If we wait on Stephens and he says no then Martin would have not been there.
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That's pretty cool. I have never figured out how people can write the music they hear. Always seems like to be good at it, you must have some level of natural talent.
Much obliged :hi: I really don't know if I had any natural talent lol. Music is just my number one passion, so I don't find it difficult to put forth all my effort into learning everything about it. I promise this is my last non-basketball post, but I wanted to make clear that I am NOT a music theorist. I am a composer who is also badass at theory and analysis :rock:
you clearly must not know much at all about teaching and being a professor. Shocking.
You can be a professor with a bachelors degree and at most schools with a masters. The PhD is only about getting tenure - but i'm sure you already knew that. You're very wise to be 24. Is there anything you don't know?
pro·fes·sor noun \prə-ˈfe-sər\
Definition of PROFESSOR
1: one that professes, avows, or declares
2a : a faculty member of the highest academic rank at an institution of higher education b : a teacher at a university, college, or sometimes secondary school c : one that teaches or professes special knowledge of an art, sport, or occupation requiring skill
pro·fes·so·ri·al \ˌprō-fə-ˈsȯr-ē-əl, ˌprä-\ adjective
pro·fes·so·ri·al·ly \-ē-ə-lē\ adverb
pro·fes·sor·ship \prə-ˈfe-sər-ˌship\ noun
See professor defined for English-language learners »