are you kidding me with this stupidity? Yo haven't quoted any of those in this thread. You were using them months ago, again without understanding the nature of the info, to support yor tax fantasy. Lie to yourself all day long, but that's the case.
You implied earlier in asking me how many small businesses will be harmed that the number is relatively small. If that's the case, how on earth is this tax lie going to do anything obama' fantasies purport it will do? How, without someone getting creamed? Seriously, how? How is it not an absolute depressant to a sputtering economy? How?
For every partisan tax article you shell out, there are about 50 from the other side. In fact the thread that listed 500 econ profs, given the sentiment toward that opinion where they work, shoud tell you one helluva lot more than a static model from the brookings institute.
I'm losing my mind, i forget that you have no clue what you're talking about, as you've displayed throughout this thread.
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