West Houston, so not too close to landfall unless the western high pressure ridge really gets to steering tomorrow. This storm will have two periods. Saturday will be a wind and surge event for mid-Coast around Port Lavaca and north to Sargent. If forecasts hold, this alone will be a massive impact though not huge population centers. Then phase 2 starts on Sunday through ?. Depending on how slow he drifts and how he is steered, the inland flooding could be extreme. That's the primary threat for me. Forecast right now is about 16" rain for my area. But those post-landfall forecasts are highly uncertain.
Just north of San Antonio but actually in New Orleans for the weekend. Supposed to drive home Sunday but we'll see.
well. Hope post PhD life is treating you well.
Yes. Left Michigan earlier this year to take a new role here in Houston. Same company. Now I'm working in our feedstocks organization - commodity markets and developing models to help us secure feedstocks and manage market risk. Very different from R&D but a great chance to do more science policy while still developing numerical models.
I'm wondering if the Weather Channel is blowing this storm out of proportion? It wouldn't be the first time they've exaggerated events.
I used to go to a lake up there somewhere near NB when I was at Fort Sam - it had a beach. We'd take the Lackland air mattresses up there and drink PBR until they were pretty. What's that lake called, was it a park?