Hope our players realize

Well I have smoked weed for the past 14 years regularly and I am a sales rep for 3 companies and have received awards for my success. I also own my home and have been with my wife (who doesn't smoke) for 10 years. Your ex sounds like she has issues she is using weed to run from. What I am trying to say is some people can smoke weed and it can be beneficial. And I'm not excluding there is some health risk but there is also a risk from taking Tylenol. Weed affects people differently just like alcohol does. Some people can drink and some can't. The same goes for weed.

Honest question, If you knew for sure that you were going to have to take a drug test within the next 4 weeks and you knew that if test was positive you would lose your job, and if you wanted to stay in your chosen profession you would have to move, go to rehab, and learn a new product, would you risk it or wait till the testing period had passed..
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What if the eat it? I believe you know very little about what you speak. No doubt smoking anything isn't great for your lungs. But there are studies that show great potential benefits in recovery and protection from head trauma.

Well if that's true some posters on here should start smoking.
Since when is the fact that something is bad for you matter? It doesn’t matter if weed is bad for you. It’s about personal freedoms. Each of us makes personal decisions that impact our health every day. The food you eat, what you drink, smoke, etc. where do you choose to work?

Should we ban tobacco, alcohol, fast food, fast cars, motorcycles, firearms, unprotected sex? That which is allowed and not allowed is dictated by social norms and power brokers. Those things change over time. It has nothing t do with the reality of the impact of certain behaviors for the most part.

Guess what? We’re all facing the same ultimate fate. There’s no ban that’s going to stop it.

Yep, but there's no need to rush it along.
The more money government makes off cannabis the more it becomes legal.
Really? Aren't we all putting foreign substances into our lungs everyday trying to breathe the crap in the air? As an after thought, weed does no damage to the lungs and does not contribute to cancer or whatever.
Thanks for the tip Dr. Slydell
Honest question, If you knew for sure that you were going to have to take a drug test within the next 4 weeks and you knew that if test was positive you would lose your job, and if you wanted to stay in your chosen profession you would have to move, go to rehab, and learn a new product, would you risk it or wait till the testing period had passed..
If it affected my ability to keep my job then yes I would quit. But I also understand in my field that as long as I am successful at my job then there is no need for my employer to drug test.
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The only real bad thing that they can prove about weed is that if you smoke it all the time when you are young (under 21 in particular) it can negatively affect your emotional brain development. The human brain isn't fully developed until a person is about 25 years old, so heavy usage before then could have some negative consequences.

Weed reminds me of steroids. Testosterone and it's derivatives (such as dianabol, deca, anadrol Winstrol, ect) are just a hormones. I have taken Testosterone, dianabol, ect, in order to put on healthy muscle mass in the gym. I was a stick figure before, weighing in at 140 pounds at 6 foot 1". I did several cycles within a 3 or 4 year period and was able to get to a permanent healthy weight of 195 pounds. I have been able to maintain that weight for a couple of years now with just regular workouts, and am very happy with how I look and feel. However, if you are under 21 then you should avoid steroids because you may still be growing and you have more than enough HGH and testosterone in your body anyways. You can stunt your growth with anabolic steroid use in high school. People who take it for 10 plus years and never cycle off for example, can have issues too. Everything in moderation. You wouldn't want to take Ibuprofen every day for 10 years....bad for your organs.

In my opinion weed and steroids should certainly be legal (No steroids if you play sports though!). If these items are done in moderation I can find zero examples of serious health issues caused by these substances.

I am a libertarian of course, and really believe that you can't stop personal choice anyways no matter how much you try.
I don’t think the weed issue is really about weed. I think it’s about the millennial generation telling the est of the adults in society to cram it with their view of the world.
Okay, the 70s were a long time ago so I'll show my ignorance. Can the weed be used in a vape device? Is that a healthier option?
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I wish marijuana would just be nationally legalized so that we won't even need these discussions.The legalization of marijuana is proven to reduce drug related crime. If someone wants to hurt their body with foreign substances, it's their prerogative.
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Actually, the topic was a warning that most likely a drug test would be coming very soon after the beginning of the spring 2018 semester. Most likely before Jan 31.
Of course the topic got redirected by many who went into the good vs bad, legal vs illegal, everybody does it everywhere. The post was intended to just state that new coaching staff, new AD, New admin would probably conduct a drug test very soon and how STUPID it would be for a player to fail said tests when they know they are coming.
The OP had nothing to do with legality. It only was to serve as yet another reminder and considering the drug "can" appear in urine up to 30+ days hopefully players are smart enough to look at a calendar and count out 5 weeks and say, "Dayum, that sh8t smells wicked, BUT I CANT. I got a test coming soon"!
Again whether its fair or not, it is gonna happen.

