Hyams reporting Bray has signed

The only things left for Tyler to learn are leadership and maturity and a lot of that is simply the passage of time and having experiences that force you to. Whether he starts or rides the bench, he's going to be forced just by the fact that he's fully immersed in a profession to face problems associated with adulthood, paying bills, dealing with money at all, making sure you're there on time every time your employer expects it, contracts, forms, insurances of all kinds, a mortgage or lease and on and on.

That tends mature us all even if we make financial mistakes when we first start out or along the way. He's also going to be expected to lead and act like a 30 year old (since he's a QB) and represent his employer at all times. And that does even begin to cover things.

Point being that entering the NFL will force him to sink or swim and I think he's the type who thrives on pressure but will simply go with the flow when there's not enough.

I'm happy for him and hope he succeeds.
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I dont get it. He was a very good qb. He put the vols in most all games even the ones they should have been killed by. IMO it goes on the coaching staff more than Bray for not winning. I hope he kills it in the NFL and all the haters will be strutting around bragging he come from tennessee if he does well. Good luck Bray Patterson Hunter and Riveira GBO
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I think its funny when people say they don't like Bray because he didn't win... What did Manning ever win?
Absolutely ridiculous.


It is baffling why some on here bash Bray because in their opinion he isn't good enough to be a starter in the NFL. And how many QBs in the history of the Vols have been starting QBs in the NFL for any length of time? I can think of one - Peyton Manning.

There are legitimate criticisms (maturity, leadership), but blaming him for their prediction that he will fail as an NFL QB is a bit ridiculous. If he does become a starter at some point, then he will be the 2nd best NFL QB that ever played for the Vols.
I think its funny when people say they don't like Bray because he didn't win... What did Manning ever win?

Manning won many games, but possibly never when his defense gave up 40 points against a good team.
I don't think when Tyler Bray launched beer bottles off of a balcony and trashed someones car he did himself any favors.

I was in college once and doing that never crossed my mind.
Bray is making the correct decision. Butch wants to run an offense that doesn't fit Tyler. Tyler will be fine in the NFL and its embarrassing to see UT fans bash one of our star players. Our offense was the only bright spot this year and was not the reason we did so poorly. 5-7, 7-6, 6-7, 5-7, 5-7 for those of you thinking this will recruit anyone near Tylers talent anytime soon unless things change drastically.
We didn't lose many games this year because of Tyler Bray. We lost games because our defense couldn't stop a Pop Warner team. Too many games were placed on Tyler's shoulders this year.
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Bray is making the correct decision. Butch wants to run an offense that doesn't fit Tyler. Tyler will be fine in the NFL and its embarrassing to see UT fans bash one of our star players. Our offense was the only bright spot this year and was not the reason we did so poorly. 5-7, 7-6, 6-7, 5-7, 5-7 for those of you thinking this will recruit anyone near Tylers talent anytime soon unless things change drastically.

Tyler had one other offer from a D-1 school when TN offered him. He should be grateful for what he got.
Good Luck Tyler! It's sad we didn't have a defense to back up one of the best offense's that UT put on the field in years.
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How about the ultimate goal? National Championship? Manning couldn't even sniff one. He let someone else come in and win one.

If you are arguing Bray's abilities are even in the same region of the universe with Peyton's, well I'm not sure what to say.
How about the ultimate goal? National Championship? Manning couldn't even sniff one. He let someone else come in and win one.

1995 Record 11-1 Finished # 2
1996 Record 10-2 Finished # 10
1997 Record 11-2 Finished # 7

Were you even alive back then or do you just have a bad memory? You need to google it if you don't remember those teams or don't think they "sniffed a NC"? We were in the national discussion every year and gameday came to multiple games a year featuring the Vols. It was light years ahead of where we are now!
Nonetheless, I don't think arguing against the greatest player to ever play for Tennessee will get you far on this board. Good luck though sport!
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Hope he does well in the NFL. Tyler put us in position for a 9-3 season.

My only negative would be not winning one of the games he had a chance to on final drives.

Looking at USCe yesterday, you can see a difference. Right now he is Tony Romo to me

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