Hypocrites Gather Round...

Is it hypocritical of me to say "they never should have made it to the US in the first place and the Administration shouldn't be paying contractors not to build the wall they are contracted to build to keep them out"?

the wall was and remains a colossal waste of money. You realize of course they were reaching the US under Trump which is why he implemented this policy right?
I still don't understand the point of this thread or who he's calling a hypocrite.

Well, all the Trump supporter should be saying this is at least a step in the right direction. Unless of course they disagreed with Trump's policy in this regard.
the wall was and remains a colossal waste of money. You realize of course they were reaching the US under Trump which is why he implemented this policy right?

The wall is, at a minimum, a physical barrier that certainly helps stem the tide. It won't work all the time, but it certainly is far better than the wide open spaces we have now...

Of course, hypocritical behavior would be saying "walls don't work" and then fighting tooth and nail to keep them from being built. But I suspect you know this already.
The wall is, at a minimum, a physical barrier that certainly helps stem the tide. It won't work all the time, but it certainly is far better than the wide open spaces we have now...

Of course, hypocritical behavior would be saying "walls don't work" and then fighting tooth and nail to keep them from being built. But I suspect you know this already.
Have you even spent any time in LA? Every freaking house has a fence or a wall around it, every one. Wonder why? If they don't work for the southern border, why do they have them in la la land.
I still don't understand the point of this thread or who he's calling a hypocrite.
I'm assuming that believing immigration laws should be enforced is now considered hypocritical? Must be new slang.
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Have you even spent any time in LA? Every freaking house has a fence or a wall around it, every one. Wonder why? If they don't work for the southern border, why do they have them in la la land.

I most certainly have. A lot of them have armed guards as well...
Well, all the Trump supporter should be saying this is at least a step in the right direction. Unless of course they disagreed with Trump's policy in this regard.
Not a Trump supporter. Do believe in enforcing immigration laws. Seriously, since we rarely enforce them, why do we even have them?
The wall is, at a minimum, a physical barrier that certainly helps stem the tide. It won't work all the time, but it certainly is far better than the wide open spaces we have now...

Of course, hypocritical behavior would be saying "walls don't work" and then fighting tooth and nail to keep them from being built. But I suspect you know this already.

Walls don't work and fighting their being built is not hypocritical it is consistent. If you want to stem the tide of illegals you have to eliminate the jobs.
Not a Trump supporter. Do believe in enforcing immigration laws. Seriously, since we rarely enforce them, why do we even have them?

I agree. DHS under Trump, under Obama and I suspect under Biden is nothing but a taxing authority in this regard. I had a client with a large number of illegals working for him. DHS asked for records going back three years. They reviewed the records for 90 days then issued findings and ordered the employer to fire the employees which were determined to be illegal. The employees were not deported. They faced no repercussions outside of termination by the company. They were free to move onto the next job.

Employer received 500k fine which I argued down to 200k payable over 5 years at 1% interest.

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