How do we factor Dooley and Sal?

Agreed. If we would of had even a mediocre defense last year to go along with CJC's offense we would have won 9 games easy.

And sometimes we just have to thank God for unanswered prayers. If Sal is mediocre then UT wins 9 or 10 games and maybe even looks like a contender. However the flaws in Dooley that Sunseri helped to expose would have still been there. They would have come out eventually but it would have been harder to fire a coach that had recently made you look like a contender.

A poor man's Les Miles... would not be saved in the long run by making high talent recruits believe they were better than they were.
Personally, I'd like to forget both Dooley and Sal as well as Kiffin.....bad nightmare, It's now a new era for the Vols and Coach Jones.

Not me. The pain makes the pleasure feel that much better when it comes. I look forward to having conversations about how bad UT "USED TO BE".
Unfortunately for me a Dooley is now apart of my everyday language. He will never leave my vocabulary. Sorry charlie
We have better coaching, but that may not immediately translate to more wins, not this season at least. People need not lose their minds if we have a tough year.

How do I know we have better coaching without seeing the product on the field? Statistics. The odds dictate it to be true lol hard to be worse.
Fulmer and Dooley were trying to keep there jobs.Im sure Fulmer assumed his job would always be there and Dooley was trying to catch the Saban lighting in the end they choose the wrong side kick. Right or Wrong one win could have changed everything I guess we should move on and look at the good things these coaches left us. They both did a good job.Im hoping CBJ will take us where these coaches wanted to go.
what if Oregon is only up by 14 at half? do we even have a fighting chance in that game in the 2nd half?? If they are up by more then 3 TD then yeah its a lost cause....only way I see it is if the score is close at the half...would love to see an upset though..that would get people talking about us again...hell we haven't been ranked since #25 in Week 1 last yr and then we disappeared again...I hope we can climb the rankings this season!!! :)
Dooley's first and main mistake was the way he tried to explain the situation UT was in. Forgot that the everyday dumba** fan wouldn't understand his analogies. The guy has his faults but it's funny to sit here and read people calling the guy an idiot when they couldn't hold a candle to the guy when it comes to actual coaching, CFB or the SEC.

It's funny to read some of the stuff that people are throwing out like the video after the Vandy game as if everyone on here didn't love it when that came out. That wasn't for fans either. It was that Orange Venom guy that released something that never should have been. Seriously did I read where a guy is inept that took LSU to the final second in BR??? I was there on the 4th row, and though it sux to lose that game calling a guy inept for the crazy ending is just ridiculous.

Gotta love when the "Legion of Miserable" comes out in force. I hope this Summer last a long time but the sad thing is that the safer bet is that Winter will come back in 3yrs or so.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Dooley is the worst head coach in Tennessee football history. Sunseri was Dooley's "Clawson", too little, too late and just not qualified for the situation, which required a one year turn around. Dooley won 4 conference games in 3 years.
I'm just so glad their outta here. We're good for 2 more wins this year with those 2 gone. I would love to somehow play FL St this year in a bowl, and let Sal see our defense make stops, and let Jay G see our running backs go wild.
Derek Dooley was terrible as a HC here. That being said, it still doesn't change the fact that he forgot more than most of you will ever know about the game of football. A guy like Saban doesn't take assistants from place to place because they're dumb.

One thing you have to give Dooley credit for was his penchant for making reporters look stupid when asking stupid questions.
Derek Dooley was terrible as a HC here. That being said, it still doesn't change the fact that he forgot more than most of you will ever know about the game of football. A guy like Saban doesn't take assistants from place to place because they're dumb.

One thing you have to give Dooley credit for was his penchant for making reporters look stupid when asking stupid questions.

So surprised I agreed with u once I got past ur first sentence.

My main problem with saying he was the worse UT HC is that he didn't take over the best program in UT history, but one of the worse. We weren't a 8-10 win team and hadn't been consistently in a bit. Also, not only was the program in horrible shape so was the Ath Dept. So all that is what I look at. Just imho that's all though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So surprised I agreed with u once I got past ur first sentence.

