Golesh was indeed a unique mind and did great job play-calling but Huepel has been play-caller himself and has mentored Halzle.
However, I came here to comment on your AI part. How soon do you think we will see some AI based tools on sidelines or booth ? Based on a huge amount of dataset available to train, it would be interesting to see AI scan a formation on field, give options for best counter formation or play call to use based on the score and time left. Atleast it could assist play callers make better choices.
I wonder if football, for all its complexities and room for creative decision making, has already became too narrow a test ground for true AI? In the past year it has been tested fulfilling the complete roles of a medical doctor and a lawyer. So much for AI just manning the fast food grill and service window.
I'm not an AI aficionado, just a normal person for whom AI keeps inserting itself into my planning and calculations. Not a fan of where this is inevitably heading. Elon Musk seems to have lately seen the light ...or created a public image facade with whom the rest of us can identify.
Pre-crime prevention formally became an overt federal gov't function during the time of the Trump administration, detailing AI to predict who would commit crimes, with the implied authority to arrest them before the crime is committed. I've read that it was only around 70% accurate (20% higher than a coin flip). I'm more concerned with the authority than the accuracy.
If the Vols utilized AI at its current capabilities, I'm guessing they would be using it to predict what a specific coach or signal caller, on or off field, would be calling for the next play, within 2 seconds of establishing down and distance from the previous play.
"Predict" is probably the wrong term, as that implies response based on statistical analysis. AI would be taking into account the opponent's emotional frame of mind, the importance of the game within the season, even the coach's perceived job security.
The difference between a computer and AI is... AI would
become the opponent in order to determine his next move.