how is Hussein Obama going to pay for this

Schools already have tons of unused computers. It's one thing to have nice new shiny stuff, but its another to be able to use them. Many teachers aren't interested in new technology, especially in the face of high-stakes testing that requires they plow through a mountain of information.
"We’ll invest your precious tax dollars in new and smarter ways, and we’ll set a simple rule – use it or lose it. If a state doesn’t act quickly to invest in roads and bridges in their communities, they’ll lose the money.”

So, blow the money quick on the first thing you see, rather than wait and figure out where the money is best needed?
Good solid read.Even better than he promised.

HIT THE GROUND RUNNING......Seems to be the moniker
for the new year.

GO Obama...
FYP...where will this money come from?

The only way to end this recession is for the U.S. to
build (produce).That means jobs.I don't really care where the money comes from,other to say from those making over 200,000 a year and corporations who have have dropped the ball in this area big time.

Regardless of our views Obama was voted in for change.
I probably want like every thing he does,But the last eight years was a total bust,a users guide on how not
to govern.

So whether we agree or disagree,like it or not,OBAMA's the poo,take a good whiff!
government providing the jobs doesn't grow the economy. If you want to see the economy grow, cut taxes on corporations, cut capital gains taxes and estate taxes. You might not like the "rich", but one rich guy providing 20 jobs is better for the economy than 100 people drawing welfare checks funded by a windfall profits tax on the oil companies.
The only way to end this recession is for the U.S. to
build (produce).That means jobs.I don't really care where the money comes from,other to say from those making over 200,000 a year and corporations who have have dropped the ball in this area big time.

Regardless of our views Obama was voted in for change.
I probably want like every thing he does,But the last eight years was a total bust,a users guide on how not
to govern.

So whether we agree or disagree,like it or not,OBAMA's the poo,take a good whiff!

The 1920s and 1950s prosperity were results of war-time production. We weren't footing the bill for everything, Britain, France, etc were. You can't just say "Let's make some jobs and then our economy will soar!" It's like saying "let's print more money so that everyone has more!"
government providing the jobs doesn't grow the economy. If you want to see the economy grow, cut taxes on corporations, cut capital gains taxes and estate taxes. You might not like the "rich", but one rich guy providing 20 jobs is better for the economy than 100 people drawing welfare checks funded by a windfall profits tax on the oil companies.

The problem is that people don't see the bottom line. They see a guy with money and feel like he can obviously spare some more. It's like a guy I talked to the other day put it: "If Obama raises my taxes, I'm still going to make the same amount of money. I'll just lay-off a worker to make it happen." His bottom-line isn't going to change.

The way I see it is that if you take more from a guy in taxes, he's not going to donate to charity, the symphony, add jobs, buy more goods, etc. Over-taxing will not grow the economy long-term, or else we wouldn't be voting in Republicans to lower them every other cycle.
government providing the jobs doesn't grow the economy. If you want to see the economy grow, cut taxes on corporations, cut capital gains taxes and estate taxes. You might not like the "rich", but one rich guy providing 20 jobs is better for the economy than 100 people drawing welfare checks funded by a windfall profits tax on the oil companies.

I have nothing against rich people.I reiterate the corporations have dropped the ball.That and corporations running over seas are major factors in the way things are today.

What he is proposing needs to be done anyway,for business to flourish the infrastructure needs to be dealt with now.

People on both sides are going to have to come to the center for anything to get done......EVER
Eight year swings in ideology are compounding the problem.

I read these threads and see the ultra right's hold.

Knowing your mindsets to be every thing your business degrees,education,and business related jobs demand you to be.

That being said.The American people what health care period.they want high paying provide for the families day to day needs and to provide for their future.
If big business can accomplish these things then and only then should you get yours.That Is the fundamental
Dream for all Americans.Once you accept these Truths
The rest will fall into place.

Now i like to thing that I stand in the middle show me a
better way to create jobs that accomplish these things
I will consider it.But don't quote anything that business has proposed in the last eight years.....Truly a failure
by anyone's account.

Think outside the box...don't accept status quo!

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity
opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social
environment.Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions."

Albert Einstein.
I have nothing against rich people.I reiterate the corporations have dropped the ball.That and corporations running over seas are major factors in the way things are today.

What he is proposing needs to be done anyway,for business to flourish the infrastructure needs to be dealt with now.

People on both sides are going to have to come to the center for anything to get done......EVER
Eight year swings in ideology are compounding the problem.

I read these threads and see the ultra right's hold.