My main problem with saying he was the worse UT HC is that he didn't take over the best program in UT history, but one of the worse. We weren't a 8-10 win team and hadn't been consistently in a bit. Also, not only was the program in horrible shape so was the Ath Dept. So all that is what I look at. Just imho that's all though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

If he ever opens up honestly about his time on The Hill, it should make for some interesting reading
Past couple of days we've been given a lot of lessons about objectivity and homerism.

Dooley and Sal were abysmal.

Everytime I see Dooley with the invisible binoculars I cringe. I will never hear "for want of a nail" the same way again. "Shower discipline" is part of the Vol lexicon. The man compared our Vols to the Nazi Army and then apologized to the Germans listening to his spiel. This was our head coach who treated the job like an extended interview for a TV gig or comedy circuit.

Sal Sunseri makes the Incredible Hulk look like an erudite Harvard debater.

The results from these two masters of disaster showed - we lost 3 - 5 more games than we should have last year.

Let's shout out to Chaney too who did not coach Bray and who did not give our offense proper balance.

Coach Jones is killing it. If not Gruden, then Jones for me. Absolutely. He has a record of getting more with less throughout his career.

How do we factor Dooley and Sal into the upcoming season? I think we are WAY more talented than our record last year on both sides of the ball (clearly though, we lost a lot of talent on offense). Even if the offense loses 40% production (I don't think it will, btw), the defense should be 2x to 3x better. Oregon is our best chance at a major upset. I think it's a huge game for CBJ.

Ehhhh Forget it. :hi:
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Abysmal is too polite. This pair led a 2012 Vol team that gave up a record 428 points. 22 points more than the 2005 (205) /08 (201) Vols gave up combined.

Underrated post IMHO.

Great stat. And both those years our offenses were really hamstrung, so the defense had to work extra hard.

I think the 2005 defense might have been the best we've ever had since 1939. What they did was really amazing given the QB play that year.
Past couple of days we've been given a lot of lessons about objectivity and homerism.

Dooley and Sal were abysmal.

Everytime I see Dooley with the invisible binoculars I cringe. I will never hear "for want of a nail" the same way again. "Shower discipline" is part of the Vol lexicon. The man compared our Vols to the Nazi Army and then apologized to the Germans listening to his spiel. This was our head coach who treated the job like an extended interview for a TV gig or comedy circuit.

Sal Sunseri makes the Incredible Hulk look like an erudite Harvard debater.

The results from these two masters of disaster showed - we lost 3 - 5 more games than we should have last year.

Let's shout out to Chaney too who did not coach Bray and who did not give our offense proper balance.

Coach Jones is killing it. If not Gruden, then Jones for me. Absolutely. He has a record of getting more with less throughout his career.

How do we factor Dooley and Sal into the upcoming season? I think we are WAY more talented than our record last year on both sides of the ball (clearly though, we lost a lot of talent on offense). Even if the offense loses 40% production (I don't think it will, btw), the defense should be 2x to 3x better. Oregon is our best chance at a major upset. I think it's a huge game for CBJ.

Chaney gave us one of the BEST offenses in Tennessees history last year? Are you kidding me?
I think the new SAT study guide includes the following example..

Dave Clawson is to Phil Fulmer as ________ is to Derek Dooley

A: Sal Sunseri
They (oregon) do travel 'cross-country to face Virginia the week before us.

That being said, if at all our chances were to be set up to win it would look like this: Oregon travels to the other side of the country to face an ACC opponent then comes back home to face Tennessee at 12:30PM the following Saturday.

The thing is Oregon has BCS National Championship hopes and we have "bowl game" hopes. I will say it is setup for a chance, but that chance still has many orange question marks that may have us standing in the pond.

Posted via VolNation Mobile

Oregon is overranked. They'll beat us, but they're not the 3rd best team in CFB.


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