How many games will Coker be suspended for?

How many games will Coker be suspended for?

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It would be nice if they came out publicly and stated how long he'll be out. But apparently he and the coaches don't want to do that. I hope it is something relatively minor.

There are some confusing things about what has been said though. As mentioned, the reference to a medical problem would seem to rule out pot... unless they're calling a psychological addiction a medical condition. But then there was the thing about everyone being surprised considering his recent change of attitude... including Coker.

I mean how can you be surprised if you know you did it? Maybe he thought he'd gotten away with it? Maybe an old test? Maybe he missed some counseling and didn't think it would matter?

I'm praying for the kid... I hope whatever it is, he grabs on to someone like Parrish to get through it. KNS had a good article about Parrish and sticking through difficulty with faith and prayer.

if it takes this to turn this young man around then GOD BLESS. and prayer always works....:angel:
honestly I think coker is my favorite player since joey kent.... but I wouldn't mind seeing himg suspended for 5 games. He will never learn if we let him come back for florida. I wish he could be there but,,, sometimes you gotta survive without someone soo I say 5 games
I think at most 2 games, but I also think he gets caught again relatively soon and gets the boot. Seen it too many times.
I'm guessing 2, Cal and Southern Miss.

He will be reinstated before the Florida game (surprise, surprise).
Anybody have any additional info?
I'm hoping he can enter the second half of Cal game, (wishful thinking of course).This is provided he gets his head screwed on right and his act together.
Im hoping that the stipulation is he must pass a drug test within "X" ammount of days.....sooo, If he is smoking or smoked the next time they test him and he passes then he plays the next game when ever that is
I kind of agree w/ HV, though I hope it doesn't happen. He's too special of player to lose, but if he has to learn a lesson 3 times he should learn it the hard way. Hopefully this is a big wake up call to him.
My only problem is that if he gets to play in the Cal game, then we've set a horrible example for the rest of the team. Not only are we telling the other players that it's okay to light up, as long as you're sorry, but we'd be basically telling Foster and the rest of the RB's that we have no faith in the running game without Coker.

I think Coker is an explosive player and we definately need him on the field. However, I can't help but think that the team as a whole would be better if he were made an example of for a couple games.

Just my two cents.
My only problem is that if he gets to play in the Cal game, then we've set a horrible example for the rest of the team. Not only are we telling the other players that it's okay to light up, as long as you're sorry, but we'd be basically telling Foster and the rest of the RB's that we have no faith in the running game without Coker.

I think Coker is an explosive player and we definately need him on the field. However, I can't help but think that the team as a whole would be better if he were made an example of for a couple games.

Just my two cents.

no, no, no, it's ok to light up if you run a 4.3 40 and you've taken it to the house against UF, not just if you're sorry.
heck, if he rushes for 150 against UF this year Phil will hit the bong with him
As many as it takes for him to get with the program.....or is that news flash a little on the late side:naughty:.
If it's sumthin legit, I hope he's sent packing. This program has had enuff troublemakers lately. I wish him all the best, but somewhere else...maybe Ole Miss.

If it is sumthin minor, Fulmer needs to come down hard anyways. Send the message. Hoepfully the kid gets it.

I want Hardesty to get the rock. Coker has skillz, but we can live w/o him.
If it's sumthin legit, I hope he's sent packing. This program has had enuff troublemakers lately. I wish him all the best, but somewhere else...maybe Ole Miss.

If it is sumthin minor, Fulmer needs to come down hard anyways. Send the message. Hoepfully the kid gets it.

I want Hardesty to get the rock. Coker has skillz, but we can live w/o him.

NOOO!! Then we'd have 2 RB's out.
without coker that takes away from our offense, put an interesting loop on their game plan for Cal.
Marijuana addiction could be deemed a "medical condition." And HIPPAA could be used as a reason not to divulge this???

Not sure, just speculating.

Marijuana isnt an addicting drug though. You may want it and have trouble puting it down because you want it, but its not physically addictive.

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