Hyams reporting Bray has signed

Translation . . . An agent has fronted him some money in anticipation of his being drafted.
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His letter of intention. He has been playing 3 years under the books so no big loss scholarship wise, imo.
Good riddance, I don't think he was ever cut from the mold that endears a football player to the TN fans.

He was a good QB, but he didn't relate to the fans.
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Other than Tom Brady and Sean Payton, their clients are a long list of NFL mehs.
As expected...the immaturity is flowing in this thread.

Best of luck TB. I don't blame you one bit for taking the money and going after your dream.
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Good riddance, I don't think he was ever cut from the mold that endears a football player to the TN fans.

He was a good QB, but he didn't relate to the fans.

All he had to do to "relate to the fans" (whatever the hell that means) was to win big games. He couldn't win one big game in his entire college career. I could see someone taking a flyer on him in the 3rd round (maybe the 2nd, but I think that would be a mistake).
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