And yet, you ignored my post where I said, for the second time, that there isn't some mass test coming. That's not reality.

First of all, it would violate UT's in-house testing policy, which is made up of a set amount of random tests of players that are randomly selected.

In case you missed it, this is what I said earlier:

Tests are not coming. Thinking that a head coach cares significantly whether his players smoke pot is extremely naïve.

Any players that test positive on the usual random tests do not face suspension or dismissal. You don’t face any sort of punishment that significant until the third positive test. Then, a player would have to miss one game. That happened this year.

You are free to have a different opinion, but the facts are that college athlete smoke marijuana, and no one cares, including their coaches. That’s at every school on every team. If a coach came in and said that they were going to have a drug test in three weeks and everybody that fails is off the team, that coach would never be able to effectively recruit another student athlete ever again. That just wouldn’t fly.

No disrespect, but you have a very Pollyanna view of college athletes and their coaches. The reality is not anything close to what you have described. I’m not going to weigh in on the discussion of whether it’s harmful or anything like that, it’s just a fact. A high percentage of college students, including the athletes that we and every other fan base cheers for, smokes pot. It happens. It happens at Tennessee, Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, everywhere you can think of, a high percentage of their athletes smoke pot. It’s just a fact.
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I don’t think the weed issue is really about weed. I think it’s about the millennial generation telling the est of the adults in society to cram it with their view of the world.

Not really.
I'm 47 years old, don't use weed, and still advocate for the legalization of weed.
It’s really stupid that in this country it is fine to legally use tobacco and alcohol but somehow weed is over the line.
To me, it's all about personal choice. I'm not arguing one way or the other about it's impact on health but I do know alcohol and tobacco has very negative affects. Yet, both are perfectly fine to have and consume as long as you are of age. The outlawing of weed is hypocrisy in it's purist form.
For a country who loves to beat it's collective chest about our freedoms, we sure seem fine with having them limited.
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Not really.
I'm 47 years old, don't use weed, and still advocate for the legalization of weed.
It’s really stupid that in this country it is fine to legally use tobacco and alcohol but somehow weed is over the line.
To me, it's all about personal choice. I'm not arguing one way or the other about it's impact on health but I do know alcohol and tobacco has very negative affects. Yet, both are perfectly fine to have and consume as long as you are of age. The outlawing of weed is hypocrisy in it's purist form.
For a country who loves to beat it's collective chest about our freedoms, we sure seem fine with having them limited.

Solid post Doyle. However, I’m not a big fan of the argument that tobacco and alcohol are just as bad, so let’s add one more bad thing to the legal list so we’re at least consistent. If it’s determined by the government to make it legal the so be it, but I just don’t like the pro weed advocates trying to convince the rest of us that it poses no health risks.
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In 2012, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that smoking cannabis does not cause significant damage to the lungs. Tobacco, however, can be extremely damaging.

The study followed a cohort of 5115 men in four US cities. Not only did the study find no correlation between habitual cannabis consumers and lung disease or cancer, the researchers found that cannabis consumers had an interesting advantage.

Habitual cannabis consumers had a greater lung capacity. Though, admittedly, the improvement was small. The herb-lovers had a 1.6% advantage over non-consuming counterparts. That’s equivalent 50 milliliters, which is about one-seventh of a soda can.

Association Between Marijuana Exposure and Pulmonary Function Over 20 Years | Psychiatry | JAMA | The JAMA Network

There is no reason for the level of ignorance concerning Marijuana. It's not what your mom, dad, pastor, school system and government said it was when they crammed their anti-weed propaganda down our throats for decades.

“Does not cause significant damage”

Oh irony thou art a humorous b!tch sometimes! :eek:lol:
I wish marijuana would just be nationally legalized so that we won't even need these discussions.The legalization of marijuana is proven to reduce drug related crime. If someone wants to hurt their body with foreign substances, it's their prerogative.