Knowing your mindsets to be every thing your business degrees,education,and business related jobs demand you to be.

That being said.The American people what health care period.they want high paying provide for the families day to day needs and to provide for their future.
If big business can accomplish these things then and only then should you get yours.That Is the fundamental
Dream for all Americans.Once you accept these Truths
The rest will fall into place.

Now i like to thing that I stand in the middle show me a
better way to create jobs that accomplish these things
I will consider it.But don't quote anything that business has proposed in the last eight years.....Truly a failure
by anyone's account.

Think outside the box...don't accept status quo!

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity
opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social
environment.Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions."

Albert Einstein.

I'll bite.
Why do you think corporations are going overseas?
Taxes, wages, benefits. They can't make the profits they seek by paying ever-increasing taxes and outrageous union wages and benefits.

I don't understand your sixth "paragraph." It is non-sense. Now, I can understand a sentence or two from it. Americans want high paying jobs. Ok. Fine. Well, thing is, not every job is deserving of high pay. If you have a job making widgets that sale for 1.00 each, you're probably not going to make a very high salary. The profit isn't there. Cogs in the machine aren't going to make as much as the guy running the machine. Ditch diggers and doctors don't make comparable pay. Sorry to break it to you, but un-skilled labor can found anywhere, and normally businesses go with where they can get it cheapest. Why sit around with union labor charging you more in pay and benefits than the services provided make less than you're paying out?? It doesn't make sense.

You create jobs through the creation of an environment favorable to business. High wages, benefits, unions, and taxes DO NO favor business investment. Why are car companies locating in the deep South now? Because there is cheap, unskilled, low-affluent labor available.

Why are companies moving to Southeast Asia and Mexico to make other goods? Cheap labor, low taxes.

The status quo is proven. If you want to make money, you have to be able to MAKE MONEY. Making a 20,000 car that costs you 23,000 in materials, labor, taxes, etc is not a money making venture.

Want to point fingers? Look past Bush and take a gander at your boy Clinton. NAFTA provided the means for tons of jobs to be outsourced to Mexico, despite promises that we'd export more than we'd import. He also opened up trade with China. We sell them our raw materials for pennies, and they make cheap crap to sell back for huge profits. How can American business compete?

We don't need welfare, government jobs to kick-start the economy. We need to put in place a way to compete with the rest of the world. We can't devalue the dollar and pay workers pennies and hour like other countries. We can't convince them to raise their standard of living. The only way to compete is to produce GOOD products and good prices. You can't compete with cheap crap by making expensive crap.

Also, do you care to explain that Einstein quote to me? Maybe I'm too daft to see where it fits in here.
I read these threads and see the ultra right's hold.

Knowing your mindsets to be every thing your business degrees,education,and business related jobs demand you to be.

I'm a truck driver with a high school diploma. Not everybody who's a conservative fits into your personal stereotype of "the right".

I can guarantee you that there is no better way to create jobs than decreasing the cost of doing business.

Obama can talk all this "growing the economy from the bottom up" nonsense he wants, but it's an economic model that has never worked.
" Also, do you care to explain that Einstein quote to me? Maybe I'm too daft to see where it fits in here".

You may not understand it, but you proved it.
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" Also, do you care to explain that Einstein quote to me? Maybe I'm too daft to see where it fits in here".

You may not understand it, but you proved it.

How did I prove it? In that I argued that lower expenses lead to greater profits, greater profits lead to more spending, and more spending leads to a better economy, a better economy creates more jobs, and more jobs bring everyone up?

You can't just "make" jobs. The money has to come from somewhere. I'm not sure how old you are, or how much experience you have with the real-world, but you can't promise cupcakes and cotton candy, sprinkled with fairy dust. The economy is not built on sound-bytes. More, the New Deal did little, if anything, to help our economy. The New Deal part 2 won't, either. Unless Obama cooks up World War III to bail us out, I don't see how it'll work.

Different does not equal correct. Change for the sake of change is not good. Empty words and generalizations will do nothing to help our economy.
Its not the initial project that generates money, its the result. Take a look at a couple of examples; Hoover Dam, opened up the West for development TVA, power generation for the south for future generations. Both provided a necessity for growth and supplied a massive job market which allowed for people to become upwardly mobile on the economic chain. Thus infusing and growing the middle class.

I'm not saying I am on board with Obama's plan but projects like these pop up about every third generation to get a new sector to start growing. Money borrowed for it now comes back ten fold for the future.

