How Do I Get My Free Obama Care?

The percentage of each past president’s cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is… a real life business, not a government job.

Here are the percentages

T. Roosevelt…….. 38%
Wilson ……....……..52%
Hoover ……....………42%
F. Roosevelt…..……50%
Eisenhower……..…. 57%
GH Bush……….....…..51%
Clinton ……….....……39%
GW Bush……....……..55%
Obama…………….......08% !!!

Evidently Obozo doesn't know that business is what drives our economy so it helps to have people around that understand what it's like to run a business!

Either that or he is following the marxist Alinsky rules, ie; you must wreck the economy before you can control the economy.

The health care, VAT and carbon taxes will wreck the American economy, there is no doubt about that.

In other moves that reveal what Obozo really believes, visas are being denied to Jewish scientists while NASA is instructed to reach out to muslim nations. (a program that promotes radical climate dogma, I might add.)
Another day, another load of inaccurate tripe. Do you fact check anything?

Here's the source.

The author's claim is based on a study by Michael Cembalest, the chief investment officer for J.P. Morgan Private Bank.

When asked about his data gathering for the chart, Cembalest said he'd "written 250,000 words in research over the last decade, and every single thing I've ever done — except this one chart — was empirically based on data from the Federal Reserve" or another official source. "This is the one time I stepped out into making judgment calls, and I assure you I won't do it again."

You can read the rest of the chart author's comments here, along with an accounting of Obama's staff and their private sector experience.
Reality check.

"It must be said that, like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless, sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people."

Pravda (what a ****cheroo, pravda is now printing the truth)


• The financial "reform" bill, which has passed the Senate Banking Committee and has President Obama's backing, creates a new bureaucracy with power to subpoena any and all data from any financial company — erasing, in essence, the boundary between public and private in our economy. (no doubt the fed is exempted)

• The IRS, soon to be strengthened by $10 billion in new funding and 17,000 new agents, promises to take fines under ObamaCare out of your tax return, as it also launches a new worldwide program to go after what it calls "high wealth individuals."

• U.S. government debt, swollen by a record $45 trillion surge in spending over the next decade, will hit 63% of GDP this year — what economists consider a danger level — and is on its way to an economy-killing 90% of GDP by 2020.

And that's just the news from the past couple of weeks.

All this, of course, is in addition to

the just-passed $2.3 trillion health care takeover, which gives the government unprecedented powers over our most intimate health care decisions;

the $700 billion TARP program, which has turned into a Democrat-run slush fund;

the $862 billion in phony "stimulus" and

the government's forced buyout of 61% of General Motors and 18% of Chrysler (with the Canadian government taking another 11%).

Well you might be right Mn if you consider Harvard and Princeton private businesses which is technically true then there are all those special interest groups that are also technically private businesses.
Another day, another load of inaccurate tripe. Do you fact check anything?

Here's the source.

The author's claim is based on a study by Michael Cembalest, the chief investment officer for J.P. Morgan Private Bank.

When asked about his data gathering for the chart, Cembalest said he'd "written 250,000 words in research over the last decade, and every single thing I've ever done — except this one chart — was empirically based on data from the Federal Reserve" or another official source. "This is the one time I stepped out into making judgment calls, and I assure you I won't do it again."

You can read the rest of the chart author's comments here, along with an accounting of Obama's staff and their private sector experience.

Thats a big relief.

I have always been told, its better to be ignorant, than dumb. The first is easier to fix.
• The IRS, soon to be strengthened by $10 billion in new funding and 17,000 new agents....

And then the truth:

This figure originated with a report put out by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee on March 18. It said:

GOP Analysis, March 18: IRS may need to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees.

Notice the words "may" and "as many as" and "other employees".

The analysts based their 16,500 figure on an assumption that the IRS budget could require an additional $10 billion over the next 10 years as a result of the law, a figure they attribute to the Congressional Budget Office. But what CBO Director Douglas W. Elmendorf actually said in a March 11 letter to congressional leaders is this (with emphasis added):

CBO Director Elmendorf, March 11: CBO has not completed an estimate of all of the discretionary costs that would be associated with H.R. 3590. … uch costs would probably include an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years for administrative costs of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
And then the truth:

This figure originated with a report put out by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee on March 18. It said:

GOP Analysis, March 18: IRS may need to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees.

