Hypocrites Gather Round...

I mean it's good they are doing this but why are we paying for flights when we should be stopping the issue at the border? I'm assuming in this article they are talking about illegals that have already crossed and are then caught and flown home.

Just like when Trump was president.
Not a wall supporter. First you build it, but then you have to worry about upkeep. It's a money drain. People will dig under it, blast through it, find ways over it....Sure, it's a deterrent, but not the end all, be all deterrent some seem to think.

I never said it was the end all, be all. But again, better than wide open spaces filled with thousands of illegals wearing "Biden" shirts.
Call it what it truly is...

Jobs Americans think they are too good for and are too ****ing lazy to do.

I view it as jobs Americans don't value very highly and are willing to let illegal immigrants subsidize lower prices. There is a wage point at which Americans would take those jobs, but it is likely higher than consumers want to pay.
Call it what it truly is...

Jobs Americans think they are too good for and are too ****ing lazy to do.
Yep! Roofers, paving roads, slaughterhouses, lawn care, pick and shovel work. The list goes on and on.
I view it as jobs Americans don't value very highly and are willing to let illegal immigrants subsidize lower prices. There is a wage point at which Americans would take those jobs, but it is likely higher than consumers want to pay.

Yeah, because $15 an hour is certainly going to be able to make someone at McDonald's be able to count better and see there's only three items in the bag instead of the four that were paid for.

The answer still comes down to "Americans have decided they are too good for/too ****ing lazy to do manual labor jobs which in turn drives up their student debt on useless college degrees and driving up the price of higher education because the government is paying whatever they ask."

There is a serious cause and effect here that people don't want to talk about.
Yeah, because $15 an hour is certainly going to be able to make someone at McDonald's be able to count better and see there's only three items in the bag instead of the four that were paid for.

The answer still comes down to "Americans have decided they are too good for/too ****ing lazy to do manual labor jobs which in turn drives up their student debt on useless college degrees and driving up the price of higher education because the government is paying whatever they ask."

There is a serious cause and effect here that people don't want to talk about.

No, it has come down to Americans are demanding to be paid a living wage for full time work. When somebody is working full time, they shouldn't be eligible for welfare. In that manner I subsidizing the wages at McDs, WalMart and elsewhere.
Walls don't work and fighting their being built is not hypocritical it is consistent. If you want to stem the tide of illegals you have to eliminate the jobs.

How about Schumer saying walls don't work then it was pointed out a few years earlier he supported building fences and his answer was "I said fences, not walls". Hard to imagine a fence would work but a wall wouldn't. Can we call that hypocritical?
Meh...I already solved the immigration problem. All we have to do is conquer Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Once we rule the hemisphere, illegal immigration won't be a problem.
And the SEC can expand and be everything south of the north pole and east of china.
No, it has come down to Americans are demanding to be paid a living wage for full time work. When somebody is working full time, they shouldn't be eligible for welfare. In that manner I subsidizing the wages at McDs, WalMart and elsewhere.

I 100% agree with this. The number should be much, much lower to qualify for welfare and other aid.
Yeah, because $15 an hour is certainly going to be able to make someone at McDonald's be able to count better and see there's only three items in the bag instead of the four that were paid for.

The answer still comes down to "Americans have decided they are too good for/too ****ing lazy to do manual labor jobs which in turn drives up their student debt on useless college degrees and driving up the price of higher education because the government is paying whatever they ask."

There is a serious cause and effect here that people don't want to talk about.
You should be able to press charges when they **** up your order. Or at least get compensated for the mental anguish caused.
I agree. DHS under Trump, under Obama and I suspect under Biden is nothing but a taxing authority in this regard. I had a client with a large number of illegals working for him. DHS asked for records going back three years. They reviewed the records for 90 days then issued findings and ordered the employer to fire the employees which were determined to be illegal. The employees were not deported. They faced no repercussions outside of termination by the company. They were free to move onto the next job.

Employer received 500k fine which I argued down to 200k payable over 5 years at 1% interest.
You must be proud.

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