There in lies our current problem. You probably would not see any benefit from a project of this scope anytime for the next generation, but this me first mentality is what is doing this country in.
i know this is a stretch, but this reminds me of a lady who called into the rick and bubba show. she said "i'm not rich like you, but with obama coming into office i will be". what an idiot. like i said this has nothing to do w/ this topic, but it just shows ppl think obama will solve all problems
Obama can talk all this "growing the economy from the bottom up" nonsense he wants, but it's an economic model that has never worked.

Sure, because the top-down approach really worked the past 8 years.
Sure, because the top-down approach really worked the past 8 years.

it worked until the time bomb created by the democrats exploded. Mortgages to unqualified buyers, Fannie/Freddie bundling and selling those mortgages as securities around the world, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd stopping reform at every turn. You see, it wasn't a lack of regulation. It was the regulations imposed under the auspices of the CRA and strengthened during the Clinton administration. Bush tried 17 times during the last 8 years to reign in the mortgage industry.

top down will always work when the free market is allowed to decide winners and losers. Life isn't fair and the asinine quest for "economic justice" will land the US with an economic disaster like Sweden's.
" Also, do you care to explain that Einstein quote to me? Maybe I'm too daft to see where it fits in here".

You may not understand it, but you proved it.
OB2, why did you even introduce Einstein into a discussion on the economy???

"Einstein is a scientific genius. He must know how to correctly govern..."
Its not the initial project that generates money, its the result. Take a look at a couple of examples; Hoover Dam, opened up the West for development TVA, power generation for the south for future generations. Both provided a necessity for growth and supplied a massive job market which allowed for people to become upwardly mobile on the economic chain. Thus infusing and growing the middle class.

I'm not saying I am on board with Obama's plan but projects like these pop up about every third generation to get a new sector to start growing. Money borrowed for it now comes back ten fold for the future.

There in lies our current problem. You probably would not see any benefit from a project of this scope anytime for the next generation, but this me first mentality is what is doing this country in.

Nothing in his policy is creating something new to open doors to something else. It's all handy-man stuff that shouldn't take some presidential-elect decree to do.

Making buildings energy efficient? Cool, but I would wait until the buldings need refurbished anyway. If you've got 10 more years before windows and what not need replaced, wait, so that you're not replacing something then replacing it again. (Like buying a hybrid to save gas, when you just bought a car 3 years ago. The break even point is a lot larger than if you were in the market for a car already, and decided on a hybrid)

Roads and Bridges: States should already by doing this. If they aren't, then what's all this mess going on in downtown knoxville? What will happen is the government will put up some one-time offer for roads and bridges, and states and cities will start "fixing" things that aren't broken just to get their hands on the loot.

Schools: Again, schools are locally run, and should already be fixed by local governments. Knox county just built a brand new one, and has a plan to upgrade others. Many already have tons of computers that aren't fully utilized. Maybe in jolly ol Chicago they aren't used to doing anything without being forced, but most school districts should know well enough what their schools need.

Broadband: This seems like something best left to the private sector. If broadband access can make money, I promise companies will run a line. We are 15th in broadband adoption probably because we're a huge country. It just doesn't make as much sense to run broadband out for 2 rural customers in the middle of Wyoming. They can use dialup. Spending 10 grand for something that will net you 1000 a year (if they decide to pay for it) isn't smart business. I imagine Obama seeks to give out some more 'tax cuts' to allow families the 'right' to broadband access.

Electronic medical records: Ok. This makes sense, but I'm not sure where it fits in with the economic recovery plan. To get this to work, you have to hire computer-literate typists that give a damn about their work. I doubt you'll be able to hire very many impoverished people. We all saw how the voting drives for Obama turned out...whatever it takes to meet your quota and get your money. It does raise the question of security, both from unwanted viewing of records and of the records staying safe. What happens if the hard drive crashes? And the backup? Will our records be going to a central government bank? I'm not sure many people want that. Who has access? It's a lot easier when you know where your folder is located. No prying eyes. I imagine we will still have paper records, and computer records, and backups of the computer records, and the government has to buy offices computers and backups so that everything works together and they have to be hooked to broadband.

I feel like he's creating dependency. "Look at what I, and the Democratic party, gave you! The Republicans will take all these jobs away! Keep us in power!"

If he were this concerned about the economy, he would have proposed these items while in the Senate, or had the Congress vote on them right away. But no, can't let Bush have any semblance of helping, just like FDR sat around in waiting while Hoover took the blame.
We are going to PRINT IT! Then when the economy goes in the tank, it will be like post WWI Germany when you needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread! Bigger Government is not the answer to any of our problems!

VN Store