Notice the words "may" and "as many as" and "other employees".

The analysts based their 16,500 figure on an assumption that the IRS budget could require an additional $10 billion over the next 10 years as a result of the law, a figure they attribute to the Congressional Budget Office. But what CBO Director Douglas W. Elmendorf actually said in a March 11 letter to congressional leaders is this (with emphasis added):

CBO Director Elmendorf, March 11: CBO has not completed an estimate of all of the discretionary costs that would be associated with H.R. 3590. … uch costs would probably include an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years for administrative costs of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Gee what a relief.

You're so sharp, you split hairs but then you still get socialism plain and simple, you do get that don't you???

Just what America needs, more tax collectors, I hope they are all assigned to auditing democrats since half or more of Barry's nomineews were way in arrears.
Thats a big relief.

I have always been told, its better to be ignorant, than dumb. The first is easier to fix.

There is a remedy for ignorance, it's called knowledge.

For stupidity, despite all modern technological advances, science can only come up with socialism for the stupid, and that's just plain dumb!!!
Being fact checked sucks, huh?

You talking about the Annenberg foundation fact check??

The same place that Ayers and Obama used run a program (that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars before it was closed) to brainwash students with marxist dogma and instead of educating those students, convincing them they should be involved in radical politics.

The program is closed now but not soon enough to save your mind.

You only nitpicked what I posted, the basic claim is exactly the same.

So no, it really doesn't suck, it only proves my point.

What really sucks is that the murderous Ayers and his Charlie Manson loving wife aren't in prison where they deserve to be.

Gosh dude...I'm talking about the half dozen or so times I've had to set straight the facts after you've posted some ridiculous garbage.

On the other hand, I'm glad to see that map graphic was posted from a relatively neutral site called Chicagoans Against Obama.

Gosh dude...I'm talking about the half dozen or so times I've had to set straight the facts after you've posted some ridiculous garbage.

On the other hand, I'm glad to see that map graphic was posted from a relatively neutral site called Chicagoans Against Obama.


You've never set me straight on the very first fact.

What you have done is strain at gnats and swallow camels.

You have only advanced opinions about facts, producing half-truths at best and outright lies for the most part.

No matter who produced the map, is it not accurate??

Just another factoid that you would prefer to avoid and/or ignore. :crazy:
A twenty year old today will pay 114,000 dollars to the Federal Government just to pay the interest on Obama’s spending bill.

"Obamalogic: rhetoric for minds unencumbered by objective reasoning."
your first cartoon was asinine and inaccurate. Jesus was all about looking out for people, but he would never have used the tip of the Roman spear to force compassion.

the second wasn't too far from the truth, although when push came to shove, the blue dogs turned into lapdogs
62% of all bankruptcies in the United States are caused by medical bills, and 78% of those people had private health insurance .

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a senior fellow at the right-wing Hudson Institute tried to tell the committee that moving toward a European-style single payer insurance system would actually increase the number of medical bankruptcies. This outrageous lie was too much for Sen. Franken, and he had the following exchange with Furchtgott-Roth:

FRANKEN: I think we disagree on whether health care reform, the health care reform that we’re talking about in Congress now should pass. You said that the way we’re going will increase bankruptcies. I want to ask you, how many medical bankruptcies because of medical crises were there last year in Switzerland?

FURCHTGOTT-ROTT: I don’t have that number in front of me, but I can find out and get back to you.

FRANKEN: I can tell you how many it was. It’s zero. Do you know how many medical bankruptcies there were last year in France?

FURCHTGOTT-ROTT: I don’t have that number, but I can get back to you if I like.

FRANKEN: Yeah, the number is zero. Do you know how many were in Germany?

FURCHTGOTT-ROTT: From the trend of your questions, I’m assuming the number is zero. But I don’t know the precise number and would have to get back to you.

FRANKEN: Well, you’re very good. Very fast. The point is, I think we need to go in that direction, not the opposite direction. Thank you.

Although he made quickly made his point that Furchtgott-Roth either didn't know what she was talking about or was telling an outright lie, Sen. Franken could have gone on listing many other countries. Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Canada and many other countries also have ZERO medical bankruptcies.

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