Hugh Freeze random guess thread (merged)

Well, goodbye Gruden thread ... ur, uh, I mean, Freeze thread. I'll miss you.



Since the Gruden thread was later named the Neyland thread, can we call this one by another coach? The Majors thread?
I done good until the end. Lost all credibility at that point. Head is buried in shame. lol. At least I can spell lol, at this point. Lol
Always enjoy your posts, seeing you’e one of the few female posters on here. And you ride a Harley to boot! But don’t worry, I’m not gonna go all 365 on ya.
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Dear Vol Friends, I am writing to you all as a follow through to my what I said regarding not posting again. I am as sad as anyone that my source was incorrect in the final outcome but not incorrect in his first information. If you think they werent working on a deal, then I dont know what to say. I am and will always be a Vol and will continue in a different way to call out fake bullies like @PulaskiVolFan. While my appreciation of your support in taking this thread to unprecendented heights is beyond high, I must now do what I said and that is to cease posting. My memories of many of you will be fond and to my adversaries, we all still root for the same color. Thank you all for a nice ride in Volnation fame.

THE Volman365
That's a real shame, I think the ladies of VN were starting to warm up to you!!
Always enjoy your posts, seeing you’e one of the few female posters on here. And you ride a Harley to boot! But don’t worry, I’m not gonna go all 365 on ya.

I've read some borderline creepy stuff on the forum, but some of 365's post crossed every box on that subject. Kinda reminded me of the new kid in school, that wants so desperately to fit in, goes overboard.
I just love watching terrible trolls trip over their own lies. Lying about a drunk driving accident for sympathy is terrible sir.
Yes it is. Some of us have been severely injured by drunk drivers and here he is making up stories about it. I literally am using speech to text because a drunk driver hit me and now I’m only a head. No torso at all. I’M JUST A HEAD
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