or excusable. I can guarantee you that Butch Jones is not making excuses and he expects us fans to not allow him to make excuses.

This isn't college basketball bro. there are no upsets like that in college football. I fully expected us to lose...bad. I thought we would keep it close until half time like we did in 2010. But the fact is that I can except the fact that Oregon is a far superior program and it doesn't kill me that they spanked us. I'm not getting into bar fights or smashing my TV because we lost to Oregon.
IF we lose to the gators it will only get worse on here. We will begin to see threads such as:

"Fire Butch and the entire staff"
"If Kiffin is fired let's bring him back"
"We should have hired so and so"
"Dooley wasn't this bad"
"We should bring Fulmer back"
"Do you think Gruden would be interested?"

Please add to the list, that way we can all save ourselves some time and not have to read all the crap that is sure to come.

I just suggest we open another forum in Volnation for erratic venting.

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