Quite frankly, if all drugs, gambling, and prostitution were legalized violent cartels go bye-bye. Of course there would probably be a major increase in big heists and such. Would be hard to believe that all of the current violent drug criminals would simply stop their ways and go get a normal job.
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Not really.
I'm 47 years old, don't use weed, and still advocate for the legalization of weed.
It’s really stupid that in this country it is fine to legally use tobacco and alcohol but somehow weed is over the line.
To me, it's all about personal choice. I'm not arguing one way or the other about it's impact on health but I do know alcohol and tobacco has very negative affects. Yet, both are perfectly fine to have and consume as long as you are of age. The outlawing of weed is hypocrisy in it's purist form.
For a country who loves to beat it's collective chest about our freedoms, we sure seem fine with having them limited.

Great post! I don’t smoke. I couldn’t care less about those who do. Would prefer to make it all legal and let the weak ones thin themselves out. Goes for narcs too. The only “opioid crisis” is that you can’t buy heroin from a vending machine. It’s hard to find a good balance on limiting “liberties” and I prefer to make my own choices personally. It’s a tough call, but give me liberty..,
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More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

Items just like alchohol or anything else. Just quit acting like it doesn’t affect the body.

If you have doctors telling marijuan does nothing to you (be the same if alcohol, yohimbine, tobacco, excessive doses of Vitamin C (which can kill your kidneys), or Vitamin A (which can kill your liver)) then they need to go back to school.

The point is. It ain’t oxygen. It’s most likely less bad for you than tobacco but it still can cause harm at excessive doses, like any other substance.

And try to avoid the tar and smoke.

I keep reading in your posts “there is no chance ever for harm from marijuana” and your doctor friends agree. Every substance has potential for that even if indirect similar to alcohol as in this case. I think it is crazy to act like there is no potential harm from it, even if less than some other substances long term.

But keep calling me stupid. It makes your argument so much more valid and I can take it. I am a big boy.

This is bs the only difference is now they are testing for marijuana. It stays in your system. You can smoke a joint today and get tested for it Friday and guess what you fail the test.
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Actually, the topic was a warning that most likely a drug test would be coming very soon after the beginning of the spring 2018 semester. Most likely before Jan 31.
Of course the topic got redirected by many who went into the good vs bad, legal vs illegal, everybody does it everywhere. The post was intended to just state that new coaching staff, new AD, New admin would probably conduct a drug test very soon and how STUPID it would be for a player to fail said tests when they know they are coming.
The OP had nothing to do with legality. It only was to serve as yet another reminder and considering the drug "can" appear in urine up to 30+ days hopefully players are smart enough to look at a calendar and count out 5 weeks and say, "Dayum, that sh8t smells wicked, BUT I CANT. I got a test coming soon"!
Again whether its fair or not, it is gonna happen.

Any thread about random drug testing or a player being busted for possession is almost guaranteed to evolve into a should be legal vs should be illegal type conversation. This should be expected when the topic of the thread involves anything to do with drugs.
Really.... It would be harder to find those who don't do it especially in College.

It’s a damn shame it’s illegal. If I was a coach I’d take someone who smoked recreationally over a periodic binge drinker any day of the week. Alcohol will greatly diminish strength gains in the weight room. Weed will thicken up some of these red shirt freshman lol
This is bs the only difference is now they are testing for marijuana. It stays in your system. You can smoke a joint today and get tested for it Friday and guess what you fail the test.

You’re right except for the “higher levels” AND they were tested before. The way I read it anyways. It was a news article, not a scientific article so not shown in the specifics.

Just like any drug or alcohol, it has a half life in system. Which leads to concentrations or “levels” at certain time intervals depending on dose and strength. So...it’s not actually BS. Pharmacokinetics say it’s not. And the levels were compared to prior to legalization...so it was tested for before...

Anyways. Kind of tired of this and want to enjoy the fam.

You guys that partake, have fun. You guys that don’t, also have fun. Happy New Years.

Go Vols. Do whatever you want to yourselves 😳😄 just don’t harm others. Have a great 2018. Maybe the Vols can make us all less pissed off in the fall.
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Quite frankly, if all drugs, gambling, and prostitution were legalized violent cartels go bye-bye. Of course there would probably be a major increase in big heists and such. Would be hard to believe that all of the current violent drug criminals would simply stop their ways and go get a normal job.

You cannot reasonably look at the data and tell me that legalized marijuana has not significantly decreased both crime and opiate usage.

So because legalizing marijuana won't stop all drug crime we shouldn't do it? How the **** does that make any sense at all?

Legal marijuana is saving lives in Colorado, study finds - The Washington Post
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