Do stars matter? It depends. For perception reasons, I think stars/class rankings are great. A kid whose is highly rated may be more inclined to commit to a "down" team like UT if he sees other highly rated kids are doing it. And the publicity is good, especially for a team and fan base that has had little in the way of good publicity over the last 4 to 5 years. On the other hand, either you trust CBJ or you don't, (or CCM as well). Regardless of the stars, you need to believe that he is picking guys that he thinks can be good. Remember, it has been recently revealed that players are getting stars more often based on the number and quality of teams that recruit them rather than an actual talent eval. We sure can use the momentum of a top rated class, but if CBJ is "the guy" (I think he may very be), then even if we have some players drop a star, you gotta believe that coach sees something in them that he can use to win at UT. I think we have a perfect storm the season in that CBJ has brought new energy in a year with more in state talent than in recent years along with highly ranked legacy recruits. Hopefully CBJ will parlay this into a several year run of top end recruiting. I can't believe we are 2 weeks away from recruiting not being the most exciting thing happening in UT football!